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måndag 14 december 2015

Homeland - who is the man from Damascus

Saw episode 11 out of 12, season 5 tonight. Suspense continues and it is well done. I have not said much lately as there is not much to say about the thriller ending, season wrapping up for and crescendo at episode 12. Let me make a guess, the cavalry rides in just before 5 o'clock saving Berlin from a Sarin gas disaster, all Muslim Jihad'i terrorists dead or in custody and all protagonist's needed for season 6 will come out unscathed.

I have been waiting for more tight knit contemporary politics showing more of the dirty games played behind the scenes, especially in Europe but it seem that the story tellers and screen writers lost contact with what's going on in Europe, focusing on spilled and splattered blood, so typical for the USA and Hollywood. For instance the repercussions the Swedish governments decision to do ID checks on everyone entering the nation is having. Immigrants have been boiling up from Germany into Denmark and pushed further up to Sweden, a small nation that thought it could take it all, not so long ago announcing its big heart for people running away from conflicts, "we take all of you that managed to get that far". Well, Sweden reached its limits and is now struggling with the consequences, there is not room for everyone that enters, there is not enough administration to take care of all those that so far entered, there is not enough seats in the schools for their children and so forth. Sweden's budget for 2015 and 2016 is already busted and the government is considering taking loans to cope with the situation.
Now here comes the prime minister of Denmark accusing Sweden to divide something he believes is Denmark, the region of Denmark and Sweden connected by a bridge but where Sweden is responsible for the cost for anyone refugee/immigrant that crosses over that bridge in direction of up north. The Swedish decision to limit immigration at this time is because of dire needs, Sweden cannot guarantee the safety or the livelihood of more people entering the nation. Denmark is seeing this as threat as immigrants will accumulate on its territories, they themselves are taking the same actions as Sweden and it all trickles down to Angela Merkel and her Germany, closing its borders as she says, this is what we all Germans want and need to do.

In Homeland we are seeing a fairly moderate view on Putin's Russia and the Russians point of view of how to deal with situations in a global world mainly through the fabricated eyes and mind of the SVR. The Russians in this Hollywood flick are seeing the same threat from radical Islamist's as the US and its CIA but are taking a less compassionate stance to ordinary citizens when it comes to give ISIS a blow. Russians still come out as the villains while the US remains the hero, trying to make good, saving the world from evil.

Agatha Christie
Europeans are with movies and drama, in general more for playing around with mind than creating suspense through explicit action. In the beginning of Homeland season 5, I saw a strong connection between what is actually happening in Europe and what was presented to me in this "flick", now approaching the end I see nothing but another Hollywood creation, the regular shit with, time running, swat teams, black op's, bad guys, good guys and once again the US saving all western democracies.

I am not expecting more from Homeland at the last episode 12 of season 5, than seeing the good guys, beat the bad guys which is less than what I was expecting to see. It all started out as a promise trying to explain what is wrong with our world and planet but ending like any of numerous action movies. This said before it is all over and before something I am waiting for with anticipation, my Christmas dinner of 2015.

Still I love the Homeland soap, can't wait for the next episode...

      #Russia #Putin #SVR #CIA

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