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onsdag 25 november 2015

Turkey plays right into the hands of ISIS managing to destabilize NATO

Recep Tayyip Erdogân - the evil?
Read an excellent analysis by CNN Nick Robertson concerning the Turkish downing of the Russian SU-24 bomber and what may follow for the world. So far western nations, armed to the teeth have been able to level-headed manage incidents where Russian military planes have been stirring up emotions by fly-byes, brief border intrusions and simulated attacks. Not so with the Turks, a rather obscure but lethal attack on one the worlds super powers. Scandinavian pilots and in particular Swedish as well as US pilots have built nerves and experience concerning encounters with the Russian military, in air and on the seas only resulting in media headlines and diplomatic protests yet without raising the pitch against Russia causing situations of crisis.

The words of NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg in support for Turkey rings out with mistrust by anyone seeing unity as the only way to succeed in bringing stability back in the Middle East, to rid us of ISIS and other Islamic militant threats. An apology to Russia would have been a much better response. Perhaps it was never a good idea to place NATO leadership in Europe, a puppet governance half-ass controlled by the US, why we are here right now is because that puppet was let on the loose.

Yesterday I assessed the possibility that the Russian bomber was hit by an air-to-air missile over Turkish territories by measuring the fly over distance and airspeed of the Russian plane coming to the conclusion of an 12 second long intrusion according to the Turkish radar plot. Today I saw something I seldom have seen presented in a situation like this, US military experts making an assessment of less than 30 seconds fly over time. In my assessment the plane would have been flying at 1000 km/h and in the US assessment half that speed, nevertheless both renders the probability that the Russian plane was shot down over Turkish soil improbable. There is possible scenario, as the Russians say, a planned attack with Turkish fighter jets in standby waiting for orders to fire at border cross-over. My calculations yesterday were based on Google Earth, Turkish radar plots and SU-24 data, I think I was quicker in assessing the situation than the US military.

The Turks claim they warned the Russian bomber crew 10 times but is there a reason to warn before the radar trajectory clearly shows an intent to intrude and is it possible giving 10 warnings when the over-pass takes 12-24 seconds? Is there even time to make a kill with such a short lapse of time. No Turkish fighter jets are seen in videos so the missiles must have been fired from great distance.

Is this possible to repair or have we made irreparable damage to NATO by being lenient to Turkey, a nation with an agenda to once again became as was once the Ottoman empire? That agenda is set by the leaders of the Turkish nation and not the majority of its people as Turkey is to 80% an agrarian and poor nation even though that leadership is fueled by 80% Islamic voters. ISIS is not the real threat to the world, but its sponsors are. Not one single western nation is a sponsor of ISIS and that includes Russia. The only way to resolve this is to come to terms with Putin and his Russia, but who is capable in doing that? Forget about France's Hollande or Germany's Merkel, only if Obama and the US comes to the senses it could be achieved.

A message to the US is to disarm NATO or to take its leadership back showing clearly that the alliance stands under US governance. Making an apology to Russia is already passed due so it may only be done by intimate talks between it's leaders.

I believe it can be done, but for now, ISIS has a leg up.

Russianjet #Turkey #NATO #OTAN

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