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A tale from times to never revisit again - my mother making it at no odds

This book is about the times at the Second World War end and what happened just before the ending and up to later years with respect to t...

fredag 11 mars 2016

Relax, let us continue to dump garbage in our seas

This is what we still hear from the world press when a report is released by some scientists claiming that there are plastic eating bacteria that will reset order in the nature without us having to worry that our lakes, rivers and seas are full of plastics. It is about the same as hearing over again that global warming has nothing to do with the presence of an overwhelming population of humans burning all kinds of stuff and waging continuous wars against each other with weapons loaded with more contaminants than what peaceful population is able to produce just burning stuff to keep them warm or on the roads.

We all know that plastics break down especially by the exposure of sunlight and it's ultraviolet radiation. We also know that plastics buried in the ground protected from UV radiation will stand times virtually without changing. In the seas, plastics normally float for a while being exposed to UV radiation to change into micro-granules then blending with the sea-water and swallowed by fish that we harvest and eat. The plastics is probably not the major danger for us up there in the food-chain but the paints used to color up those plastics as it contains poisonous metals.

The press wants us to give us something to keep us in our comfort zone by communicating that we will be alright as those bacteria will reset the world order of clean waste dumps and seas but the thing is that those bacteria will be eaten by land and sea creatures still contaminated by poisonous agents used to color up plastics. Stupidity keeps ruling the planet by media wanting to be heard for the sole purpose to make money. There is almost never anything profound scientific behind their publications.

If plastic was a threat to mankind what would
nuclear waste be? In the 50:ties and 60:ties, nuclear waste was barged to deep waters of the oceans and dumped. The knowledge of continental plates shift and movements and underwater currents in those days were rudimentary as well the world of underwater volcanoes and at the same time, waste was dumped in regular iron sheet barrels, like the ones we use to store and transport oil. The waste was not sealed into glass and copper containers like what we are doing today and were subject to corrosion in no more than a decade. The worst kind of poisonous agents are already circulating in our seas killing and mutating mammals (vales) and fish. And we have the Russians sinking used nuclear submarines plus waste from nuclear reactors in the Kara and Barents seas.

The human has been so short-sighted creating a situation that could endanger life on earth. Trying to salvage what was done in those days, beginning of the cold war could unleash a disaster on mankind in a matter of years or months taking into consideration that corroded nuclear waste containers would brake during an salvage operation releasing things like plutonium, and polonium into the seas at an accelerated rate as if they were left untouched.

These deeds are crimes against humanity, many times because someone endorsed such drastic measures as dropping an atomic bomb over a city of humans, other times dumping aging war-fare in the seas, criminal as well. Plastics in the oceans does not come close to this looming threat. This is the dark side of geniuses as Albert Einstein that actually proposed the bomb to Franklin D. Roosevelt, the US president that signed the bill so that this atrocity against mankind could happen.

There is nothing we can do about what was done to the seas of planet earth about 60 years ago. We can just hope that the canisters of nuclear waste at the deep graves of our seas never will unseal and spread what is inside them by deep sea currents, by underwater volcanoes, by continental plate shifts.. Forget about the plastics, there is nothing we can do about it as peoples homes at seafronts are full of plastics being carried to the seas every-time a hurricane or a Tsunami strikes.

What the planet does to humans, is nothing what humans do the planet, their own mother of life.

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