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A tale from times to never revisit again - my mother making it at no odds

This book is about the times at the Second World War end and what happened just before the ending and up to later years with respect to t...

fredag 20 november 2015

Victims of ourselves and IS - democracy, personal freedom and integrity

In a small country where political correctness has ruled for almost 3 decades the parliamentary system is crumbling. Sweden's traditional parties, conservatives, liberals and socialists are rapidly losing ground to fascism as from the last election and all have lost so much voters to the Sweden Democrats (SD) with roots in fascism that it appears being the biggest party for now. To maintain old day’s stability and to suppress the power of the SD in the parliament an agreement between the incumbent parties called the December Agreement was made virtually nullifying SD votes. What happens with democracy and voters trust when democracy is manipulated? Any political party within the agreement will have to let its voters down unable to comply with agendas and promises set before the election and the party will consequently loose voters. The party being excluded from the voting process in the parliament will take advantage of the situation and will with all rights claim that democracy is brought out of play making even more voters, all over the political spectrum angry considering to change side. This is what has happened in Sweden.

To make things worse, the current situation in Sweden is deepening the mistrust with the incumbent political parties, the head of state and his government as floods of refugees from the middle east is entering its borders saturating the nations administrative resources, the border police, the regular police, the immigration administration, the welfare system, charity organizations, housing, schools, transportation, you name it. Yesterday night with sub-zero temperatures and rain, the latest immigrants had to spend the night outside as the temporary immigration shelters were full. Sweden's immigration minister Morgan Johansson went out in media saying that Sweden is unable to take in more immigrants.

Concurrent with an immigrant situation that more than resemble a state of national emergency Europe is hit by a massive terrorist act in Paris with promises from IS of more to come. We learn that terrorist may be embedded among hordes of immigrants where immigration control is haphazard or completely lacking. The day before yesterday Swede's are confronted with a press conference where the secret police (SÄPO) announces that a terrorist hunt is ongoing in Sweden asking the population to be alert.

All this is leading Sweden towards new laws allowing agencies to perform surveillance without limits, all sorts of registrations at entry points, what a person does at an airport, what he eats on the train or plane, where he is at any time, possibly also what his stool is composed of. Personal freedom and integrity is soon a mere laughing matter. Agencies want an autobahn into our computers so that they may use our digital keys used to encrypt information when we communicate with Skype or apps like WhatsApp, Messenger or making bank transactions. Sweden is a country where authorities and banks have done everything to make away with cash.

There are talks about how to implement such schemes and mentioned was giving agencies the right and means to plant viruses/Trojans into our computers, tablets and phones or whatever future device we will be using for communications. You may think "ludicrous", how would they do that? Penetrate our personal firewalls and go undetected from the anti-virus software some are using? Well, almost all of us are dependent on digital banking that in turn relies on secure connections and digital certificates. Banks and other institutions will be subjected to laws demanding them to plant this malicious code into your device, this over a secure connection. Another way of planting "malicious" code into your devices could be having suppliers of operating systems to do it. All this is proposed to protect your nation, not you, from terrorism, piece of cake.

But, just imagine what will happen when hackers break into your nation's agencies networks and computers. There will be no one admitting guilt when someone broke into your computer or device, emptying your bank accounts using the same schemes, the same code planted by your nation's agencies to protect you. I don't think anyone on earth will solve this dilemma. Is it likely to happen and are you willing to risk this? This will not only be used for stealing people's money, it will be used to incriminate you, when needed. If you never went out on the street to protest, now it is time to do it, to rid ourselves of corrupt, stupid or naive governments intending to impose this evil on us.

The "Matrix" is soon upon you, is this what you want for you and your children?

        #Putin #Russia #FSB #SVR #GRU #CIA #NSA #Obama

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