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lördag 3 januari 2015

USA losing the position as the number one – lessons from the past of no use.

Xi Jinping
No one is that stupid, not recognizing the fall of the almighty, the protector of world peace, world economy and the world police, no matter how aggressive Obama has become lately. We don’t have to read books to understand that the world domination of the USA is over, yet one and another US “professor” is laying his neck bare, making scenarios for times to come. Black Hawk down, in Somalia was just the beginning, followed by the invasion of Afghanistan with as of today unprecedented growth and cultivation of poppy seeds then Iraq was left in ruins, with a whole nation in ashes and suffering. Did the US make a terrible error when supporting the Afghan resistance to the USSR invasion? Just take a few steps back and consider the US support of the South-Vietnamese when the French bailed out. Isn’t that pretty much how history goes when conditions in a particular hot-spot are severely misunderstood or miscalculated? How could that be? Today, using propaganda, that is the US press and the Hollywood, it seem like the whole history of US manipulation was the right thing to do, that is to favor world stability. Put some Harvard professor on that subject to show us the outcome of every single aggressive US intervention since the Second World War, or better someone from the Sorbonne University France. I tell you it’ll come and it’ll not be favorable to Hollywood, to the USA, to Sylvester Stallone, to that little shit Chuck Norris (and a lot of others even European imports like Jean-Claude Van Damme and Arnold Schwartsenegger). It will not be favorable to recent history of US leaders (presidents) either, from Jack Kennedy and brothers and ahead to our days, as of adultery (JFK) manslaughter (Chappaquiddick), deception (Nixon), adultery (Clinton), and fraud (GWB). It is pretty ugly summing it all up, a show of lack of values and a reverence of money, the dollar, nothing else. USA got to the moon ahead of everybody because of Wernher von Braun, a NSDAP and SS member – the post-war Paperclip project. That is how this world works; show the rest how formidable you and your system is, a kind of rhetoric but without values behind except controlling the others and getting fat, the behavior of a fully functioning drug addict.

Now, we have a couple of billion of individuals, nations like India and China that wants to get a leg up controlling the situation and especially their own prosperity on the planet earth. Just taking those two, there is common belief among citizens in those nations that they are the oldest, the wisest on earth thus not respecting western ideals. I wonder, how will we westerner’s deal with cultures and thinking like that. I don’t see it amongst us, what I see is planting more cheap labor opportunities on the lands of those nations, which I believe will lead to the demise of the “great” (read greedy) nations like the USA (and some other nations). There is no way to stop that, as everything we do is based on our own greed and if we don’t consume we die. The Swedish treasury lowered the interest to 0% to boost the economy (consuming) but at the same losing control over it.

The Chinese is silently everywhere already, the Indians (Hindus) everywhere since way back because of the British colonies and the relocation of those people from the 19th century and on to modern days. What worries me the most is the Chinese engaging in anything that would make money, anywhere, that is drug trade and un-ethical mining of gold or whatever minerals asked for by the world market. The Chinese are into so much more than what people on the street in any western nation would imagine (because of incomplete or incompetent press coverage), like the Mexican handicraft (artesania) being a bargain on the streets of Mexico City now being replaced by much cheaper ones from China, yet, the Chinese are invisible, you don’t see them on the streets. When the Chinese are able to beat anything we can do, or even better beat the ones that did it for us, what will this sum to at the end? Is our salvation to prop up India as we did with China to counter the Chinese wonder?

This whole thing is just history as for years it has gone out of the hands of the first nation on earth, the world “peace-making” force, the world stabilizer, the world police, the USA. It has nothing to do with Obama, but earlier errors committed by a resource and power-hungry nation’s administration elected by the people (no - elected by corporations paying for the presidential campaigns), the USA that has been too long on good supply of dollars, Crystal Meth, Marihuana and Cocaine (sorry, I forgot Heroine), and a changing gallery of designer drugs allegedly developed in Europe, then produced and distributed by the Chines (read – not North Korea)

Hollywood made some entertaining movies though…. but life is not easy at all and in particular for anyone of us not aspiring for the driver’s seat.

There is no way pushing them back and a fruitful strategy seems to be missing, but irrespective of strategy, the US thinkers know that the point of no return is already passed. All the errors committed earlier basically trying to appear sitting with the intelligence, attempting to inflict fear opposing US policies, to control everything on the planet took the wrong direction some many times coming to the intersections of the future – because of greed, the only nation on planet earth not changing after the demise of the USSR. Not listening to anybody, abstaining from voting on Climate Change issues, lifting vetoes in the UN when the matters did not lead in the direction of US desires. How can anybody trust a nation like that – the truth is, nobody, nobody would. Someone said, to win you need to bet on all horses in the race, meaning to bet even on the devil’s horse to get what you want, the agencies views of the world, irrespective of what the people of your nation wants, without listening, without asking them.

You did take the step to re-open US oil fields in fallow, stymieing developments of green resources in Europe and on your own soils throwing us back to oil dependency, hampering promising developments especially in Europe, with an exceptionally bad timing. The reason, to lower cost of US production, to make your nationals happy as the cost of mobility is crucial on your lands. We’ll see how long this strategy lasts. But, you'll notice that few of us will be able to pay for your produce and that seem to be the catch.

The US is composed of 50 states each one different from one another, it could be having or not having capital punishment, it could be regarding green thinking with higher taxation on energy consummation or no taxes holding the freedom to roam the lands high. Sometimes I hear about this on social Medias but summing it all up, your individuality is not perceived of outside your borders, your voice is not heard of outside of the US, over here at any ROW nation the only thing we hear or see is the voice of your agencies communicated through the voice of your federation – the US government.

This article is not an anti US publication at all, I did live in the states married to an American woman, two of my children are born there, I did admire the US and I still do as my admiration boils down to the level of creativity found in your society, the unprecedented faith, morals, values you once had but sorry to say all that seem to be in decay and probably because of the ludicrous thought that you were meant by the almighty, to control it all, to own it all, to deserve it all. History proves that no people, no nation on earth will persist having such a belief. The real power is to be found within the individual, not a nation, nor a state. Some believe that that power is the power of God.

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