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måndag 9 november 2015

Homeland - conspiring to change the world

I always try not get caught by the conspiracy theories as they tend to lead one away from living a life. Consider this line from the AA prayer: - God, give me grace to accept with serenity, the things that cannot be changed - What I am saying is that there are things beyond our control and powers but if we still decide to do it we will become frustrated, loosing time and energy that could be used in our everyday life, like spending more time with our spouses, kids and friends.

Now, this case is an exception as I enjoy writing trying to entertain myself and others, to get all those thoughts written down and organized into something coherent. To engage in writing about big politics conspiracies, to produce some ludicrous or enticing fiction, yes, why could or should I not do that when so many are doing it, for money, to keep others in suspense in front of their television sets or reading in front of their device screens.

The FBI and CIA conspiracies are popular, books, movies and television series produced by the host nation itself are numerous, often depicting the mentioned agencies as all seeing and evil and there is probably plenty of real life deeds behind as in the saying, no smoke without a fire.

The situation in the Middle East comprising many nations and in particular the hot spots, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria has come out of a vacuum created when the US forces started scaling down to become a furnace full of insurgency and violence something we like to call a hot-bed of terrorism. The US (read Obama) became hesitant to loose more soldiers on the ground to all kinds of terrorist acts, car bombs, suicide bombers but primarily IED:s and turned over to military advisers, air strikes and taking out insurgent leaders by drone strikes. Now, I believe the war has been taken to covert grounds so many times tried before where nothing seemed to work, the dirty works of the CIA, sort of a Chinese triad with thousands of US people involved all over the world, the embassies, the ambassadors, the adjacent CIA offices with it's autonomous administration, agents ready to manipulate and operatives ready to kill whatever the there's on the kill list they are passed from their superiors. The covert war is cheaper as the idea is to have others to do most of the dirty work for you while succeeding in upholding a world power status without having massive lost of own life's on the ground.

So what is the "Homeland" conspiracy trying to do with us all? I myself have been uneasy following the series, frustrated seeing one bipolar sociopath that is Carrie Mathison and a psychopathic CIA assassin-killer, Peter Quinn getting away murdering hordes of non North Americans but with that sentiment turning into empathy for the two when they are to be discarded or terminated by their own employer, the CIA. I feel manipulated myself knowing what they did to the world before they became victims themselves.

Getting into the real time details of this television flick we just had the news or faith of flight 9268 from the Egyptian super resort on the Red Sea bound for St Petersburg loaded with Russian tourists homeward after pleasure vacations presented to us. A bomb on board is by intelligence agencies of the west said to be at 99,9% probability the reason for it's dramatic fall-down from the skies over the Sinai desert. ISIS took claim of the downing of the plane almost immediately and it seem as an act of vengeance as the Russian for at least 2 months has bombarded insurgents heavily over Syria, even the ISIS. But why would ISIS do something like this, a strategic mistake, an act leading to suicide just from knowing the nature of the Russian? It is not logical at all, Arabs or Muslims are not stupid knowing how oriental or western minds work, why would they commit such a stupid act?

Back to "Homeland" again we learn from season 5, episode 4/5 that someone at the CIA planted a bomb on the Syrian general Youssef's plane back to Syria, returning home after the operation of his daughter at a hospital in Switzerland, all on-board killed while some CIA operatives are watching the plane disintegrate from below on the tarmac. In the plot and prior to the explosion, the high ranking CIA official Saul Berenson tries to convince general Youssef to plot against Bashar al Assad providing him 10 million dollars to persuade others in the Syrian ruling class to follow.

What about the "Kippah" people, the Jews, the Zionists in Israel? Who knows. What we know is that they are extremely competent in manipulation of the world, in staying sealed off from the it's violent surroundings. The information about the possible faith of flight 9268  is said to come from the Israeli intelligence passed on to the US and British intelligence agencies. The Israelis are fine with keeping Bashar al Assad in power as they know and as we know that whatever alternative would mean deepening terror and deepening hardships for the Israeli nation, just contemplating Iran and Hezbollah at it's borders with the fall of the Syrian regime or ISIS the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian backed alternative.

Who planted the bomb on Russian flight 9268? The US would benefit from their stance of not having to engage loosing ground troops in Iraq and Syria, saving dollars from bombing less over the territories of Iraq and Syria, not having to be seen as the bad guy anymore giving it all to the "barbaric", Putin and his Russia. What about Israel and it's die hard leader Netanyahu? Well, provoking Putin to vengeance to and eradicate the Sunni resistance to Bashar al Asassad would be worth a try, wouldn't it?

Who did this will remain a mystery, we may never know but whoever that committed this atrocious crime it will become written into the crust of this planet, an act against the creation and God itself.

I do not believe that the CIA and it's superior the US State department cares for human life's unless they are from the continental US itself, the promised land, the land of true patriots and war heroes. Would a civilized nation committ atrocities and war crimes? Many people remember Chuck Yeager, the pilot that broke the sound barrier later setting numerous records as a test pilot. During world war II he and his pilot mates received orders from the Eight Airforce to strafe "anything that moved" meaning spraying corse machine gun fire over civilians. Refusing to do this would mean court martial, so he did, one of the great heroes of the USA. There are numerous other occasions where a civilized nation committs atrocities, like in the village of Song My, Vietnam, Napalm bombing over areas with civil populations, Agent Orange bombings over vast forestal areas and crops and more. Dirty covert operations are more than fiction.

So, who brought down the plane with the Syrian general Youssef in the fictitious Homeland TV soap and why and who brought down the real flight 9268 with 224 innocent humans October 31st 2015, ISIS, Mossad, CIA, MI6 or the Russian SVR itself and why? The reasoning in fiction and real life points in the same direction.

#Homeland #Afghanistan #Iraq #Syria #Libya #Egypt #Yemen #Obama #CIA #NSA #Germangate #Putin #SVR #Mossad #MI6

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