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fredag 25 december 2015

#Homeland's are not all the same

Read an interview with controversial Michigan resident Michael Moore that recently had troubles to leave his home because someone had dumped loads of manure on his driveway. There was a passage from his younger self when he back-packed the world and got as far as to the tiny northern nation Sweden, my homeland. Somewhere he had an accident and hurt himself that bad that he had to turn to the emergency room of a hospital, getting treated and stitched up. There was some major surgery made and he was worried about how to pay for it as he knew his Blue Cross card wouldn't pay for it. When he was done and ready to leave he got baffled when he realized he wasn't to be charged for the services given, the personnel in charge just waved him off with something like - good luck and stay safe.

Well, what did my homeland has to offer me a born resident of the nation? Let us start from the back, I got my masters of science from a top notch University, without scholarships and without tuition fees as it was all free to anyone qualifying and being within limits of seats available, I had to pay for my own living and the literature but that was all. To make my living I was granted a loan from the government and what was missing to have a good life I myself filled in by working at winter and summer breaks. Already at this point I had a life independent from my parents, I did not have to burden them with my economical problems and I did not have to bother them with demands of any kind. After graduation I found a well-paid job, it took about 5 years to pay off the loan so I was free, I never took pride in stacking up loans, I wanted to be free and to stay free.

My class 1958
If this was all? My life in this nation meant good schools without tuition fees from the day I started first grade. It meant free medical care from the day I was born and every time I needed doctor's attention later in life it cost me nothing extra independent of what happened to me, multiple times of broken tendons, street fights with stabbing wounds, bad infections requiring specialist treatments, life threatening infections by rare tropical viruses, you name it. Someone had to pay for it all by their taxes and I paid mine too.

Promise to get a leg up
What do you think, all of you that never lived in a nation like mine? Would it not be fantastic without having to worry about your welfare, your's and your families medical bills, your children's education all the way up to levels of the Nobel prize, whatever background you were coming from, the depths of a coal-mine worker or the one owning it all? You would all have the same rights and your children would go to the same class irrespective of wealth.

Strip to stay prominent
Now, times are a-changing in Sweden, mainly because of an idea that individuality comes before anything, the US model. The role model comes from US propaganda through expensive to make Hollywood movies where the good life of a capitalistic model is exhibited and where out-casts and the poor are branded losers and jail-birds. Medicare is not free anymore even though it comes to a moderate cost. Young ones lost their scientific desires instead to become actors and artists so much that seats at universities that formerly were competed for now becomes a matter for auctioning to whoever foreign parent that want to pay for their children to have it. Something has gone awry here as university seats goes to the wealthy instead of upholding an equal-rights model, the model modern Sweden was built from and admired by great part of this world. Auctioning it all out to the ones able to pay will not make a better world. actually it would be better keeping those chairs empty.

With this I would like to show my great appreciation to my nation and those great politicians and those great minds making and manifesting and equal opportunity nation and give thanks to those for what my nation laid at my feet to be used at my desire and will. I took your offer and I am immensely grateful for it all. For the sake of the planet I hope the Swedish model I grew up within, may never be forgotten.


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