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måndag 23 november 2015

Homeland - All about Alison, or is it?

Litting up a cigarette or not?
Jump-started my week with yet another episode of Homeland, season 5, saw one episode on television yesterday and the next one today on the net. I like that the readers in the US is topping my reader stats but a little bit puzzled why the Russians dropped out. I never said that I hate the US or that I love Russia. Just give me some juicy stuff about #Russia and I'll go for it. In exchange for Russia I got Ukraine, that is promising. Read me between the lines and you'll understand where I am at. As Russia plays a protagonist role in Homeland there are some fresh stuff on the news about what is going on regarding the ins and the outs. The first thing I heard today was that the Russian's have started to scribble "I am Paris" on the bombs being airlifted out of Damascus to be dropped over ISIS strongholds, a love affair, a romance with Europe and the US. It is interesting to note that in the most recent episode of Homeland, where Carrie is looking back at the time as rookie in Baghdad taking over after Alison that is returning home and where Alison is framed by the Russian master spy persuading her to become a double agent, to convince her he says, you know, we are not the Soviet Union anymore, the cold war is over and we have more common than diverging interests with the US than you may imagine. Yeah, something like that and it may actually be reality. Well, there are some dark clouds too, not just roses. Later today I heard that Ukraine is closing corridors to Crimea so that no supplies may be delivered to the Peninsula over Ukrainian territories. I also heard that electric lines over the borders will be shut down. News like this may change a love affair into a violent divorce from the west, over night. Trouble is looming for Putin and for the world.

In the episode I saw yesterday I noted a bad flaw or mistake by the story tellers or the screen writers. Peter Quinn is on the loose from his radical Muslim safe-house where he has been recovering from a near fatal gun-shot wound to his abdomen. He contacts his CIA superior Dar Adal and tells him about a possibility to join a group of militants leaving Berlin for Syria to fight for ISIS, a possibility to assassinate an ISIS sheikh or high commander. Dar Adal likes the idea and approves it. The flaw, well Peter Quinn was close to become a corpse as he was on his own hit-list ordered by someone at the Berlin CIA office without mentioning the incident that nearly cost him his life to Dar. I have difficult with flaws like that as it takes the excitement out of an excellent story told so far. How could the Homeland production team think they would get away with that, no one noticing, thinking that it would go unnoticed by a bunch of brain-dead and mesmerized coach potatoes. Another annoying thing is when an Israeli special forces team with heads covered by Balaclavas, heavily armed kidnap Saul Berensen surrounded by a bunch of CIA operatives that forcibly are going to put the purported traitor back on a plane to the USA. Well, I guess some passages are no more than movie time, I am still enjoying the show.

Homeland is naturally out of the ordinary in many ways, especially the parallel real life way. Swedish television is warning people that the soap is a parallel to what is going on in the world right now and that similarities to real events may produce discomfort in the viewer. Is this a coincidence or is Swedish television warned by the producers themselves? Let us take a look at this latest episode and the whereabouts of Peter Quinn. Peter has not got introduced to the real plan,still thinking that they are heading for Syria to join ISIS. The real plan is still to commit an act of terror in Berlin, the team only got to Kosovo to pick up, as it seem, nerve gas and protective gear for the ones in the team. This is so close to to what happened in Paris just a few days ago and what is going on in central Europe that one seriously may wonder, does the Homeland production team being a part of a greater conspiracy? Do they already know what is planned for Europe with respect to terrorism? Why did Homeland turn its cameras to Europe?

What we know is that Russians are bullies, look like bullies, males are named Ivan and females Natasha. Hang in their for some more ludicrous stuff from my fingers...:)

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