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söndag 28 december 2014

What is ISIS - ISIS and western propaganda

As Tony Blair and George W Bush did
The surge of Wahhabism movements with origin in the "pure" Saudi Arabia does have roots far back and in particular from those days the Russians moved into Afghanistan and the USA saw another opportunity to beat up the communist state, by taking in fellows like the Pakistani ISI and Osama bin Laden. Every time the USA sticks it's fingers into the business of "poor" ROW nations (ROW = The rest of the world) upheavals and disasters follow. Don't ask me for explaining this as if you are able to read this, you have access to Google, just Google "US wars ”and take your time to update yourself of what came out in the end of US tinkering and manipulation, nothing good at all, in 99% of the cases.

As if Iraq and Afghanistan wasn't enough for the ROW to have patience with, then follows Syria, a state with close relations to the former USSR and today Russia. US CIA Covert supplies of money and arms to contra "Bashar al Assad" movements gave a space to the formation of ISIS. I have not mentioned recent tinkering in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Bahrein and some others, just the obvious, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia. And we have the entirety of Africa and Latin America where China is taking over silently without making opposition or noise, even taking part in or taking over drug trade.

Tracking the USA on wars from the 50ties to current days leaves no room for optimism, believing that unity, peace and understanding would come out and from that nation is a mere illusion. The USA is bringing out their brave men and women soldiers in the press and media all the time, but as the market place rules in that nation, more than in any other nation, they are not brave at all, they are out of funds, money to survive and the way out to prosperity is getting drafted on conditions to get educated to a profession. Many of my North American friends did just that for an education, so many that I am amazed. Today unlike earlier times, they come home disillusioned or with even PTSD. As the USA is ahead speaking of the "ladder of values" - the value chain, many coming home from US wars struggling to become established on the civilian market, forms armed security, interrogation and torture and other military related service businesses to become a US armed forces contractor, you name it and I can only with a lopsided smile on my lips mention - Blackwater, I guess anyone on the globe has read about that company and what it did in Iraq (and other places like the Baghram base in Afghanistan). The people that has done interrogation and torture for the US armed forces and the CIA as contractors later comes home as psychos but much more difficult to follow, detain and control than a direct employee of the armed forces. Take some time reading what happens to people torturing and killing individuals or another drone operator.

 Ugly business, but it is done to keep 350 million North Americans happy, continuing to waste natural resources just to feed them with all sorts of junk-food (Jack-in-the-box), time-killing chest banging Hollywood productions (the Interview) and making them feel constitutional free, a constitution that is far from universal.

So what about the ISIS, the offspring of another US intervention going sour. Please read Juergen Todenhoefer's scope on ISIS. The movement has a clear strategy and means to enforce it, no matter how primitive, how evil they may seem, made up by the press of the world with origin in Mr. peaceful himself  Obama's homeland and jurisdiction. The press have so far abstained from providing a serious and professional outlook what ISIS is and want, only horror stories about atrocities, genocide, beheadings, slavery and rape. There are females believers within the ISIS movements too allowing for this "horror" to happen, even against their own sex - female sex slaves, hm, strange don't you think? Well the international press today makes up their stories based on US and CIA propaganda as they are fearsome to enter the territories of Syria and Iraq for fears for more beheadings. The writing has to be done using binoculars at a clinical distance.

ISIS is far more serious than the horror stories told as it is based on belief of creating a different world. Take ISIS seriously and stop the tabloid reporting made to inflict fear in the rest of us. It may no be as bad as painted but will in power make living on the planet very different from today, for the good of for the bad. The matter is knowledge.

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