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torsdag 26 november 2015

About the USA, a relatively small nation using up 20% of the planets resources refusing to giving it up

The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference is yet to start November 30. It is has been announced as this falls big event and it has been inside my mind since the start of its headlines even dreaming about it. The other day I saw a documentary about past recent years in Syria with an Anglo  reporter following some Syrian families and individuals and stumbled over some stuff I did not know before. There was a severe drought in Syria between 2006-2009 that made people on the country side mainly farmers abandoning their farms and homesteads for the metropolitan areas peaking about 2011, nothing to grow nothing to eat for a couple of years. During those years that is from 2006 up to 2011 there was also an influx of immigrants from Iraq 1,5 million people into a nation of only 22 million worsening the situation, more hungry mouths to feed, no water, nothing to harvest, dying or dead livestock in stables and on the fields. The reason for the drought is said by scientists to be the Global Warming.

I heard some individuals telling their tales about what they encountered coming to cities like Damascus. One guy finding a lowly job as a waiter at an upscale hotel in downtown Damascus saw prominent Syrians spending money on expensive meals, caviar and champagne hearing people in fancy dresses talking about billion dollar deals when rural Syria was devastated by drought. Most people coming to the metropolitan areas did not find jobs, if they where lucky they had family providing for them.

Why would people flee Iraq for Syria, a US controlled "peaceful" nation with the "mother of all wars" behind them? Those who fled Iraq must have been Shia Muslims, possibly Sunny Muslims, fleeing into a Shia governed country because of oppression in their homeland? Facts tell that 1,5 million refugees entered Syria during those years making the situation far worse than from just drought.

Back to the principal problem on planet earth, the global warming and to facts and figures. There is one nation on earth that stands out in front of others when it comes to green house gases, the USA. A nation of 320 million people responsible for 20% of the total emissions that for 2 decades has opposed and hampered efforts to contain a looming disaster, staying beneath the 2 degrees centigrade increase in global temperature before 2050 to avoid excessive temperatures, drought and disastrous rise in sea levels that would drown a great part of the worlds low-land living populations.

A nation constituting 4,5% of the planets total population but contributes to 20% of the worlds emission of green-house gases! I have not heard anyone making this association before but those 20% of greenhouse gases may be equivalent to the consumption of 20% of the worlds total resources. 4% of the worlds population using up 20% of the planets total produce, can you imagine? I do not think this assumption is far from the truth. With such a  burn-rate of resources it is not strange to envision a nation that protects its interests with claws and teeth. A superpower needy to protect its interests by global dominance, by military strength and power. A nation with a population used to the good life, with individuals focusing on a long life, a smooth young face kept in place by plastic surgery, breast implants and injected substances like Botox only to maintain a sex-life with their spouses and partners, more interested in the well-being and health of their pets than children in less prominent areas on the planet.

Syria and its administration was subjected to an extraordinary situation resulting in upheaval and violence. Aggravating the situation for Bashar al Assad was the false promises of the "Arab Spring" fueled by western ambition. stupidity and military intervention, that any living child on earth today above 8 years of age would deem a complete failure. And still we that what we did was right?

Reflect over how we in our western democracies treat protests from students, the "Occupy" or "Reclaim" movements, sooner or later we will sweep the streets from this "vermin", using the police or the military to bring "capital" order back to our societies returning to "business as usual". We all know they are right but we prefer peace of mind and order before compassion and justice.

Whatever injustice or suffering that has been inflicted on the Syrian people by the administration of Bashar al Assad, we are all guilty to whatever atrocities that happened yet, still is happening in Syria to great part of the Syrian people over the past 6 years since about 2009, but USA accounts for the greater part of the guilt than any other nation. With all rights, I agree with Vladimir Putin, let the Syrian people decide. Any militant Islamist's should get the same treatment as ISIS. USA - stop meddling in Syria and join Russia to rid the Syrian soils of insurgent movements and terrorists, then we'll have democratic elections and a world in peace. 4,5% of the world's population will not do it alone, to achieve peace you'll need the trust and support of the rest of us, something you don't own at the moment.

I am puzzled about how the world community is letting the US getting away with raping and pillaging our planets resources, if this was contained within the territories of the USA so be it, but it is not. Why do we not contest the daily bombardments of the regions spanning from Afghanistan to the Levant, continues bombardments ever since the Gulf war, those certainly contribute to the advancement of global warming? Constant big fires and explosions are to the planet like eating sugar by the spoon to the human body.

#Syria #ISIS #Obama #Putin #Arabspring #Daesh #Climatechange #ParisClimateTalks # ParisClimateConference

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