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torsdag 21 april 2016

Why Europeans should think twice before letting the Union become a true federation.

The civil war in the US united the different states on the continent by slaughter and blood-shed, the southern states, the confederates had to bite the bullet and obey. The former loose connection between the south and the north now became cemented by the submission of the south and its falling under control by the government and the agencies of the north. The whole conflict was not born out of the north's demand to stop slavery as I think we may conclude from a today's perspective but to extend the powers of Washington all over the entire continent. Washington today is not only controlling the entire world by its federal agencies but also anything within its own territories. The recent Oregon insurgency is a good example of how the federal state exerts its powers in local matters. Sanctuaries like parks, forests and indigenous reservations are created by the federal government, many times against the will of the locals of a particular state. The federal government controls mining, logging and oil prospecting and could stop anyone from pursuing a business in consideration with those. What it does not control is the still lingering apartheid in various states across the US, against black people. Racial discrimination in the US did not end in the nineteen sixties, about hundred years after the US civil war ended said to have a sole reason - to end slavery and discrimination against black people. The racial chasm continues, everyone that reads and watches US media knows, the issue now hotter than ever with police shootings of black people all over the US. Listen to Beyonce and her "Why Black Life's Matter" campaign or watch the John Travolta produced "soap" about the "Juice" Simpson trial. Why is it like this when the "federal" was born out of the civil war? Why did not the federal state take a case against racism ending it for once and for all?

Well, there is a lot to say about a federation and a federal state and far from being the magic bullet to prosperity it is many times the opposite. The federal state bails out the banks and the rich for its own glamorous posture leaving corpses all over but when a municipality within a state of the union goes down, bankrupt there is nothing to have, to get from the federals, a recent example of those is Detroit, Michigan. How the fuck can a municipality, a city go bankrupt without the federation stepping in to help out? That much for the federation.

The federal state keeps it's empire, it's states together with one single device and that is the threat from the Rest of the World (ROW) making people all over the US believe that keeping the ROW at bay is key to prosperity, safeguarding the jobs, keeping salary levels up, eating good and eating lazy, entertainment by shopping, continue to drive fast and/or big gas-guzzling cars, Caribbean and south of the border vacations and when there are no jobs - there will always be a spot open to enlist in the military getting an education while being a patriot fighting the ROW bastards and rag-heads for the sake of freedom.

The center of a federation is like a giant heap of manure attracting all kinds of flies from all over and it it is expensive to keep going. Most of the ones with this ambition are popular among industry, banks and the mob being tempted and prone to corruption and they are easy prey to banks craving more profits or to the military industry wanting more wars to bolster their lethal produce.

In a nation like the US, the agencies becomes huge, so big that they have out-grown the domestic federal needs being creative with new ideas about how to sustain a healthy growth - to domesticate the entire world and being able to become legitimate on foreign territories. Too many individuals of the ROW already believes that their nations obey US law and that FBI may appear at their doorstep extraditing them at will.

We have already come to a world like that as even governments of the "foreign" western world fears the US state department and its arms like the FBI not hesitating to abide US requests on its nationals. Of course there are exceptions like Russia and China, to powerful to become manipulated, but with the rest of us we are already under US law, we can be sued by US courts and judges, we can be kidnapped by contractors harbored by the US embassies and carried away to clandestine military locations by private jets without insignia or identification.

The point with this post is that if Europe becomes a true federation, with a central government we will soon be constituted like the USA, a central government, a president and federal agencies with a global EU-wide jurisdiction. This will not help us to become independent from the powers of the USA, Russia and China, we we will still be under their boot, becoming a one-stop-shop for foreign requests and interventions making life so much easier for the above mentioned nations.

Europe and EU must become military super-power before becoming a true federation, to uphold the independence of its citizens, to keep those sticky fingers away from us. But the best would to keep the union as a union of independent countries never becoming anything similar to USA with its outdated two-party political system its outdated roman style congress and senate filibustering true progress on planet earth for profits and personal gain.

#BlackLivesMatter  #Beyonce  #Grexit  #Brexit  #ObamaInUK  #Russia  #Cuba  #CubaVisit

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