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lördag 14 november 2015

Paris attacks, casting the blame and delusional thinking

Values Torture at Bagram Afghanistan
This is not the best time to say what I am going to say as some will crave empathy for the terrorist victims in Paris and nothing else accepted, but at the same time there will never be a better time. I am not defending this horrific act, in contrary condemning it but you have to remember the underlying causes. It is delusion to say that what happened is inhuman as history tells of as much of the inhuman (evil) as the human (good) nature in us humans. In near history just mentioning the Abu Graib Baghdad prison, the Bagram airbase in Afghanistan, the Guantanamo base prison - Cuba, the "extraordinary renditions" to clandestine prisons of torture, hundreds of thousands of families that lost family members, children everything they had, rape and executions performed by western nations and nationals with values. Those subjected to this will never forget, not their loved ones, nor will their children.

As usual after terrorist attacks or atrocities committed by military forces we go looking for someone to blame. In the Paris case - IS of course, an organization, or rogue wannabe state in conflict with great part of the western societies while the act committed was done by mere national individuals, a small group of friends with a common interest that met in Quran classes. We would like to have a mastermind behind, someone among our adversaries, someone on the outside singled out to make the planning, ordering and dispatching, a Hitler, a Qaddafi or a George W Bush so we could focus on the outside and retaliate and forget instead of looking inwards. A strategy always bound to fail creating repeats.

Being true to ourselves and societies it would be wiser to go looking for what is wrong on the inside of our own borders. We all know what is wrong and why young men and women becomes frustrated and disgruntled facing a situation of hopeless unemployment, racism and intolerance to religions not compatible with traditions. The ones committing terrorism are young people and the reason they attach or pledge allegiance to movements like Al Qaeda or IS is that they perceive hopes of another life, a new beginning in a fair society, with morals and ethics and where every soul counts, there is nothing sinister in their dreams and desires. When promises by government after government doesn't materialize they'll cross the line over to use radical methods and means to be heard. I do not believe for a moment that the ones that committed the terrorist acts in Paris were to be given a blank check for ISIS membership even though IS is trying to get fear leverage from the act. The planning and coordination of this attack, possibly through a request from IS in Syria seem to have been made by a radical Islamist cell in Belgium, Europe's hot-bed of radical Islam, executed by Belgian residential's and Syrian immigrants recently arrived.

Beyond the surface of our tranquil and empathetic western societies, mistrust, disdain and fear are simmering. The ones sitting on the money are doing everything to maximize profit of their businesses and industries, moving them out of social harms way reallocating them to "needy" countries that promises low wages, low or no taxes and protection against its people. Banks and businesses are setting up all kinds financial constructs allocating units with huge profits to tax paradises to evade taxes. Governments are offering all kinds of foreign business exempts of levies to establish themselves in their (western) countries and letting them treat employees to conditions and salaries in ways that were unthinkable of in earlier years, all according to methods developed by and in the USA In association with the Paris terrorist acts Obama spoke of an attack on "our Western" values, values that we had but since long is gone - democracy, free speech, security of employment, free medical care, free education to everybody, elderly care - what is this Mr. Obama talking about? Mr Obama is only saying things he is expected to say anything else would cause a republican or patriotic uproar and a subpoena. Are those values gone because of IS, is IS to be blamed for everything that have gone wrong in our societies? I guess this the easy way out, bombing ourselves out of our miseries or is it the only way to once again prosper, like after the disasters of the 2nd world war? I grew up 7 years after WW2 and I had a great life with a lot of freedom, opportunity and promise.

So anything threatening "our values" must be fought with military force, with more surveillance, more police, restricting freedom of speech, mobility even thought? Sounds to me like a proposition I decline to live.

There is no reason for me proposing what to do as long as we let our administrations and our politicians continue lying about our domestic internals, continuing to produce lies and unrealistic promises about domestic growth, employment and welfare.

The only thing I know that will lead to peace and prosperity is to let everybody in, to give everyone a place in society where they will feel included, equal and valuable.

I do not believe in policing and bombing us out of the situation we're in.


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