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A tale from times to never revisit again - my mother making it at no odds

This book is about the times at the Second World War end and what happened just before the ending and up to later years with respect to t...

onsdag 2 december 2015

Homeland USA has its native terrorism claiming many lifes on a daily basis

Not a week passes before another US mass slaughter is being heard of. This current one, not the last one for sure is happening in San Bernardino east of Los Angeles just now while I am writing this and the ordeal is not over. A few days ago it was the "Planned Parenthood" massacre in Colorado Springs and before that Colorado Springs again and before that, you name it because you should keep better track of shooting incidents than me. US media seem slow to react while Swedish media is given live coverage from the scene with figures of casualties and deaths. It is so common in the US today that you may be weary reporting.

Deaths in the US from deranged persons on rampage with arms have claimed more life's than ISIS have done abroad of it's Caliphate and ever will. Are these kind of acts less evil and civilized than those of ISIS? You seem to accept and swallow mass murder done by your own citizens while condemning others outside of your own national borders, What sort of example is that? Are you denying a sort of civil war with illegal combatants, well send them to the Guantanamo prison camp. Waterboarding these individuals would lead to nowhere.

You have some cleaning up of your own homestead to do but seem to focus on the rest on the exterior, the rest of the world. Buddhists talk about turning to inside and if necessary shun the exterior to attain peace but you have always done the opposite, seemingly a hysteric and sick society. You don't have to bother about us for peace and to feel good and by the way it is two-ways, we don't need you.

While being out meddling and manipulating you seem to side with the wrong guys all the time, making disastrous moves and annoying everyone and anything you touch. You invaded Afghanistan and turned it into a puppet-governed nation without seemingly achieving nothing as there are constant acts of terror, uprisings as of today a re-conquering of territories by the Taliban. On the road over there you have made yourself even more hated in Pakistan. Not to talk about the Iraqi disaster, dismantling and removing a working Sunny government, with or without the tyrant Saddam Hussein replacing it with a 100% arch-enemy Iran supported Shia one. You made them into a deck-of-cards when you obviously don't know how to play cards. What sort of "think-tanks" do you have, a house-of-lunatics" that tells your administration what they think you want to hear for a fat check from you military industry? Undercover "rouge" senators supporting Afghan terrorists during the Russian intervention making it look like the financing is coming from Israel and arms dealers? What is the result, a Sunny Muslim ISIS, congratulations?

Let us continue whose next without having to check my diary, everything still fresh in mind. See, I have some sympathy for what George Bush the elder did when USA attacked Iraq, driving it out of Kuwait but then with second thoughts, why did you not go all the way with all the inertia you had at that point in time? A dire mistake was to withdraw with the Iraqi army crippled. Still I am not sure you would have been able to handle it correctly, probably not. Then while blind for what is happening in Iraq you assemble the NATO to bomb out Muammar Qaddafi from Libya but leaving the nation in the hands of warring factions, now a hot-bed and a nest for terrorists, you even lost life's in your Embassy not taking the situation seriously enough. The situation is so out of hands today so to the degree that unstable Tunisia is closing its border to Libya and declaring curfew to protect itself. Further on to Egypt endorsing another dictatorship, displacing democratic elections and branding the unfortunate opposition into another terrorist classed sect - the Muslim Brotherhood. It is like a board of domino, Arab spring reaches Bahrain and US ally Saudi Arabia invades killing protesters. The US has bases in Bahrain so not many words from the world’s first democracy about this violation of a sovereign nation. Next to come or fall is Yemen with another dictator, Northern tribe Houthi advances towards the capital Aden and Saudi Arabia intervene once a again the oil rich ally of the US, with massive casualties - conflict ongoing and another perfect disaster with massive casualties and suffering. Guess we are back to Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq closing this brief road-trip of disasters.

Who the hell do you think you are...? There is no confidence in what you say anymore, no one trusts the USA, have you played out your role as a superpower? There is of course reason to fear a nation like yours armed to the teeth amassing more and more military power, demanding more and more from your allies. USA looks more like a hurt predator cornered up, than a Lion on the Savannah. It seem like you are in for making the same errors as earlier, in Syria you are supporting what you call moderate insurgents and you want them to turn towards the Assad regime. What you have to do is convincing them to turn literally 180 degrees around to combat ISIS. When that objective is achieved and with whatever coalition siding up with your efforts to succeed, you must disarm all forces in Syria before dethroning Assad. In a scenario like this Assad could stay in power until general elections are done showing how a new Syrian government would look like. If you continue your "think tank" strategy of today there are many scenarios for failure but none for success. Syria will become another hot-bed of terrorism with forever fighting factions and nest for radical Islam, a failure for the USA and another pain for the rest of us.

Here in Syria you have the opportunity to come to terms with Russia, shoulder to shoulder with another great nation that has tried another path than capitalism, still very living, sophisticated and powerful. See Syria as an opportunity to bring peace and prosperity to planet earth, not only for yourself but for all of us. You know what the ultimate confrontation with Russia would lead to, annihilation of your own nation and all of the rest of the world. Together with Russia there is a possibility to disarm Pakistan, India and China. A regional nuclear conflict would still kill the most of us and our fauna.

Please listen Mr. Obama, you are on the wrong path of thinking and you have been there for too long. You have been talking about gun control now for almost a tenure of 8 years and nothing has happened, in this respect the term "lame duck" is appropriate. Every time you mention "gun control" there is a rush to the gun stores to buy before it is too late. Even middle age women are spurred to buy. If you would succeed to put "gun control" in place, homes in the US are already saturated with guns and rounds to shoot out whatever municipality. These are the consequences of talking without doing.

Does it feel like I am horrible person, for not showing empathy for the recent loss of life (San Bernardino)? I just have a numb feeling like when playing a video game with lots of casualties but that no one died in real life, it is just that I am presented with too much and to frequent killings in your #Homeland. It is difficult to feel sorry for people so far away and that never seem to grasp why the story repeats over and over.

Russianjet #Russia  #SanBernadinoShooting #cop21

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