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onsdag 23 mars 2016

Terror in Europe and delusional messages delivered by leaders and media

Reading my posts you may be wondering if I have an overwhelming hatred against USA and the North-american people, well I do not. I have been living in the USA and had a good life there even though I never integrated fully, had a thought becoming permanently resident then becoming a citizen, had lawyers working on my green-card but was saved by the bell and once again another offer to work south of the border, as I had did so many times before. Two of my kids are born in the USA, having US citizenship and passports and they may wonder why I constantly is criticizing the US and it's leaders. I have 3 kids, one that lives in Stockholm seemingly satisfied with the life over here, another returned to the US, less satisfied with the Swedish society having a US education and a career in Colorado, the youngest is growing up in Miami. I care for all the three of them and supporting their decisions to endeavor life in whatever part of the world they are preferring. I am happy though that they stayed out of the path of the military and the lures of patriotism. So I am not against North-americans but against the politics, militarism, the collective ambitions to punish, control and manipulate the rest of the world. I met so many North american men and heard so many telling their stories about how they enlisted in the military because they or their parents couldn't afford a civil education or that it was the way out of unemployment. Every day I hear about American heroes, about patriots and the veterans with the general public seeing those as virtues and my conclusion is that the whole thing is about selling militarism to it's people, to make young less fortunate enlist engaging in the wars of the nation, so far away from a European's view of life and a peaceful world.

Life with military in the streets again
This was just a preamble to what I am going to write today and a explanation to and a disclaimer regarding all seemingly negative posts that I made earlier about USA and it's politics. Let me bring you back to today and in particular yesterday when Europe was hit by another terrorist attack. The first to mention is President Obama's speech from Cuba. He speech was not planned to address terrorism but due to the situation and considering the Brussels terrorist attack he decided to start addressing the issue in front of the Cubans and the world press. He said,

Race still an issue in the USA says Obama
"I want to comment on terrorist attacks that have taken place in Brussels. The thoughts and prayers of the American people are with the people of Belgium and we stand in solidarity with them and condemning these outrageous attacks against innocent people. We would do whatever it necessary to support our friend and ally Belgium, in bringing to justice those who are responsible and this is yet another reminder that the world must unite, we must be together, regardless of nationality, or race or fate in fighting against the scourge of terrorism…”

Eating Mexican food pooping in his pants
Against terrorism yes, but there is so much more than terrorism where we need to stand together for and against. I instantly reacted when I heard the word "race" and at the end "terrorism", yet such a short statement. We don't talk about race over here as we believe there are no races, we all come from the same, having the same origin, we talk about ethnicity over here. When it comes to standing together it should not only be when we are struck by disasters but every day and over all issues at planet earth. This was a bad speech, I have no idea who wrote it for Mr. Obama but regardless of this particular situation the same situation would have arisen with whoever at the helm at the USA. It is like when president Jimmy Carter was visiting a Latin American summit in Monterrey, Mexico many years ago when he started off giving his speech, telling Latin American leaders that he almost pooped in his pants on a jogging exercise the day before because of eating Mexican cuisine. American leaders lack of sensitivity for the rest of the world continues as of Mr. Carters legacy and others before him. Mexico has the riches and best foods of the world. I wish that Obama had taken the opportunity to down-play those acts of terrorism and emphasize the drought and starvation situation in West Africa where millions are dying due to this years strong "El Niño", 250 humans affected in Brussels when millions are dying all over a continent due to capital neglect by the western nations.

Hordes of the  rich in Belgium sits here
Now about the terrorist act in Brussels, Belgium, what is media telling us, what is medias intentions keeping people on their toe-tips? Reporting is below all standards even though going on 24-7, with reporters standby on the spots of the acts yet without having a clue of why or what is going on. Experts on terrorism are summoned to give their views even though as puzzled about situation as whoever educated on the streets of Europe, I guess those experts are getting paid to appear in TV, to be flown in for interviews paid by tax-payers money shedding no light on the situation as they have no access to police or counter terrorism agencies information or being silenced by gag-orders. It is a show nothing else, a show to buy themselves more views in the competition among a myriad of broadcast networks, by creating enigmas out of something so simple to comprehend and making money out of suffering.

Leaving life as a poor for the virgins in heaven
The background and history of the majority of European terrorists is, armed assaults on banks and shops, robberies, house burglaries and other petty crimes going in and out of jail. Did they engage in crime just to finance radical Islam and terrorism, don't think so. It is more about impotence in a society of social injustice and issues of etnicity. We over here all know that the Belgium society is on the brink of bankruptcy, it is poor nation with huge unemployment, with a growing rift between the "natives" and the "French speaking", a growing chasm between the very rich and the one's living on the street. Even though it is the hub of the European union, the situation is made worse by all those fortunate, members of the parliament living a luxury life having double salaries, one from their home country another one from parliament or the commission and entitlement to a life-long retirement salary, directly in the faces of the less fortunate living there, many immigrants from Muslim nations. I would not like to live there myself not being a millionaire in Euros despite their excellent beer. It is so easy to comprehend radicalization. Then we have the US and Obama's issue of race, showing a complete delusion about what humanity is, does Obama still have an inferiority complex because of his ancestry? Belgium and Brussels have a very ugly face not living up to European standards and far from the Nordic ones, that is Scandinavia. This is why Belgium is the foremost nest of radical Islamist's in Europe.

Ugly Neanderthal with beatiful Homo Sapiens
The racial issue still manifest itself in Europe, not only as in the states with their Hispanics, Chinese, Muslim (Arabs) and Jews. Did I forget the white Caucasian, think not. Should I consider the Neanderthal half-breeds as well? Perhaps I should after reading another half-ass CNN article trying make a story that I already heard a long time ago but with the pitch that "our" race, our ancestors, the Homo sapiens interbred with "low level" humanoids like the Neanderthal, knowing that a great portion of us are a mix of different "Homo" species, talking about a grand delusion.

The whole idea about radicalization on planet earth is a complete delusion. It's origin as some thinks is that they stand above the rest, some believes that it is the will of God, some believes that the best came together in a promised land to rule and to control the others.

Say no to "we" and collective ambition
We are all the same, of the same origin, there are no races and no less deserving. Attributes like nationality, origin, race, color of skin, poor or rich, intelligent or dumb are all delusions to keep us apart. To keep us fighting in a war of the most fit, the war of any lowly organism, even lacking a brain on planet earth. What does that tell you about your place on the planet? Eat or be eaten. Could we do better? For every day lived I add a little more doubt that we will better ourselves.

#terrorattack #Belgiumattack #Brussels #brusselsattack #brusselsairport #brusselslockdown #Obama #ISIS #Syria #Patriots

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