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söndag 22 november 2015

James Woolsey former CIA director a ludicrous old fart and yet a formidable danger to peace and stability on earth

Giving a free world the finger

If anything makes me angry and I think anyone should getting caught by those feelings of anger when someone that incompetent and ludicrous like James Woolsey former CIA director is let to speak in public, wording delusion and lies, it is time to speak out about who deserves to be hung by the neck instead of being electrocuted. How much damage to the world has this person already done when he was active in his career?

This man, James Woolsey is blaming Edward Snowden for what is happening in the world with respect to terrorism, intending to fool the world that Edvard Snowden offered terrorists and drug trafficers means to communicate without timely interception. That the Paris attacks was the works of Edward Snowden?

Placing of blame on Snowden for terrorists using some of the most widely recognized pieces of operational security seems more than stupid and ludicrous. But the propagation of free, end-to-end encrypted communications applications such as WhatsApp, Signal, RedPhone, Wickr,Telegram, Tinder have made it easier to encrypt communications and anonymize the recipient of the messages, which was the intentiond.

We know that terrorists have been using encryption for at least 15 years while the Snowden revelations unfolded in 2013. We also know that the majority of these computer communication programs and in recent years "apps" were developed by US companies and spread to mobile communication platforms like the Iphone, Samsung a all whole array of others before Edward Snowden published the NSA documents. Mr. Obama recently hailed ISIS for their excellent public relations on the Internet. ISIS has got all sorts of brilliant young people to join many of those prominent in digital media and programming. Getting hold of 256 bit encryption algorithms is peace of cake for them as it is for some of us more friendly geeks around the world, without having to read a single secret NSA or CIA document.

The mobile platforms for communications (apps) developed mainly by US companies were invented to evade web history, to evade leaving traces on servers in the world wide web, to avoid annoying marketing and to bring privacy back to individuals. There is a back side to this thinking, making it possible for criminals evade police and justice. It is as simple as that and it has nothing to with Edward Snowden.

It has to do with geo-politics. It has to do with the the US interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq, it has to do with the half-ass, less than half-thinking of some US NGO "tinkering" tanks, not being able to give your nation the consequences of what the consequences of "tinkering" would be for the long run. The result, the destabilization of the the Middle East and North Africa with further destabilization of the entire European Union, now with massive floods of immigrants while the US has assumed no more than 1200 immigrants for the year 2015.

Assume that this writing is directed towards, hehe, the caretakers (of the graveyard) of the population of the USA, how could you let another of your clowns speak out like this over-the-top, over-aged, a retired James Woolsey not having a clue of what is happening in a digital world created by yourself and that already has done so much damage to the world? Who should be subjected to the death penalty, James Woolsey or Edward Snowden? Who is firing up the hatred against you, the USA, James Woolsey or Edward Snowden? The noose is dangling up there for you to decide whom to put in it, while I thought you abandoned the hanging noose or electric chair for the more "human" lethal injections. My suggestion for you is to give up this kind of speaking, to give up the death penalty based on religious fiction - the bible, you could do better than this, a nation with science as the base for it's long term existence.

Just consider that long before Edward Snowden betrayed your spying on all of us, the Russians were better mathematicians than you, if you know what I mean, talking about things like encryption and playing chess...

Forget about Edward Snowden and focus on what went wrong, One clue is ridding yourself of people in prominent positions like James Woolsey. Get people like this "off the boat", give him at least a symbolic "noose" before it is too late...


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