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A tale from times to never revisit again - my mother making it at no odds

This book is about the times at the Second World War end and what happened just before the ending and up to later years with respect to t...

onsdag 2 mars 2016

Should generals be allowed to give opinions relayed in public, transparency? Don't think so.

Antother Christmas tree Philip BreedLove
Military officers in the US adheres to the republican side of politics by tradition and are often given the right to air their opinions even though the policy of the US nation is governed by a democrat president and rule. I think they should be kept short of airing opinions whatever the US government is at a given moment as those people not are made for politics and especially not world global politics, they are made to obey orders from the society and its government.

The latest from a US general, the Air Force General Philip Breedlove gives the US population a set of mixed messages of course already filtered by the administration that Europe is unable to handle the situation with immigrants turning into a hot-bed of terrorists and ultimately a threat against the USA. On the other side of the coin that white supremacists movements in Europe are growing leading to social unrest.

WMDs exclusively in the hands of Superpowers
Europe has become a victim of US geopolitics, coming out of the Weapons of Mass Destruction rant in 2003. Who started this, US politicians or the US armed forces? When a nation is amassing a huge military force the military need exercise, live action otherwise it will loose motivation and start to decay which is a logical reason why every few years passed the US is waging a new war. The WMD "thing" is likely to have been invented by Pentagon and its little conspirator sibling the CIA, later endorsed by the ones writing the check for its endeavors, the White House and its Congress. Don't blame George W Bush for this as the president is a mere figure-head.

Illegaly torn down in front of the world
It is time to return focus on the US wrongdoings but for now only considering Iraq and the tremendous and ongoing suffering created inside and on its borders.The whole thing started with a military intervention that turned into a total disaster, with casualties, with car- and suicide-bombers, with IEDs killing and maiming US soldiers, with executions Nuremberg style, with torture of prisoners, with rape and pillage. A situation so completely impossible and out of hand for the US armed forces to handle without being indicted for war crimes when some bright person came up with the idea to outsource operations to mercenaries keeping itself within the relative safety of the "Green Zone". Do I have to tell more of this story of impotence, the whole world knows some of that story already with more and more leaking out every day. Some does not care, some like it and others hated it even from the day the first reports came that the UN observers were ousted from the Iraqi border and fences being cut down by US and British military before a UN resolution was approved and submitted by the UN Security Council. The whole thing was bound to go wrong from that point in time as anything based on a lie would.

Blackwater - Murder and torture for money
In 2006 there were 100,000 contractors (read mercenaries) working for the United States Department of Defense in Iraq. Even a trade group arose "The Private Security Association of Iraq" affiliating companies such as the infamous US contractor "Black Water". When coming to accountability and in particular to arms bearing ones, the Iraqi laws did not hold over those. The disgraceful bastard, Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld supported the idea of defense contractors as they as such not were subjected to the "Uniform Code of Military Justice" and hence not even liable to the Geneva Convention. People that could shoot kids, kill and torture people at will, but ordered by and of course secretly underwritten by US military personnel. What a deal! Do you know what a future deal with Donald Trump will be, or is he just another Donald?

Bevare of Tinkering Tanks
The world would have been better off with both Saddam Hussein and Moammar Ghadaffi alive and still governing their nations today. Internal unrest in countries like the former Iraq, Libya and other nations under dictatorships will eventually bring dictators down without explicit help from the outside. Suffering from civil wars can't be avoided. Military interventions into sovereign nations will cause sufferings but to larger extent and following nomination of puppet regimes will whatsoever come to civil unrest consequently leading to civil wars doubling and prolonging the suffering for its people. There are so many great "think thanks" in the USA but it appears that not a single one of those came to this conclusion making me believe that at least one of those great thinkers were paid off by somebody on the outside, profiting from war and the production of gear for wars. It is difficult to maintain integrity and stand up for what is right when you can get wealthy choosing your words. Being independent is so much more difficult than being owned.

Children of Laos reality
Admitting guilt is so difficult and it may take decades to accept guilt and start to paying for it. The least I want is to confine this guilt to a particular people or geographic region but let me mentioned Laos, that "communist hotbed" whose soils and forests were impregnated with cluster bombings during a period of 20 years. 20000 thousand persons a year, the majority children, still gets killed or maimed from the remains of those bombings today. The US Congress just recently approved a bill underwriting for a minuscule sum clearing out those bombs. Just imagine Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria today, considering all the ongoing bombings, suffering and migration disaster causing Europe on its knees.

German submarines in US waters 1942 and on
We Europeans often hear that we should be grateful for the US participation in the second world war, liberating us from the Nazis and Hitler. Hitler and the Nazis were not Europe, it was Germany that already was waging war against the US. German submarines were already around your coastal areas in 1942 creating havoc for your fleets. There were many reasons for the US to engage in the war apart from saving Europe, perhaps the biggest one, the communist threat, that is Stalin taking control of the entire European continent.

Just shut up about how Europe is handling this crisis caused by the USA and spare us listening to your generals and your tinkering tanks. And please, spare us further US military interventions, so far any and everyone of yours became disasters for the whole world. Do you want a list, a list with cost and casualties? I don't think it matters, just go for your gut-feeling, Donald Trump for president, it cannot be wrong, just the American way and dream. A USA sprung out of from the disasters and famine in Europe, financed from Europe by the European Rotschilds and Rockefellers and then a genocide of the righteous inhabitants of the land you call yours? You are so different from us, are you? Or, isn't it that you are were the money is (for now)?

Europe does not owe the US a cent, the contrary and by the way you don't have to save us others, stay home and save yourself - from greed, fat living, obesity and this dream, a dream that is no more than an illusion clad in blood of others.


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