As Mr. Obama recited Martin Luther King jr. in his COP21 opening speach, "that there is such a thing as being to late" then saying "and when it comes to climate change, that hour is almost upon us". As every system of matter carry inertia, something not easily measured or monitored, that word "almost" is a clever wording a mere promise and that "almost" may already be passed due. There is a kind of "inertia" with figures easily accessible showing a refusal to change and those figures are the worlds total GNP, the worlds global spending on arms and military and what is needed in terms of funding to halt Global Warming until the year 2030. There is so much more unnecessary spending in our world, just take the Black Friday pushing millions to buy products they don't need. In the west we have an over-production of goods, foods, cars, electronics you name it looking for buyers at every corner of the globe.
It is said that 1.7% of the worlds annual GNP, a modest amount of the total of 80 trillion US dollars equaling 1,36 trillion dollars would make us arrive safe at 2030. At the same time the US budgeted 600 billion dollars for 2015 (peaking at 900 billions 2009) with the Russians more or less at par with the US and with an increasing budget. Add those two military budgets or spending's together and we have what is needed to save the world, but no, some of us seem to want to eat that cookie and keep it at the same time.
Obama in his speech tried to make a point of how much the US had done so far in developing and implementing green technologies and promised that the US would would invest even more to depart from carbon dependent energy in the coming years. Good point, but those investments are only parallel to a lifestyle not supporting a sustainable planet. Some things of this non sustainable world needs to go as new industries will ask for more resources and more energy in addition to the present run-rates of consuming. Our leaders need to tell us what we will have to sacrifice so that our children wont have to inherit a devastated planet. This is a huge political challenge considering how much "wolfs" are out there in the political landscape, I am thinking about some US conservatives and other non-believers. Giving Obama some credit for admitting the US nations role in Global Warming and consider that the next US president could be a republican, once again returning the Global Warming issue to square 0 is a realistic possibility.
Raising beef must be mentioned as it contributes to around 15% of greenhouse gases produced that would be methane, a green-house gas several times worse than Carbon Dioxide. The US is the #1 producer of beef but what a wonderful delight, cage-kept corn-fed cattle for brisket. Cattle that is munching delicious corn, cattle never leaving their cages for pasture, living in darkness in minimal cages. In defense of this sort of grazing it is said that the this cattle held in kilometer-long barns are having a better life than cattle let out to the pastures and that corn-fed cattle produces less farts and belching. Hehe, funny, who could live without beef brisket? The truth is that it takes a lot of fertilizer to grow corn balancing out the difference with cattle pasture grazed in Argentina and New Zealand. We have so much difficulty in abandoning our customs and life-styles that we would go to any length of dismissing or lying to prove that "this" is not the problem.
Why is the arms race continuing? The Global Warming is the number one threat to world and its most dangerous consequence is global instability. I may guess that some nations have pondered the future and that keeping the arms "penis" erected is an option to consider, protecting themselves from the world, even having the option to conquer and reallocate its people when such a situation arises.
Politics, national belonging and patriotism are endangering attempts to stop the Global Warming. If we were dead serious about this threat, we would bring peace to the planet first, but that is not how it looks. We need to resolve the conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, we need to come to terms with governments in nations where serious and fatal deforestation is ongoing, we need to stop nations that promote the "fishing out" of the seas, no more drilling for oil in the Arctics and Antarctica. Finally we need to tear down the borders between nation and unite but not under a global dictator but under a council where all regions of the world have a say, a vote.
If you read me, I do not have much confidence that COP21 will change much in the behavior of the West, Africa, the Far East countries and the devastation of the rain forests or the pollution created from the constant bombardments of territories in the Middle East. I have seen positive change, so there is hope. I myself had my home in Mexico for a period of almost 10 years. When I first settled in 1982 pollution in Mexico City was a big issue getting unbearable at the point where I left. In the beginning of the 21st century the Mexicans seemed to have resolved the problem, no smog, no haze, I could breath again. I have been visiting Mexico City a couple of times every year up to know and the clean air persists. Then we have Beijing today with about the same problems that Mexico city had in the 1980:ties, one of Beijing's worst days of pollution is today, the first day of the COP21.
What else to say, I like to say like Donald Trump a republican candidate for the US presidency confronted with the Nazi analogy said, you tell me, you tell me, you tell me, But let us hope and pray that COP21 will be a different story than the previous attempts and not only fancy wining, dining and romantic adventures in Paris for the delegates. The outcome of COP21 must be more than a boost for the failing Paris tourist industry in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks 14 days ago.
#ParisClimateConference #globalwarming #cop21 #cop21paris #obama #putin #Russia
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A tale from times to never revisit again - my mother making it at no odds
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måndag 30 november 2015
söndag 29 november 2015
Black Friday feels like an insult to those who died in Paris
I don't really want to write about this, I would rather turn my writing inwards reflecting what is going on inside myself, my thoughts, feeling my history but there are too many disturbing circumstances going on around on the outside triggering, let me say this compulsive side of me. Compulsive writing, hm, sort of funny but at the same time rather creative.
Fourteen days ago 129 people were murdered and numerous others injured from a terrorist attack in Paris, France. It all started early night, Friday the thirteenth, November 2015. I in-conscientiously labeled the event Black Friday with complete forgetfulness that this was the great shopping day of the USA piggybacked to Thanksgiving. I read somewhere that the Black Friday shopping, the close to holy mother of all shopping and discounts was invented and been around since 1930. During a period of about 8 years when I was working in Texas, the phrase Black Friday never rung out in any of my bells, it came to my awareness just a few years ago through one of my "net-shopping" malls and I have been doing net-shopping since it all started. I can just say that I am puzzled over this phenomena as some say that it has been going on big for 85 years. I have been living in the states and in those fairly recent years no one spoke about Black Friday. I am Internet guy that has been on it long before it went public (1983) and long before the general crowd started using and talking about it (1997) and it is not only until recently it is making headlines and really started to haunt us. It has gone so far that the concept of the Black Friday has hit nations outside of the US, my nation Sweden is making big noise about Black Friday since about 2 years back, I am amazed and disgusted at the same time.
Giving thanks one day and the next going on a greedy shopping rampage when there are so many starving and freezing to death, even at our own door-steps. I read an article on the net today making fun of the Black Friday. It was written as a report from a disaster zone, the zone was the entire USA with 45 millions deaths as a consequence from Black Friday shopping, people trampled to death, shot stabbed, bludgeoned you name it, with all rights as Black Friday always result in casualties. With a culture like this, permeated with lust, desire and greed, do anyone of you believe that we will be able to cope with Global Warming?
Back to where I started, the label Black Friday mean darkness over all of us and with this light-hearted shopping-spree event coming up once again promoted over the dead bodies of the ones killed in Paris on Europe's Black Friday, I cannot feel anything else than disbelief in our future. It was thoughtless, tasteless a show of disrespect for all of us, living and dead. The Black Friday should have been brought down at least for this season. I am surprised that the US administration, congress, senate or one of those great "Think Tanks" you have not came to think about this and in time for the Climate Change congress in Paris.
With this off my heart I feel relaxed and for now free from compulsive writing. See you again tomorrow, as I am sure we are progressing towards another disaster, So far I had at least one a day and there seem to be many compulsive nights ahead.
#BlackFriday #globalwarming
Fourteen days ago 129 people were murdered and numerous others injured from a terrorist attack in Paris, France. It all started early night, Friday the thirteenth, November 2015. I in-conscientiously labeled the event Black Friday with complete forgetfulness that this was the great shopping day of the USA piggybacked to Thanksgiving. I read somewhere that the Black Friday shopping, the close to holy mother of all shopping and discounts was invented and been around since 1930. During a period of about 8 years when I was working in Texas, the phrase Black Friday never rung out in any of my bells, it came to my awareness just a few years ago through one of my "net-shopping" malls and I have been doing net-shopping since it all started. I can just say that I am puzzled over this phenomena as some say that it has been going on big for 85 years. I have been living in the states and in those fairly recent years no one spoke about Black Friday. I am Internet guy that has been on it long before it went public (1983) and long before the general crowd started using and talking about it (1997) and it is not only until recently it is making headlines and really started to haunt us. It has gone so far that the concept of the Black Friday has hit nations outside of the US, my nation Sweden is making big noise about Black Friday since about 2 years back, I am amazed and disgusted at the same time.
Giving thanks one day and the next going on a greedy shopping rampage when there are so many starving and freezing to death, even at our own door-steps. I read an article on the net today making fun of the Black Friday. It was written as a report from a disaster zone, the zone was the entire USA with 45 millions deaths as a consequence from Black Friday shopping, people trampled to death, shot stabbed, bludgeoned you name it, with all rights as Black Friday always result in casualties. With a culture like this, permeated with lust, desire and greed, do anyone of you believe that we will be able to cope with Global Warming?
Back to where I started, the label Black Friday mean darkness over all of us and with this light-hearted shopping-spree event coming up once again promoted over the dead bodies of the ones killed in Paris on Europe's Black Friday, I cannot feel anything else than disbelief in our future. It was thoughtless, tasteless a show of disrespect for all of us, living and dead. The Black Friday should have been brought down at least for this season. I am surprised that the US administration, congress, senate or one of those great "Think Tanks" you have not came to think about this and in time for the Climate Change congress in Paris.
With this off my heart I feel relaxed and for now free from compulsive writing. See you again tomorrow, as I am sure we are progressing towards another disaster, So far I had at least one a day and there seem to be many compulsive nights ahead.
#BlackFriday #globalwarming
lördag 28 november 2015
Starting out in the evening. a movie about true love...
I have never been a morning person, my real creativity always ignited with the darkness falling over the skyline. In my younger years anything that scored me points in my exams started late like midnight and into the early morning hours, even though I had to be up at 7 eating breakfast to be at whatever, school, an exam or business.
The life of a vampire it may seem but never the less it just goes on, I am most creative after midnight, programming the web, apps, inventing stuff or writing. Somerimes I feel that I need to break with what we sometimes would call a bad habit, but I can't and I never could. It may be time for me to accept that this is how I am meant to be. In my primary and secondary school years I stayed awake late at night hiding my reading under covers with a flashlight, reading anything from encyclopedias to adult litterature borrowed from my parents library,
I am an intellectual, peoples say and a romantic. I am experiencing a less creative period in my life it may seem even though I am inventing things for me to keep active at daytime like gardening, picking up of ancient ways of cooking, special bread baking, wine making of domestic fruits and all sorts of maintenance chores on the old house I am living in. I have no problem in filling in the hours of the day but at the end of the day, darkness falling I sit down in the couch in front of my television watching whatever is coming at me. That is not me, I may be depressed even though I still fail to be in bed before midnight.
Sofar I have had a traditional low budget approach to television, no premium content, those hundreds of channels available just signing up and paying the bill. Even though I am connected by fiber the only content I have access to are the public channels and the channels sponsored by publicity. In my present couch-potatoe period I figured that most content that reaches my screen is action, violence and soap flicks primarily served by the channels funded by publicity. I feel for no more Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jason Staham and others. Movies based on violence, supernatural strength and over-sized arms so over sized that not even the US military has them. All those black OP´s crap and all crashing black SUV's animated garbage.
I said I was a romantic which still holds true. A few days ago the name John Cassavetes downed on my mind, I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I was fed up with action movies, their violence, supernatural survivors and explicit sexual connotations, I wanted my romantic me back,I wanted to get back to that intellectual stuff I have been parted from for so long, where the sex is more of the matter of mind than making penetration and skin contact.
I was lucky today, I saw the movie: "Starting out in the evening" a movie about an aging male writer, his life and a much younger female litterature critic with a sensual and sexual connection to her object of study. Intellectual yes and brilliant yes. Myself, I always start out in the evening.
I got what my mind was craving. I was served on a plate what John Cassavetes or Woody Allen never were able to deliver, a trustworthy romance beween an older and a younger person. I have been there myself and I now that neither the romantic nor the sexual desire leave us until we are six feet under,
To all you females, it is still a world where mostly the males are leaving their loved ones in bed, getting dressed, picking up their arms to go out killing or being killed in a meaningless or pointless war. Please keep your loved men in bed, making love instead of death, whatever the consequences.
The life of a vampire it may seem but never the less it just goes on, I am most creative after midnight, programming the web, apps, inventing stuff or writing. Somerimes I feel that I need to break with what we sometimes would call a bad habit, but I can't and I never could. It may be time for me to accept that this is how I am meant to be. In my primary and secondary school years I stayed awake late at night hiding my reading under covers with a flashlight, reading anything from encyclopedias to adult litterature borrowed from my parents library,
I am an intellectual, peoples say and a romantic. I am experiencing a less creative period in my life it may seem even though I am inventing things for me to keep active at daytime like gardening, picking up of ancient ways of cooking, special bread baking, wine making of domestic fruits and all sorts of maintenance chores on the old house I am living in. I have no problem in filling in the hours of the day but at the end of the day, darkness falling I sit down in the couch in front of my television watching whatever is coming at me. That is not me, I may be depressed even though I still fail to be in bed before midnight.
Sofar I have had a traditional low budget approach to television, no premium content, those hundreds of channels available just signing up and paying the bill. Even though I am connected by fiber the only content I have access to are the public channels and the channels sponsored by publicity. In my present couch-potatoe period I figured that most content that reaches my screen is action, violence and soap flicks primarily served by the channels funded by publicity. I feel for no more Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jason Staham and others. Movies based on violence, supernatural strength and over-sized arms so over sized that not even the US military has them. All those black OP´s crap and all crashing black SUV's animated garbage.
I said I was a romantic which still holds true. A few days ago the name John Cassavetes downed on my mind, I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I was fed up with action movies, their violence, supernatural survivors and explicit sexual connotations, I wanted my romantic me back,I wanted to get back to that intellectual stuff I have been parted from for so long, where the sex is more of the matter of mind than making penetration and skin contact.
I was lucky today, I saw the movie: "Starting out in the evening" a movie about an aging male writer, his life and a much younger female litterature critic with a sensual and sexual connection to her object of study. Intellectual yes and brilliant yes. Myself, I always start out in the evening.
I got what my mind was craving. I was served on a plate what John Cassavetes or Woody Allen never were able to deliver, a trustworthy romance beween an older and a younger person. I have been there myself and I now that neither the romantic nor the sexual desire leave us until we are six feet under,
To all you females, it is still a world where mostly the males are leaving their loved ones in bed, getting dressed, picking up their arms to go out killing or being killed in a meaningless or pointless war. Please keep your loved men in bed, making love instead of death, whatever the consequences.
torsdag 26 november 2015
About the USA, a relatively small nation using up 20% of the planets resources refusing to giving it up
The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference is yet to start November 30. It is has been announced as this falls big event and it has been inside my mind since the start of its headlines even dreaming about it. The other day I saw a documentary about past recent years in Syria with an Anglo reporter following some Syrian families and individuals and stumbled over some stuff I did not know before. There was a severe drought in Syria between 2006-2009 that made people on the country side mainly farmers abandoning their farms and homesteads for the metropolitan areas peaking about 2011, nothing to grow nothing to eat for a couple of years. During those years that is from 2006 up to 2011 there was also an influx of immigrants from Iraq 1,5 million people into a nation of only 22 million worsening the situation, more hungry mouths to feed, no water, nothing to harvest, dying or dead livestock in stables and on the fields. The reason for the drought is said by scientists to be the Global Warming.
I heard some individuals telling their tales about what they encountered coming to cities like Damascus. One guy finding a lowly job as a waiter at an upscale hotel in downtown Damascus saw prominent Syrians spending money on expensive meals, caviar and champagne hearing people in fancy dresses talking about billion dollar deals when rural Syria was devastated by drought. Most people coming to the metropolitan areas did not find jobs, if they where lucky they had family providing for them.
Why would people flee Iraq for Syria, a US controlled "peaceful" nation with the "mother of all wars" behind them? Those who fled Iraq must have been Shia Muslims, possibly Sunny Muslims, fleeing into a Shia governed country because of oppression in their homeland? Facts tell that 1,5 million refugees entered Syria during those years making the situation far worse than from just drought.
Back to the principal problem on planet earth, the global warming and to facts and figures. There is one nation on earth that stands out in front of others when it comes to green house gases, the USA. A nation of 320 million people responsible for 20% of the total emissions that for 2 decades has opposed and hampered efforts to contain a looming disaster, staying beneath the 2 degrees centigrade increase in global temperature before 2050 to avoid excessive temperatures, drought and disastrous rise in sea levels that would drown a great part of the worlds low-land living populations.
A nation constituting 4,5% of the planets total population but contributes to 20% of the worlds emission of green-house gases! I have not heard anyone making this association before but those 20% of greenhouse gases may be equivalent to the consumption of 20% of the worlds total resources. 4% of the worlds population using up 20% of the planets total produce, can you imagine? I do not think this assumption is far from the truth. With such a burn-rate of resources it is not strange to envision a nation that protects its interests with claws and teeth. A superpower needy to protect its interests by global dominance, by military strength and power. A nation with a population used to the good life, with individuals focusing on a long life, a smooth young face kept in place by plastic surgery, breast implants and injected substances like Botox only to maintain a sex-life with their spouses and partners, more interested in the well-being and health of their pets than children in less prominent areas on the planet.
Syria and its administration was subjected to an extraordinary situation resulting in upheaval and violence. Aggravating the situation for Bashar al Assad was the false promises of the "Arab Spring" fueled by western ambition. stupidity and military intervention, that any living child on earth today above 8 years of age would deem a complete failure. And still we that what we did was right?
Reflect over how we in our western democracies treat protests from students, the "Occupy" or "Reclaim" movements, sooner or later we will sweep the streets from this "vermin", using the police or the military to bring "capital" order back to our societies returning to "business as usual". We all know they are right but we prefer peace of mind and order before compassion and justice.
Whatever injustice or suffering that has been inflicted on the Syrian people by the administration of Bashar al Assad, we are all guilty to whatever atrocities that happened yet, still is happening in Syria to great part of the Syrian people over the past 6 years since about 2009, but USA accounts for the greater part of the guilt than any other nation. With all rights, I agree with Vladimir Putin, let the Syrian people decide. Any militant Islamist's should get the same treatment as ISIS. USA - stop meddling in Syria and join Russia to rid the Syrian soils of insurgent movements and terrorists, then we'll have democratic elections and a world in peace. 4,5% of the world's population will not do it alone, to achieve peace you'll need the trust and support of the rest of us, something you don't own at the moment.
I am puzzled about how the world community is letting the US getting away with raping and pillaging our planets resources, if this was contained within the territories of the USA so be it, but it is not. Why do we not contest the daily bombardments of the regions spanning from Afghanistan to the Levant, continues bombardments ever since the Gulf war, those certainly contribute to the advancement of global warming? Constant big fires and explosions are to the planet like eating sugar by the spoon to the human body.
#Syria #ISIS #Obama #Putin #Arabspring #Daesh #Climatechange #ParisClimateTalks # ParisClimateConference
I heard some individuals telling their tales about what they encountered coming to cities like Damascus. One guy finding a lowly job as a waiter at an upscale hotel in downtown Damascus saw prominent Syrians spending money on expensive meals, caviar and champagne hearing people in fancy dresses talking about billion dollar deals when rural Syria was devastated by drought. Most people coming to the metropolitan areas did not find jobs, if they where lucky they had family providing for them.
Why would people flee Iraq for Syria, a US controlled "peaceful" nation with the "mother of all wars" behind them? Those who fled Iraq must have been Shia Muslims, possibly Sunny Muslims, fleeing into a Shia governed country because of oppression in their homeland? Facts tell that 1,5 million refugees entered Syria during those years making the situation far worse than from just drought.
Back to the principal problem on planet earth, the global warming and to facts and figures. There is one nation on earth that stands out in front of others when it comes to green house gases, the USA. A nation of 320 million people responsible for 20% of the total emissions that for 2 decades has opposed and hampered efforts to contain a looming disaster, staying beneath the 2 degrees centigrade increase in global temperature before 2050 to avoid excessive temperatures, drought and disastrous rise in sea levels that would drown a great part of the worlds low-land living populations.
A nation constituting 4,5% of the planets total population but contributes to 20% of the worlds emission of green-house gases! I have not heard anyone making this association before but those 20% of greenhouse gases may be equivalent to the consumption of 20% of the worlds total resources. 4% of the worlds population using up 20% of the planets total produce, can you imagine? I do not think this assumption is far from the truth. With such a burn-rate of resources it is not strange to envision a nation that protects its interests with claws and teeth. A superpower needy to protect its interests by global dominance, by military strength and power. A nation with a population used to the good life, with individuals focusing on a long life, a smooth young face kept in place by plastic surgery, breast implants and injected substances like Botox only to maintain a sex-life with their spouses and partners, more interested in the well-being and health of their pets than children in less prominent areas on the planet.
Syria and its administration was subjected to an extraordinary situation resulting in upheaval and violence. Aggravating the situation for Bashar al Assad was the false promises of the "Arab Spring" fueled by western ambition. stupidity and military intervention, that any living child on earth today above 8 years of age would deem a complete failure. And still we that what we did was right?
Reflect over how we in our western democracies treat protests from students, the "Occupy" or "Reclaim" movements, sooner or later we will sweep the streets from this "vermin", using the police or the military to bring "capital" order back to our societies returning to "business as usual". We all know they are right but we prefer peace of mind and order before compassion and justice.
Whatever injustice or suffering that has been inflicted on the Syrian people by the administration of Bashar al Assad, we are all guilty to whatever atrocities that happened yet, still is happening in Syria to great part of the Syrian people over the past 6 years since about 2009, but USA accounts for the greater part of the guilt than any other nation. With all rights, I agree with Vladimir Putin, let the Syrian people decide. Any militant Islamist's should get the same treatment as ISIS. USA - stop meddling in Syria and join Russia to rid the Syrian soils of insurgent movements and terrorists, then we'll have democratic elections and a world in peace. 4,5% of the world's population will not do it alone, to achieve peace you'll need the trust and support of the rest of us, something you don't own at the moment.
I am puzzled about how the world community is letting the US getting away with raping and pillaging our planets resources, if this was contained within the territories of the USA so be it, but it is not. Why do we not contest the daily bombardments of the regions spanning from Afghanistan to the Levant, continues bombardments ever since the Gulf war, those certainly contribute to the advancement of global warming? Constant big fires and explosions are to the planet like eating sugar by the spoon to the human body.
#Syria #ISIS #Obama #Putin #Arabspring #Daesh #Climatechange #ParisClimateTalks # ParisClimateConference
onsdag 25 november 2015
Turkey plays right into the hands of ISIS managing to destabilize NATO
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Recep Tayyip Erdogân - the evil? |
The words of NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg in support for Turkey rings out with mistrust by anyone seeing unity as the only way to succeed in bringing stability back in the Middle East, to rid us of ISIS and other Islamic militant threats. An apology to Russia would have been a much better response. Perhaps it was never a good idea to place NATO leadership in Europe, a puppet governance half-ass controlled by the US, why we are here right now is because that puppet was let on the loose.
Yesterday I assessed the possibility that the Russian bomber was hit by an air-to-air missile over Turkish territories by measuring the fly over distance and airspeed of the Russian plane coming to the conclusion of an 12 second long intrusion according to the Turkish radar plot. Today I saw something I seldom have seen presented in a situation like this, US military experts making an assessment of less than 30 seconds fly over time. In my assessment the plane would have been flying at 1000 km/h and in the US assessment half that speed, nevertheless both renders the probability that the Russian plane was shot down over Turkish soil improbable. There is possible scenario, as the Russians say, a planned attack with Turkish fighter jets in standby waiting for orders to fire at border cross-over. My calculations yesterday were based on Google Earth, Turkish radar plots and SU-24 data, I think I was quicker in assessing the situation than the US military.
The Turks claim they warned the Russian bomber crew 10 times but is there a reason to warn before the radar trajectory clearly shows an intent to intrude and is it possible giving 10 warnings when the over-pass takes 12-24 seconds? Is there even time to make a kill with such a short lapse of time. No Turkish fighter jets are seen in videos so the missiles must have been fired from great distance.
Is this possible to repair or have we made irreparable damage to NATO by being lenient to Turkey, a nation with an agenda to once again became as was once the Ottoman empire? That agenda is set by the leaders of the Turkish nation and not the majority of its people as Turkey is to 80% an agrarian and poor nation even though that leadership is fueled by 80% Islamic voters. ISIS is not the real threat to the world, but its sponsors are. Not one single western nation is a sponsor of ISIS and that includes Russia. The only way to resolve this is to come to terms with Putin and his Russia, but who is capable in doing that? Forget about France's Hollande or Germany's Merkel, only if Obama and the US comes to the senses it could be achieved.
A message to the US is to disarm NATO or to take its leadership back showing clearly that the alliance stands under US governance. Making an apology to Russia is already passed due so it may only be done by intimate talks between it's leaders.
I believe it can be done, but for now, ISIS has a leg up.
#Homeland #Syria #Iraq #IraqWar #Obama #Putin #Russianjet #Turkey #NATO #OTAN
tisdag 24 november 2015
Homeland, what about (a) Turkey downing a Russian SU-24 bomber, who is lying?
This article is not written after having seen the next episode of the #Homeland soap but related, it is more about all our "Homelands" especially when the dangers of the Syrian problem becomes obvious, who will pull out the nukes first? Yesterday I wrote that problems are looming for #Russia, not exactly envisioning a Russian warplane being shot down the next day, even though I have taken up the problem of the Syrian airspace earlier and with all rights. Russia is the one nation, the one superpower with more enemies than any other involved in fighting insurgent movements in and around Syria. When #Putin is calling this a "stab in the back" he also implies in strong words that there are illegitimate fighters on Turkish soil that should not be there and his credibility on this one is strong. Various non-ISIS affiliated insurgent groups even the terrorist classed al Nusra Front tied in with al Qaeda are moving back and forth over the Turkey-Syrian borders, even having bases on the Turkish side. Being close to that border is a very dangerous proposition for Russia and the world.
The intelligence community has since far back seen Turkey playing a double-sided game with roots in political ambition, religious ambition and a hatred against the Assad regime. Lately there has been some intents to cover it all up and come out white-washed as a regular NATO nation but is Turkey a credible western ally or just under disguise trying to please the west for its own ambitions?
According the purported Turkish radar plotting the Russian SU-24 bomber crossed a stretch of 3,3 kilometers of Turkish territory and calculating with an airspeed of moderate 1000 km/h which is well below the top-speed of the SU-24, the Russian plane spent approximately 12 seconds over Turkish airspace. It is unlikely that the Turkish F-16s fighters were "hovering" nearby managing to down the SU-24 during that brief period of intrusion, by the way F-16s does not hover. It is more likely that the SU-24 was hit over Syrian grounds.
Turkey is country sometimes with a foot at home and the other on the Middle East side, other times a foot home and the other on the western side. It is a country with ambitions but what it wants to do with it except for being great is unclear. Discussing some theme with middle class Turk, you are seen with obvious mistrust, if you want an answer he/she will answer "I don't know" and when you make your standpoint he/she will say "I don't think so". The Turk seem to be ambivalent regarding a position together with the rest of us and divided as the country itself by the strait of Bosporus. And about us, how much do we know about them Turks, more than Falafel's, Kebab's or Köfte's? I think that we don't know enough, there's mistrust and perhaps the reason why Turkey has not become a full member of the European union.
#Homeland #Syria #Iraq #IraqWar #Obama #Putin #Russianjet
The intelligence community has since far back seen Turkey playing a double-sided game with roots in political ambition, religious ambition and a hatred against the Assad regime. Lately there has been some intents to cover it all up and come out white-washed as a regular NATO nation but is Turkey a credible western ally or just under disguise trying to please the west for its own ambitions?
According the purported Turkish radar plotting the Russian SU-24 bomber crossed a stretch of 3,3 kilometers of Turkish territory and calculating with an airspeed of moderate 1000 km/h which is well below the top-speed of the SU-24, the Russian plane spent approximately 12 seconds over Turkish airspace. It is unlikely that the Turkish F-16s fighters were "hovering" nearby managing to down the SU-24 during that brief period of intrusion, by the way F-16s does not hover. It is more likely that the SU-24 was hit over Syrian grounds.
Turkey is country sometimes with a foot at home and the other on the Middle East side, other times a foot home and the other on the western side. It is a country with ambitions but what it wants to do with it except for being great is unclear. Discussing some theme with middle class Turk, you are seen with obvious mistrust, if you want an answer he/she will answer "I don't know" and when you make your standpoint he/she will say "I don't think so". The Turk seem to be ambivalent regarding a position together with the rest of us and divided as the country itself by the strait of Bosporus. And about us, how much do we know about them Turks, more than Falafel's, Kebab's or Köfte's? I think that we don't know enough, there's mistrust and perhaps the reason why Turkey has not become a full member of the European union.
#Homeland #Syria #Iraq #IraqWar #Obama #Putin #Russianjet
måndag 23 november 2015
Homeland - All about Alison, or is it?
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Litting up a cigarette or not? |
In the episode I saw yesterday I noted a bad flaw or mistake by the story tellers or the screen writers. Peter Quinn is on the loose from his radical Muslim safe-house where he has been recovering from a near fatal gun-shot wound to his abdomen. He contacts his CIA superior Dar Adal and tells him about a possibility to join a group of militants leaving Berlin for Syria to fight for ISIS, a possibility to assassinate an ISIS sheikh or high commander. Dar Adal likes the idea and approves it. The flaw, well Peter Quinn was close to become a corpse as he was on his own hit-list ordered by someone at the Berlin CIA office without mentioning the incident that nearly cost him his life to Dar. I have difficult with flaws like that as it takes the excitement out of an excellent story told so far. How could the Homeland production team think they would get away with that, no one noticing, thinking that it would go unnoticed by a bunch of brain-dead and mesmerized coach potatoes. Another annoying thing is when an Israeli special forces team with heads covered by Balaclavas, heavily armed kidnap Saul Berensen surrounded by a bunch of CIA operatives that forcibly are going to put the purported traitor back on a plane to the USA. Well, I guess some passages are no more than movie time, I am still enjoying the show.
Homeland is naturally out of the ordinary in many ways, especially the parallel real life way. Swedish television is warning people that the soap is a parallel to what is going on in the world right now and that similarities to real events may produce discomfort in the viewer. Is this a coincidence or is Swedish television warned by the producers themselves? Let us take a look at this latest episode and the whereabouts of Peter Quinn. Peter has not got introduced to the real plan,still thinking that they are heading for Syria to join ISIS. The real plan is still to commit an act of terror in Berlin, the team only got to Kosovo to pick up, as it seem, nerve gas and protective gear for the ones in the team. This is so close to to what happened in Paris just a few days ago and what is going on in central Europe that one seriously may wonder, does the Homeland production team being a part of a greater conspiracy? Do they already know what is planned for Europe with respect to terrorism? Why did Homeland turn its cameras to Europe?
What we know is that Russians are bullies, look like bullies, males are named Ivan and females Natasha. Hang in their for some more ludicrous stuff from my fingers...:)
#Homeland #Syria #SyrianRefugees #Iraq #IraqWar #Obama #Putin #Merkel
söndag 22 november 2015
James Woolsey former CIA director a ludicrous old fart and yet a formidable danger to peace and stability on earth
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Giving a free world the finger |
If anything
makes me angry and I think anyone should getting caught by those feelings of
anger when someone that incompetent and ludicrous like James Woolsey former CIA
director is let to speak in public, wording delusion and lies, it is time to
speak out about who deserves to be hung by the neck instead of being
electrocuted. How much damage to the world has this person already done when he
was active in his career?
This man,
James Woolsey is blaming Edward Snowden for what is happening in the world with
respect to terrorism, intending to fool the world that Edvard Snowden offered
terrorists and drug trafficers means to communicate without timely
interception. That the Paris attacks was the works of Edward Snowden?
Placing of
blame on Snowden for terrorists using some of the most widely recognized pieces
of operational security seems more than stupid and ludicrous. But the
propagation of free, end-to-end encrypted communications applications such as
WhatsApp, Signal, RedPhone, Wickr,Telegram, Tinder have made it easier to
encrypt communications and anonymize the recipient of the messages, which was
the intentiond.
We know
that terrorists have been using encryption for at least 15 years while the
Snowden revelations unfolded in 2013. We also know that the majority of these
computer communication programs and in recent years "apps" were
developed by US companies and spread to mobile communication platforms like the
Iphone, Samsung a all whole array of others before Edward Snowden published the
NSA documents. Mr. Obama recently hailed ISIS for their excellent public relations on the Internet. ISIS has got all sorts of brilliant young people to join many of those prominent in digital media and programming. Getting hold of 256 bit encryption algorithms is peace of cake for them as it is for some of us more friendly geeks around the world, without having to read a single secret NSA or CIA document.
The mobile
platforms for communications (apps) developed mainly by US companies were
invented to evade web history, to evade leaving traces on servers in the world
wide web, to avoid annoying marketing and to bring privacy back to individuals.
There is a back side to this thinking, making it possible for criminals evade
police and justice. It is as simple as that and it has nothing to with Edward
It has to
do with geo-politics. It has to do with the the US interventions in Afghanistan
and Iraq, it has to do with the half-ass, less than half-thinking of some US
NGO "tinkering" tanks, not being able to give your nation the
consequences of what the consequences of "tinkering" would be for the long run. The
result, the destabilization of the the Middle East and North Africa with
further destabilization of the entire European Union, now with massive floods
of immigrants while the US has assumed no more than 1200 immigrants for the
year 2015.
Assume that
this writing is directed towards, hehe, the caretakers (of the graveyard) of
the population of the USA, how could you let another of your clowns speak out
like this over-the-top, over-aged, a retired James Woolsey not having a clue of
what is happening in a digital world created by yourself and that already has
done so much damage to the world? Who should be subjected to the death penalty,
James Woolsey or Edward Snowden? Who is firing up the hatred against you, the
USA, James Woolsey or Edward Snowden? The noose is dangling up there for you to
decide whom to put in it, while I thought you abandoned the hanging noose or
electric chair for the more "human" lethal injections. My suggestion
for you is to give up this kind of speaking, to give up the death penalty based
on religious fiction - the bible, you could do better than this, a nation with
science as the base for it's long term existence.
consider that long before Edward Snowden betrayed your spying on all of us, the
Russians were better mathematicians than you, if you know what I mean, talking
about things like encryption and playing chess...
about Edward Snowden and focus on what went wrong, One clue is ridding yourself
of people in prominent positions like James Woolsey. Get people like this "off the boat", give him at least a symbolic "noose" before it is too late...
#Syria #SyrianRefugees #Syriancrisis #syriawar #Iraq #afghanistan #Obama #ISIS #ParisAttacks #Snowden
fredag 20 november 2015
Victims of ourselves and IS - democracy, personal freedom and integrity
In a small
country where political correctness has ruled for almost 3 decades the
parliamentary system is crumbling. Sweden's traditional parties, conservatives,
liberals and socialists are rapidly losing ground to fascism as from the last
election and all have lost so much voters to the Sweden Democrats (SD) with
roots in fascism that it appears being the biggest party for now. To maintain
old day’s stability and to suppress the power of the SD in the parliament an
agreement between the incumbent parties called the December Agreement was made
virtually nullifying SD votes. What happens with democracy and voters trust
when democracy is manipulated? Any political party within the agreement will
have to let its voters down unable to comply with agendas and promises set
before the election and the party will consequently loose voters. The party
being excluded from the voting process in the parliament will take advantage of
the situation and will with all rights claim that democracy is brought out of
play making even more voters, all over the political spectrum angry considering
to change side. This is what has happened in Sweden.
To make
things worse, the current situation in Sweden is deepening the mistrust with
the incumbent political parties, the head of state and his government as floods
of refugees from the middle east is entering its borders saturating the nations
administrative resources, the border police, the regular police, the
immigration administration, the welfare system, charity organizations, housing,
schools, transportation, you name it. Yesterday night with sub-zero
temperatures and rain, the latest immigrants had to spend the night outside as
the temporary immigration shelters were full. Sweden's immigration minister
Morgan Johansson went out in media saying that Sweden is unable to take in more
with an immigrant situation that more than resemble a state of national
emergency Europe is hit by a massive terrorist act in Paris with promises from
IS of more to come. We learn that terrorist may be embedded among hordes of
immigrants where immigration control is haphazard or completely lacking. The
day before yesterday Swede's are confronted with a press conference where the
secret police (SÄPO) announces that a terrorist hunt is ongoing in Sweden
asking the population to be alert.
All this is
leading Sweden towards new laws allowing agencies to perform surveillance
without limits, all sorts of registrations at entry points, what a person does
at an airport, what he eats on the train or plane, where he is at any time,
possibly also what his stool is composed of. Personal freedom and integrity is
soon a mere laughing matter. Agencies want an autobahn into our computers so
that they may use our digital keys used to encrypt information when we
communicate with Skype or apps like WhatsApp, Messenger or making bank
transactions. Sweden is a country where authorities and banks have done
everything to make away with cash.
There are
talks about how to implement such schemes and mentioned was giving agencies the
right and means to plant viruses/Trojans into our computers, tablets and phones
or whatever future device we will be using for communications. You may think
"ludicrous", how would they do that? Penetrate our personal firewalls
and go undetected from the anti-virus software some are using? Well, almost all
of us are dependent on digital banking that in turn relies on secure
connections and digital certificates. Banks and other institutions will be
subjected to laws demanding them to plant this malicious code into your device,
this over a secure connection. Another way of planting "malicious" code into your devices could be having suppliers of operating systems to do it. All this is proposed to protect your nation, not
you, from terrorism, piece of cake.
But, just
imagine what will happen when hackers break into your nation's agencies
networks and computers. There will be no one admitting guilt when someone broke
into your computer or device, emptying your bank accounts using the same
schemes, the same code planted by your nation's agencies to protect you. I
don't think anyone on earth will solve this dilemma. Is it likely to happen and
are you willing to risk this? This will not only be used for stealing people's
money, it will be used to incriminate you, when needed. If you never went out
on the street to protest, now it is time to do it, to rid ourselves of corrupt,
stupid or naive governments intending to impose this evil on us.
The "Matrix" is soon upon you, is this what you want for you and your children?
#Syria #SyrianRefugees #SyrianWar #Iraq #Afghanistan #ParisAttacks #Paris #Putin #Russia #FSB #SVR #GRU #CIA #NSA #Obama
#Syria #SyrianRefugees #SyrianWar #Iraq #Afghanistan #ParisAttacks #Paris #Putin #Russia #FSB #SVR #GRU #CIA #NSA #Obama
onsdag 18 november 2015
Syrian refugees and how they are received in the world, in particular in the USA
Heard information that the USA has taken 1200 Syrian refugees so far during 2015. Also heard that Obama had said that the USA would allow for 10000 Syrian refugees 2016. USA is a federation of states spanning immense territories with a population of around 320 million with vast new business opportunities. My little nation of Sweden spans an area that is about a quarter of Mexico with a population of around 10 million. Every day now for a couple of months we have been receiving more refugees a day than the US allotment for an entire year. The US 10 thousand allotment for 2016 is still less than a third than what Sweden is receiving in a month, how could that be?
We have not been part in creating this situation still we accept these people for humanitarian reasons and the majority of our population is positive to it, we are doing more than what we have resources for, monetary, seats in schools for children, employment for adults and even accommodations. We have mobilized volunteers to receive, guide, manage and accommodate refugees as administrative agencies not are staffed to manage an immense influx like this. Sweden is in a state of emergency as the whole thing is on the brink to collapse. Yes we are participating military in Afghanistan and Iraq but not in lethal action against insurgents but for humanitarian actions, mainly military doctors and nurses surrounded by Swedish military soldiers for their protection and security.
From the viewpoint of USA's stance to the aftermath of it's unsuccessful interventions it so sad to hear and see high profile North Americans criticizing Europe, Germany and Sweden directly for the way we manage the refugee situation. The last one I heard uttering despicable things about how we over here are managing refugees from the war zones in Africa and the Middle east was from an actor, Tom Hanks that I have respected up to now. Today I cannot see him otherwise than a retard like in his performance in the flick Forest Gump. He is an excellent actor but it is a fictitious life he lives, he does anything to make people feel good about themselves, like Robin Williams. Tom Hanks fell from a steep and high cliff down into the abyss of disrespect together with others, like senator John McCain, the attention seeking Donald Trump and hordes of republicans.
What is wrong with you, don't you keep books over your own deeds, mistakes and responsibilities, you don't even take care of your own people (read Detroit).
The latest I heard after the Paris attack is that following US states, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin, have decided not to receive refugees from Syria for the fear of embedded terrorists among the refugees. Then I hear how this republican governor talking about how generous the US has been in taking in refugees/immigrants. So easily seen through, the US has always been into the cherry-picking business but assuming refugees en mass from disaster zones no and never. Let me guess who those 1200 Syrians received by USA during 2015 are: regime dissidents, defectors, informants, persons that will be trained to take over when Bashar al Assad and his government is displaced or "terminated". A good strategy, well it depends, it has definitely nothing to do with democracy and democratic elections and nothing to do with compassion or empathy with those that suffer inside territories of total horror.
To be respected again by the world as a nation not only respecting itself, it's patriots, it's heroes, it's short history, you need to change, so much more than the rest of the world (ROW). Think about it. Life is so much more than pharmaceutical well being, age suppressing hormones, a nice wrinkle free Botox face, a shrink wrapped living isolated from anything threatening the self, the good life and well being.
Get real and start caring for us, the rest of the world. Let us live our life's without you intervening, poor or in misery, doesn't matter. If you cannot support this thinking, perhaps Mars is a better place for people thinking like you. The only blood spilled going there will be your own.
I use the same vocabulary as the the great US performer Madonna on the stage, Fuck yeah, do I have to teach you how to swear? You seem to cherish an artifact, a land laid in ruins (by God) about 2000 years ago and still you tolerate this kind of language. Madonna is a great artist but she doing the same retard as Tom Hanks, anything to please the younger (followers), the followers of movies or the big stage than themselves. There is no God but the representative for a a such, the figure-head for the self proclaimed nation on earth, the USA, the promised land (but not), the protector of the God of Israel. I think that our European nations are further away and ahead of you but at the same time more devout to a God than you are.
#Syria #SyrianRefugees #SyrianWar #Iraq #Afghanistan #ParisAttacks #Paris #Putin #Russia #RandPaul
We have not been part in creating this situation still we accept these people for humanitarian reasons and the majority of our population is positive to it, we are doing more than what we have resources for, monetary, seats in schools for children, employment for adults and even accommodations. We have mobilized volunteers to receive, guide, manage and accommodate refugees as administrative agencies not are staffed to manage an immense influx like this. Sweden is in a state of emergency as the whole thing is on the brink to collapse. Yes we are participating military in Afghanistan and Iraq but not in lethal action against insurgents but for humanitarian actions, mainly military doctors and nurses surrounded by Swedish military soldiers for their protection and security.
From the viewpoint of USA's stance to the aftermath of it's unsuccessful interventions it so sad to hear and see high profile North Americans criticizing Europe, Germany and Sweden directly for the way we manage the refugee situation. The last one I heard uttering despicable things about how we over here are managing refugees from the war zones in Africa and the Middle east was from an actor, Tom Hanks that I have respected up to now. Today I cannot see him otherwise than a retard like in his performance in the flick Forest Gump. He is an excellent actor but it is a fictitious life he lives, he does anything to make people feel good about themselves, like Robin Williams. Tom Hanks fell from a steep and high cliff down into the abyss of disrespect together with others, like senator John McCain, the attention seeking Donald Trump and hordes of republicans.
What is wrong with you, don't you keep books over your own deeds, mistakes and responsibilities, you don't even take care of your own people (read Detroit).
The latest I heard after the Paris attack is that following US states, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin, have decided not to receive refugees from Syria for the fear of embedded terrorists among the refugees. Then I hear how this republican governor talking about how generous the US has been in taking in refugees/immigrants. So easily seen through, the US has always been into the cherry-picking business but assuming refugees en mass from disaster zones no and never. Let me guess who those 1200 Syrians received by USA during 2015 are: regime dissidents, defectors, informants, persons that will be trained to take over when Bashar al Assad and his government is displaced or "terminated". A good strategy, well it depends, it has definitely nothing to do with democracy and democratic elections and nothing to do with compassion or empathy with those that suffer inside territories of total horror.
To be respected again by the world as a nation not only respecting itself, it's patriots, it's heroes, it's short history, you need to change, so much more than the rest of the world (ROW). Think about it. Life is so much more than pharmaceutical well being, age suppressing hormones, a nice wrinkle free Botox face, a shrink wrapped living isolated from anything threatening the self, the good life and well being.
Get real and start caring for us, the rest of the world. Let us live our life's without you intervening, poor or in misery, doesn't matter. If you cannot support this thinking, perhaps Mars is a better place for people thinking like you. The only blood spilled going there will be your own.
I use the same vocabulary as the the great US performer Madonna on the stage, Fuck yeah, do I have to teach you how to swear? You seem to cherish an artifact, a land laid in ruins (by God) about 2000 years ago and still you tolerate this kind of language. Madonna is a great artist but she doing the same retard as Tom Hanks, anything to please the younger (followers), the followers of movies or the big stage than themselves. There is no God but the representative for a a such, the figure-head for the self proclaimed nation on earth, the USA, the promised land (but not), the protector of the God of Israel. I think that our European nations are further away and ahead of you but at the same time more devout to a God than you are.
#Syria #SyrianRefugees #SyrianWar #Iraq #Afghanistan #ParisAttacks #Paris #Putin #Russia #RandPaul
tisdag 17 november 2015
Homeland, another step closer to reality
We had the Paris attack a few days ago with more then a hundred persons killed in the street from a coordinated terrorist attack. As it looks the whole thing was orchestrated from a radical Islamist cell of Belgium, the European terrorist hot-spot with participants from Syria entering France hiding in the floods of Middle East refugees. IS/Daesh involved, does it matter? That Europe had radical Islamist cells engaged in plotting terrorist acts were by the general public known long before the formation of the IS, ISIL/Daesh and seemingly found in every European nation, even my country, the small peaceful nation way up north.
In Homeland this particular episode we find the injured, close to dying CIA assassin Peter Quinn being picked up on the street by a Muslim doctor carrying him to his home saving him from dying from his severe gun-shot injury. The house where the doctor lives is not only his home but a also the home of a German terrorist and his doubtful friends. The Muslim doctor has to fight the others in the house to keep his doctor's oath and patient alive, succeeds but the die-hard Islamist radical just released from prison, dies when he attacks Peter.
Keeping watching the Homeland series and being a European is like living a parallel life, one fictitious the other real, the events unfolding in Europe comes perfectly mimicked by Homeland but with Homeland being one step ahead of the real ones as if the real world mimics the television series. The Syrian general Yoseff's plane that disintegrates in the air from a purported Russian bomb, the Russian plane that disintegrates in the air from a purported IS bomb, A German would-be Islamist terrorist cell plotting to kill many Europeans at the streets and on their home turf, A Belgian terrorist cell that plots and kill's numerous innocent people on the streets in Paris. Feels like I don't need my real world anymore even though I have to live it day by day instead of 1 hour, once a week.
I'll keep watching with utmost presence looking for clues of what is going to happen next in my world of reality. Yes, what is going to happen? I don't know I have not come that far with Homeland yet and nobody could know for sure as this particular situation just started to develop. France is going for vengeance and scaled up bombardments over IS targets, more French air-power is on the way on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier possibly loaded with cruise missiles also. Are we seeing a vendetta war firing up as more gasoline is poured into this fire and considering that there may be plenty of terrorist sleeper cells waiting for orders to activate on orders?
We got the cold war back with a huge Russian budget invested to modernize it's forces, it's navy and air-force on training missions far away from it's territories even touching US coastal borders and voiced up rhetoric's from it's leaders. China is threatening US reconnaissance missions even when on international waters and basically doing what Russia is doing both challenging the worlds strongest nation. At another angle it may look as the 2 adversaries, USA and Russia is coming together over Syria but it is also scary proposition, we have to ask ourselves, is there room for mistakes and errors?
Well, see you again after next episode of Homeland, perhaps even earlier as we all are living interesting times.
#IS #ISIL #Syria #SyrianWar #Iraq #Afghanistan #ParisAttacks #Homeland #Russia #russianplane #RussiaVsISIL
In Homeland this particular episode we find the injured, close to dying CIA assassin Peter Quinn being picked up on the street by a Muslim doctor carrying him to his home saving him from dying from his severe gun-shot injury. The house where the doctor lives is not only his home but a also the home of a German terrorist and his doubtful friends. The Muslim doctor has to fight the others in the house to keep his doctor's oath and patient alive, succeeds but the die-hard Islamist radical just released from prison, dies when he attacks Peter.
Keeping watching the Homeland series and being a European is like living a parallel life, one fictitious the other real, the events unfolding in Europe comes perfectly mimicked by Homeland but with Homeland being one step ahead of the real ones as if the real world mimics the television series. The Syrian general Yoseff's plane that disintegrates in the air from a purported Russian bomb, the Russian plane that disintegrates in the air from a purported IS bomb, A German would-be Islamist terrorist cell plotting to kill many Europeans at the streets and on their home turf, A Belgian terrorist cell that plots and kill's numerous innocent people on the streets in Paris. Feels like I don't need my real world anymore even though I have to live it day by day instead of 1 hour, once a week.
I'll keep watching with utmost presence looking for clues of what is going to happen next in my world of reality. Yes, what is going to happen? I don't know I have not come that far with Homeland yet and nobody could know for sure as this particular situation just started to develop. France is going for vengeance and scaled up bombardments over IS targets, more French air-power is on the way on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier possibly loaded with cruise missiles also. Are we seeing a vendetta war firing up as more gasoline is poured into this fire and considering that there may be plenty of terrorist sleeper cells waiting for orders to activate on orders?
We got the cold war back with a huge Russian budget invested to modernize it's forces, it's navy and air-force on training missions far away from it's territories even touching US coastal borders and voiced up rhetoric's from it's leaders. China is threatening US reconnaissance missions even when on international waters and basically doing what Russia is doing both challenging the worlds strongest nation. At another angle it may look as the 2 adversaries, USA and Russia is coming together over Syria but it is also scary proposition, we have to ask ourselves, is there room for mistakes and errors?
Well, see you again after next episode of Homeland, perhaps even earlier as we all are living interesting times.
#IS #ISIL #Syria #SyrianWar #Iraq #Afghanistan #ParisAttacks #Homeland #Russia #russianplane #RussiaVsISIL
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