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måndag 30 november 2015

COP21 on Global warming, fancy opening with 130 Head of states speaking

As Mr. Obama recited Martin Luther King jr. in his COP21 opening speach, "that there is such a thing as being to late" then saying "and when it comes to climate change, that hour is almost upon us". As every system of matter carry inertia, something not easily measured or monitored, that word "almost" is a clever wording a mere promise and that "almost" may already be passed due. There is a kind of "inertia" with figures easily accessible showing a refusal to change and those figures are the worlds total GNP, the worlds global spending on arms and military and what is needed in terms of funding to halt Global Warming until the year 2030. There is so much more unnecessary spending in our world, just take the Black Friday pushing millions to buy products they don't need. In the west we have an over-production of goods, foods, cars, electronics you name it looking for buyers at every corner of the globe.

It is said that 1.7% of the worlds annual GNP, a modest amount of the total of 80 trillion US dollars equaling 1,36 trillion dollars would make us arrive safe at 2030. At the same time the US budgeted 600 billion dollars for 2015 (peaking at 900 billions 2009) with the Russians more or less at par with the US and with an increasing budget. Add those two military budgets or spending's together and we have what is needed to save the world, but no, some of us seem to want to eat that cookie and keep it at the same time.

Obama in his speech tried to make a point of how much the US had done so far in developing and implementing green technologies and promised that the US would would invest even more to depart from carbon dependent energy in the coming years. Good point, but those investments are only parallel to a lifestyle not supporting a sustainable planet. Some things of this non sustainable world needs to go as new industries will ask for more resources and more energy in addition to the present run-rates of consuming. Our leaders need to tell us what we will have to sacrifice so that our children wont have to inherit a devastated planet. This is a huge political challenge considering how much "wolfs" are out there in the political landscape, I am thinking about some US conservatives and other non-believers. Giving Obama some credit for admitting the US nations role in Global Warming and consider that the next US president could be a republican, once again returning the Global Warming issue to square 0 is a realistic possibility.

Raising beef must be mentioned as it contributes to around 15% of greenhouse gases produced that would be methane, a green-house gas several times worse than Carbon Dioxide. The US is the #1 producer of beef but what a wonderful delight, cage-kept corn-fed cattle for brisket. Cattle that is munching delicious corn, cattle never leaving their cages for pasture, living in darkness in minimal cages. In defense of this sort of grazing it is said that the this cattle held in kilometer-long barns are having a better life than cattle let out to the pastures and that corn-fed cattle produces less farts and belching. Hehe, funny, who could live without beef brisket? The truth is that it takes a lot of fertilizer to grow corn balancing out the difference with cattle pasture grazed in Argentina and New Zealand. We have so much difficulty in abandoning our customs and life-styles that we would go to any length of dismissing or lying to prove that "this" is not the problem.

Why is the arms race continuing? The Global Warming is the number one threat to world and its most dangerous consequence is global instability. I may guess that some nations have pondered the future and that keeping the arms "penis" erected is an option to consider, protecting themselves from the world, even having the option to conquer and reallocate its people when such a situation arises.

Politics, national belonging and patriotism are endangering attempts to stop the Global Warming. If we were dead serious about this threat, we would bring peace to the planet first, but that is not how it looks. We need to resolve the conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, we need to come to terms with governments in nations where serious and fatal deforestation is ongoing, we need to stop nations that promote the "fishing out" of the seas, no more drilling for oil in the Arctics and Antarctica. Finally we need to tear down the borders between nation and unite but not under a global dictator but under a council where all regions of the world have a say, a vote.

If you read me, I do not have much confidence that COP21 will change much in the behavior of the West, Africa, the Far East countries and the devastation of the rain forests or the pollution created from the constant bombardments of territories in the Middle East. I have seen positive change, so there is hope. I myself had my home in Mexico for a period of almost 10 years. When I first settled in 1982 pollution in Mexico City was a big issue getting unbearable at the point where I left. In the beginning of the 21st century the Mexicans seemed to have resolved the problem, no smog, no haze, I could breath again. I have been visiting Mexico City a couple of times every year up to know and the clean air persists. Then we have Beijing today with about the same problems that Mexico city had in the 1980:ties, one of Beijing's worst days of pollution is today, the first day of the COP21.

What else to say, I like to say like Donald Trump a republican candidate for the US presidency confronted with the Nazi analogy said, you tell me, you tell me, you tell me, But let us hope and pray that COP21 will be a different story than the previous attempts and not only fancy wining, dining and romantic adventures in Paris for the delegates. The outcome of COP21 must be more than a boost for the failing Paris tourist industry in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks 14 days ago.

 #cop21 #cop21paris #obama #putin #Russia

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