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tisdag 9 december 2014

On the US senate torture report and Homeland vs rest of the world

I decided to continue watching Homeland and saw the disastrous episode 9 of season 4 while the real world news of the release of the US Senate report on torture is breaking. The commentaries on the report pass like a fizzle, 520 pages disclosed, nothing new, nothing that I did not know, the rest, 5480 pages are still classified. It is difficult not to reflect, not to feel frustration and anger every time I am remembered of what followed 9/11 (without justifying the terrorist acts), that is watching crap like Homeland or that some earlier classified report partly is released smoothing over horrendous atrocities. What do you say about torture by hanging, beating prisoners to death (while hanging in the roof), raping women, and sodomizing detainees with batons and phosphorescent tubes, water-boarding and depriving prisoners of sleep as heard from the report is mere children stories (PG rated). What about the de-humanizing part, sedation, straight-jackets, hoods, force-feeding through the anus? About the ones that committed atrocities during torture, George W Bush said: "These are good people, really good people" talking about the CIA, but the truth is to be found elsewhere, those "fine people" earning this credit were government contractors as CIA had worries about that a leak could have serious consequences primarily for the agency, secondly for the government and the nation itself because of breaking international law and treaties, a contractor in torture would be a good enough scapegoat, therefore buying torture services from private contractors for hundreds of millions of dollars.

We get the confessions and then comes the denials and excuses, trying to white-wash years of lying, rogue clandestine acts of terror and torture. A few examples of non logical, pompous statements:
George Clapper, director of national intelligence: - did not believe that "any other nation would go to the lengths the United States does to bare its soul, admit mistakes when they are made and learn from those mistakes."
Barack Obama president: "Our nation did many things right in those difficult years.  At the same time, some of the actions that were taken were contrary to our values."
Dianne Feinstein senator:  said it showed the "spirit of a just society [that] functions under law, and that when we make mistakes we admit them, we correct them, and we move on.''
Mike Rogers,  republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee: said that "publication was "a terrible idea" and said "foreign leaders have approached the government and said, 'You do this, this will cause violence and deaths."
We can't keep quiet when we embarrassed ourselves do we, we have to say something. George Clapper caught with the pants down has to insult the rest of the world when it is obvious that the whole world knows that the disclosed information from the report is so far away from the truth of what happened to detained "enemy combatants" and others. President Obama is talking about acts contrary to "our values". If we have values, we act according to them and if don't we will be seen as unreliable and not trustworthy. Dianne Feinstein is suggesting to apologize, moving on to do it again. Mike Rogers when talking about foreign leaders certainly talks about allied foreign dictators. "Semper Fidelis" to the commander in chief and the nation, values are just in the way... Summing it up, these are nothing but rhetoric's - verbal smoke-screens.

Ridiculous in this story is that all US stations abroad is on alert because of the report. This information is broadcast-ed just to underline how truthful and complete this piece of report is. The "terrorist community" has not responded with the usual "chatter" because they already know what really happened to their dead or tortured comrades, nothing new for them to risk their life's for.

This world will never get any better holding on to governing benchmarks of hiding, lying and acting over the heads of it's citizens and the rest of the world of course. Most nations obey international law and enforce prosecution when there are wrong-doings by individuals and officials, the US continues to refuse, rejecting international law. Is the US senate report to be seen an excuse, don't think so.

Then we have this Homeland soap appearing as if it was happening in real time, with scenes controlled from the very situation room of the White house. To make it more realistic there are some setbacks for Carrie and Saul but they always come out of the fire giving it back to those bag-clad jihadist's and their supporters. I believe the series is made to strengthen the North-american soul while breaking others, making the rest of the world tremble in fear over that we always are supervised, seen and tracked from above and that there are some murderous CIA agents plus a SWAT team around the corner coming for us, any time, to kill or render us for torture at a black prison site in an undisclosed third world country. This story is not about love, understanding and consolation, it is about inflicting fear during an already dark age, what Hollywood is so good at.

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