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onsdag 20 april 2016

Divorce better than estrangement - about the US Saudi matrimony

Divorce is better than estrangement as everyone related to the couple knows the limits and the rules - it is all over. Tango is for two and the US president travelling the world has done it, two at a time, nothing dramatic as the ones he has visited loves burgers and steaks US style. Now coming to the middle east is somewhere more delicate, on one side there is Halal and the other Kosher and neither eats pork or scavengers from the sea.

Just envision the president of the United States and a shrimp cocktail from his lounge chair in the Air Force One getting down in the holy land of  the Muslims, no kissing, no Royals meeting up when this superpower figure steps down from his plane at the tarmac. It is like he was contaminated with trichinosis, the reason we have Halal and Kosher, Trichinosis always was deadly.

Or is it because the Saudis (Arabs) not are used to a different face, a black smooth talking head than the white US pig-faced presidents of the past, something to fear and loathing at the same time?

What is the latest double-playing of US politics when it comes to the issues of Israel, Palestine, Iran? Or letting Al Assad aided by the Russians to bomb the shit out of the the Sunni rebels of Syria supported by the very same 9/11 Saudis, while ignoring the ISIS. Could it be the meek posture of the US administration towards Iran and it's nuke proposals or its military presence in Iraq and Syria? Well, Saudi is nothing but bleeding considering present prices for crude oil making it on the verge of bankruptcy. USA has not come to the rescue of it's Arab partners defending the oil price but instead venturing towards oil independence protecting its own oil hungry nation by supporting the local "fracking" business. No one could get happier with the US president than the nations middle class, the SUV city dwellers.

The Arabs have their own intelligence, tightly connected across borders in the Middle East with an important hub in Palestine, the Israelis the Mossad where agents have a home wherever they land their feet, that is the Jewish communities all around the planet, blending in with segregated Jewish communities, entering and leaving a foreign state at will. The question is, how tight is the Mossad and the CIA? With Bibi at the helm in Israel and behaving as a twin president of the USA the doors wide open to speak in front of the US congress making the elected one loose his face, is it that surprising that there is estrangement between the true Arabs and the US?

Are the Saudi Arabians invited to speak in front of the US congress at will and how would the situation change with Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump at the Helm? Is Saudi Arabia still important and a strategic alliance to the USA or just a funny face, one of those middle-eastern rag-heads.

Every time the crude oil plummet a large part of the planet's population gets a break giving the I-Love-You gesture to it's government while another part lives in fear for what comes next. This time some states on the Arab peninsula are going broke while those that invested in green technologies like ethanol are loosing whatever was invested, technology, installations, plants and jobs.

Is this like the natural disasters, something we cannot predict or is it something else?

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