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fredag 2 januari 2015

Let us stop talking about religion

Yes, exactly that, stop talking about religion when a crime is committed and remove so called ”hate crime” laws. A crime is a crime irrespective of what the (religious) target was; an individual, a business or a religious institution. As long as we continue using religious labels we will only increase divide and there will always be individuals and organizations taking advantage of it. Always exposing religion in a plethora of situations is counterproductive, religion is a private matter between an individual and “God”. “God” never asked for display of belonging or righteousness through the wearing of symbols or dressing according to the demands of a religious leader or institution. According to most religions, the core of it boils down one simple thing, creating a relation between deity and self. A religious institution apart from compassion and charity should serve this purpose only, which is helping individuals come to terms with that relation.

When we openly display symbols for our belief and grouping us together under the label of a religion we make ourselves prey for evil causes, evil people and evil leaders.

In my country Sweden it started to look like we were on the right path, splitting off church from state, removing religious procedure and one-eyed education about Christianity from education, leaving it up to the individual to decide; and it became very much so until a steady and growing stream of refugees and immigrants, mostly Muslims, starting to pour in over the nation’s borders. Sweden is supposed to be a secular state even though there still are a number of religious remains from the times were the majority of Sweden’s population would consider themselves as Christians, at the end of the school year going to church or the celebration of the Saint Lucia in December. We now have living symbols of religion on the streets and laws and courts are changing to incorporate parts of Sharia, still thinking that everyone is equal under the law. It is a grave error from politicians and law-makers letting this happen.

Secular states like Sweden are easy prey either for religious fundamentalism on one side and nationalism on the other and this is exactly what is going on over her right now. Is it bad to be afraid of change, well if we can define the bad and the good but the problem is we can’t, as no one is educated enough on the subject.

Religion should not show on the streets and not in the civil administration of a country. Is this possible to achieve?

Please get acquainted with the concepts of religion by reading something by Karen Armstrong. Doing it is a much easier way than having to read the Quran, The Bible and the Sutras of Buddha, I would trust her.

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