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tisdag 17 november 2015

Homeland, another step closer to reality

We had the Paris attack a few days ago with more then a hundred persons killed in the street from a coordinated terrorist attack. As it looks the whole thing was orchestrated from a radical Islamist cell of Belgium, the European terrorist hot-spot with participants from Syria entering France hiding in the floods of Middle East refugees. IS/Daesh involved, does it matter? That Europe had radical Islamist cells engaged in plotting terrorist acts were by the general public known long before the formation of the IS, ISIL/Daesh and seemingly found in every European nation, even my country, the small peaceful nation way up north.

In Homeland this particular episode we find the injured, close to dying CIA assassin Peter Quinn being picked up on the street by a Muslim doctor carrying him to his home saving him from dying from his severe gun-shot injury. The house where the doctor lives is not only his home but a also the home of a German terrorist and his doubtful friends. The Muslim doctor has to fight the others in the house to keep his doctor's oath and patient alive, succeeds but the die-hard Islamist radical just released from prison, dies when he attacks Peter.

Keeping watching the Homeland series and being a European is like living a parallel life, one fictitious the other real, the events unfolding in Europe comes perfectly mimicked by Homeland but with Homeland being one step ahead of the real ones as if the real world mimics the television series. The Syrian general Yoseff's plane that disintegrates in the air from a purported Russian bomb, the Russian plane that disintegrates in the air from a purported IS bomb, A German would-be Islamist terrorist cell plotting to kill many Europeans at the streets and on their home turf, A Belgian terrorist cell that plots and kill's numerous innocent people on the streets in Paris. Feels like I don't need my real world anymore even though I have to live it day by day instead of 1 hour, once a week.

I'll keep watching with utmost presence looking for clues of what is going to happen next in my world of reality. Yes, what is going to happen? I don't know I have not come that far with Homeland yet and nobody could know for sure as this particular situation just started to develop. France is going for vengeance and scaled up bombardments over IS targets, more French air-power is on the way on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier possibly loaded with cruise missiles also. Are we seeing a vendetta war firing up as more gasoline is poured into this fire and considering that there may be plenty of terrorist sleeper cells waiting for orders to activate on orders?

We got the cold war back with a huge Russian budget invested to modernize it's forces, it's navy and air-force on training missions far away from it's territories even touching US coastal borders and voiced up rhetoric's from it's leaders. China is threatening US reconnaissance missions even when on international waters and basically doing what Russia is doing both challenging the worlds strongest nation. At another angle it may look as the 2 adversaries, USA and Russia is coming together over Syria but it is also scary proposition, we have to ask ourselves, is there room for mistakes and errors?

Well, see you again after next episode of Homeland, perhaps even earlier as we all are living interesting times.


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