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måndag 7 december 2015

No mercy for Edward Snowden - from an up-north and a global democratic perspective

A fine US decorated Christmas tree
What are the similarities between Edward Snowden and Julian Assange? Both would be handed over to US authorities if they ever sat down their feet on Swedish soil. In those days after the second world war, Sweden both stood up for itself against any nation, even the super powers of the world but also played a dirty geopolitical game by spying on Russia for the USA. It all happened under the cover of keeping a neutral stance to conflicts, Sweden did not participate in either one of the latest world wars. Why is this important to know, the answer is twofold but first let us talk about the Swedish signal surveillance from mainland Sweden and its territorial waters. In June 13 1952, five days after I was born, a Swedish DC-3 disappeared over the Baltic sea. 51 years later in 2003, the plane was found riddled by bullets at the bottom of the Baltic sea. Just after the war the Swedish government sealed a secret deal with the  US and the British to help out figuring out the capabilities of the Russians. It resulted in numerous Russian air space violations, you may call it provocations by the Swedish air-force and pilots many times using British or US airplanes. Coming up to the incident were a signal surveillance plane from the Swedish air-force loaded with top-secret US signal surveillance gear is shot down by Russian MiG's was hushed down by the Swedish government and held as a secret to the public.

This intelligence relation between Sweden and the US has gone on ever since, but in secret of course. It is nothing new even though some believes a new page was turned and a new chapter to begin after the 9/11 disaster when the US demands the rest of the world to join its fight against "terror", you are either with or against us. The new "thing" is now the spying on the fiber-optic cables connecting Russia and the Baltic states to the world. Those cables are "bridged" in Sweden, so being completely available and wide open to the Swedish FRA - the NSA of the USA. The offices of the FRA on the inland isles of Stockholm surely have been equipped with NSA gear, more or less the same as the downed Swedish plane in 1952 putting little Sweden in another dependent situation with the USA and a much more scary one than ever before.

Now to the twofold stance of Sweden, that is being independent, a neutral nation and at the same a secret ally of the west. During the days of the Vietnam war and long after there were movements in Sweden totally opposing the US aggression in Vietnam. There were name-worthy Swedish politicians and in particular Olof Palme participating in manifestations and later as head of state, speaking out loud and in public as a representative for Sweden against the US aggression. Olof Palme was outspoken, a supporter of the suffering people in what we called the third world in those days and well known and admired by governments and politicians in those nations. Olof Palme became a problem for the US, he was assassinated February 28 1986 after seeing a movie with is wife, denying body guard protection that night.

Since Olof Palme's assassination there is no nation left on earth being independent from the US, having a voice against the US, except Russia and the Chechen republic and this brings us back to Edward Snowden.

The common US traitor view of Edward Snowden is reflected by many US officials most of them old men, with old cold war views of the world, outdated and downright imbecile. Time has not caught up completely with them persons, they still feel they are official persons, still important, that they did save the world, but they are so close to being dement, a wheel-chair and the grave, Being more sane they should STFU, some of those guys like Michael Hayden have done the world more evil than good, but he is still allowed to air his disrespect for humanity and contempt for other nations and cultures. Then we have that old fart James Woolsey even more ludicrous than Michael Hayden, Both more ridiculously decorated than a North American Christmas tree featured in Disney's Donald Duck, decorated clowns. What is wrong with you...?

In a Swedish television interview with Michael Hayden he is saying, "you are our friends" while putting up that "you fools" smile, a little bit later in the interview he says "we are the most generous with you" talking about inter-exchanging intelligence information between the countries, once again with that smirk'y smile making any sane person taking it as an insult. What would that decorated ass-hole have said? I do not think it matters, it just shows the US stance against the "Rest of the World". When Stockholm was subjected to a suicide bomber, 2 bombs exploding in the center of the city, December 11, 2010, no warning was given. Nothing from that dear relationship with the USA, the CIA or the NSA came to the knowledge of our intelligence SÄPO from our "friend" in the west. Lately, after the Paris attacks we got intelligence most likely from the US NSA or CIA that another terror attack was planned against our nation and Sweden came to a complete lock-down. It later came to surface as being completely unfounded, a perfectly normal person, happy with his life as a refugee in Sweden was implicated being a terror plotter by a foreign intelligence service, most likely the NSA. So much we have got from "generous you".

You are betraying the whole world, you are nothing to trust. Many of us would prefer Putin than Obama only because of all your secret agendas, covert programs and down-right lying. Your voice has a loud pitch but your importance is driven by fear, You have shown how much we can trust you by your interception of basically all of our head of states communications. Do you understand the extent of this fatal failure? You have lost all our trust, but we continue playing the game, got that?

The information "on the loose" as a consequence by Edward Snowden may come down to casualties, persons implicated in those documents, spying programs and procedures revealed but tell me about any greater progress or plan without casualties? The US has "droned" Afghanistan and far into Pakistan, Hell-firing weddings, funerals, churches, homes full of women and children and in the majority of those disasters failed to produce results but instead inflicting far reaching and immense pain for life and fears for living another day. Did you ever think that you would get away with any of those Christmas decorated excuses just assuming the blame for the atrocities you have committed?

What is making me fear for the future is a planet permeated by a US dictatorship. There is not one single nation in the west today with the guts to stand up against the constant threats and humiliation by the US. There is resistance though but on the grass-roots level, those that are not poisoned by a rich prominent US living, goods and favors. I have difficult to understand people and nations where their integrity have been violated by industrial espionage and espionage on their elected leaders without a long-lasting protest followed by action,

Olof Palme stood up against oppression, giving every single individual the vision of a free world, hopes for a borderless world, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom to the individual being.

USA, you are not on that path, you are on a path leading us to ashes and death...

For Edward Snowden being seen as a hero of the planet, he may have to wait long after his death. To maintain hero status with his supporters he will we need to drop his "pining" for his homeland or another new homeland among the western nations as none of those, alas will be able to keep him safe. Bite the bullet, stay with Russia helping it to change for humanity. The smiling Christmas tree decorated Michael Hayden said: I think that Edward Snowden will die as an old man in Russia. I think that Michael Hayden soon will die with all his memorabilia on his chest, to be forgotten as another poor fool born under less fortunate circumstances.

For Sweden giving Edward Snowden a safe haven, no more sales of our anti.personnel missile systems Used by the US with success in Iraq and Afghanistan), no more Bofors cannons for the US AC-130 gunships (highly appreciated by the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan) no more sales to third party countries for our fighter/attack planes as they contain US technology, no more sales for our extremely efficient armor piercing ammunition's. An economically disastrous position for Sweden as our arms technology stands for a great part of the Swedish well-fare. This very situation we already experienced earlier, it is nothing new but is has definitely gotten worse. The same with Germany, France, Holland. Italy, Spain and others. Independence day, just think about how ridiculous it is to celebrate something of the past and especially when you find your nation all tied up by hands and feet, by another totalitarian nation right now, tied up by the American dream.

Sweden is sequestered by the US and that is why my government shuns people like Edward Snowden.

 #nsa #cia #fra #syria #russia #afghanistan

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