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söndag 29 november 2015

Black Friday feels like an insult to those who died in Paris

I don't really want to write about this, I would rather turn my writing inwards reflecting what is going on inside myself, my thoughts, feeling my history but there are too many disturbing circumstances going on around on the outside triggering, let me say this compulsive side of me. Compulsive writing, hm, sort of funny but at the same time rather creative.

Fourteen days ago 129 people were murdered and numerous others injured from a terrorist attack in Paris, France. It all started early night, Friday the thirteenth, November 2015. I in-conscientiously labeled the event Black Friday with complete forgetfulness that this was the great shopping day of the USA piggybacked to Thanksgiving. I read somewhere that the Black Friday shopping, the close to holy mother of all shopping and discounts was invented and been around since 1930. During a period of about 8 years when I was working in Texas, the phrase Black Friday never rung out in any of my bells, it came to my awareness just a few years ago through one of my "net-shopping" malls and I have been doing net-shopping since it all started. I can just say that I am puzzled over this phenomena as some say that it has been going on big for 85 years. I have been living in the states and in those fairly recent years no one spoke about Black Friday. I am Internet guy that has been on it long before it went public (1983) and long before the general crowd started using and talking about it (1997) and it is not only until recently it is making headlines and really started to haunt us. It has gone so far that the concept of the Black Friday has hit nations outside of the US, my nation Sweden is making big noise about Black Friday since about 2 years back, I am amazed and disgusted at the same time.

Giving thanks one day and the next going on a greedy shopping rampage when there are so many starving and freezing to death, even at our own door-steps. I read an article on the net today making fun of the Black Friday. It was written as a report from a disaster zone, the zone was the entire USA with 45 millions deaths as a consequence from Black Friday shopping, people trampled to death, shot stabbed, bludgeoned you name it, with all rights as Black Friday always result in casualties. With a culture like this, permeated with lust, desire and greed, do anyone of you believe that we will be able to cope with Global Warming?

Back to where I started, the label Black Friday mean darkness over all of us and with this light-hearted shopping-spree event coming up once again promoted over the dead bodies of the ones killed in Paris on Europe's Black Friday, I cannot feel anything else than disbelief in our future. It was thoughtless, tasteless a show of disrespect for all of us, living and dead. The Black Friday should have been brought down at least for this season. I am surprised that the US administration, congress, senate or one of those great "Think Tanks" you have not came to think about this and in time for the Climate Change congress in Paris.

With this off my heart I feel relaxed and for now free from compulsive writing. See you again tomorrow, as I am sure we are progressing towards another disaster, So far I had at least one a day and there seem to be many compulsive nights ahead.

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