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lördag 28 november 2015

Starting out in the evening. a movie about true love...

I have never been a morning person, my real creativity always ignited with the darkness falling over the skyline. In my younger years anything that scored me points in my exams started late like midnight and into the early morning hours, even though I had to be up at 7 eating breakfast to be at whatever, school, an exam or business.

The life of a vampire it may seem but never the less it just goes on, I am most creative after midnight, programming the web, apps, inventing stuff or writing. Somerimes I feel that I need to break with what we sometimes would call a bad habit, but I can't and I never could. It may be time for me to accept that this is how I am meant to be. In my primary and secondary school years I stayed awake late at night hiding my reading under covers with a flashlight, reading anything from encyclopedias to adult litterature borrowed from my parents library,

I am an intellectual, peoples say and a romantic. I am experiencing a less creative period in my life it may seem even though I am inventing things for me to keep active at daytime like gardening, picking up of ancient ways of cooking, special bread baking, wine making of domestic fruits and all sorts of maintenance chores on the old house I am living in. I have no problem in filling in the hours of the day but at the end of the day, darkness falling I sit down in the couch in front of my television watching whatever is coming at me. That is not me, I may be depressed even though I still fail to be in bed before midnight.

Sofar I have had a traditional low budget approach to television, no premium content, those hundreds of channels available just signing up and paying the bill. Even though I am connected by fiber the only content I have access to are the public channels and the channels sponsored by publicity. In my present couch-potatoe period I figured that most content that reaches my screen is action, violence and soap flicks primarily served by the channels funded by publicity. I feel for no more Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jason Staham and others. Movies based on violence, supernatural strength and over-sized arms so over sized that not even the US military has them. All those black OP´s crap and all crashing black SUV's animated garbage.

I said I was a romantic which still holds true. A few days ago the name John Cassavetes downed on my mind, I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I was fed up with action movies, their violence, supernatural survivors and explicit sexual connotations, I wanted my romantic me back,I wanted to get back to that intellectual stuff I have been parted from for so long, where the sex is more of the matter of mind than making penetration and skin contact.

I was lucky today, I saw the movie: "Starting out in the evening" a movie about an aging male writer, his life and a much younger female litterature critic with a sensual and sexual connection to her object of study. Intellectual yes and brilliant yes. Myself, I always start out in the evening.

I got what my mind was craving. I was served on a plate what John Cassavetes or Woody Allen never were able to deliver, a trustworthy romance beween an older and a younger person. I have been there myself and I now that neither the romantic nor the sexual desire leave us until we are six feet under,

To all you females, it is still a world where mostly the males are leaving their loved ones in bed, getting dressed, picking up their arms to go out killing or being killed in a meaningless or pointless war. Please keep your loved men in bed, making love instead of death, whatever the consequences.

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