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onsdag 21 januari 2015

USA, ISIS and Iran

Union address January 2015
One of the recent days statements from Obama addressing the congress was: ”don’t touch Iran", concerning further embargos on a nation that GW Bush not so long ago included in the "axis of evil" list of rouge nations. Sometimes I wonder how much look-ahead a super-power nation has on it's HUD. We have got a Muslim Shia rule in Iraq and even if the first one that went sour with the US favorite Maliki another of the same flavor followed suite. Iraqi Democracy or Democrazy, I don't know but with the Mahdi army led by the Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr the door to Iran opened up a little bit more and then was left wide-open when the US partially left Iraq. Do I see a master's level of chess here or is it just another strategic intervene-fire-and-forget game leaving the world with another constellation, another patch-work of ambitious rogue nations and where Iran will acquire the Lion part of it all?

Iran, Israel’s "best friend" is taking control of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, with few enemies around its borders, the only would-be enemy Turkey a Muslim Sunny nation. The worst nightmare of Israel is taking shape. Iraq is already an enclave of Iran with the exception of ISIS and Al Qaeda conquered territories. With Bashar al Assad's regime and the Iran supported Hezbollah militia in Syria, Iran in Iraq, ISIS, Al Qaeda and other Sunni Muslim militias are cornered in and soon rounded up to become exterminated. Iran is already doing air-strikes over Iraq and operating in northern Syria with the aid of USA. This is what Obama is conveying when he said: "don't touch Iran" as Iran is an ally in the air and on the ground countering ISIS. The consequences, well that is for the future?

Is this for the good of the world? Having Iran controlling Iraq, Syria and Lebanon? Shortly, when the time comes, Obama's two terms are over and the matter is on the desk of another US President. But a nation that recently was addressed and classified as a rogue state then in return greeted by Ali Khamenei with "most-hated Satan", could these two nations ever come on speaking terms, with the US "protégé" Israel in between?

I must say that I am impressed by how a nation oppressed by the west by embargos and threats has been able to survive and navigate steadfast through waters full of mines. Is this the staunch Persian nature and personality of Alexander the Great, rising anew, or is it the Anti-Christ rising as per the holy book? I see an aftermath of the Iraq and Afghanistan interventions that I a few years ago would not want to dream of, my worst nightmare for the world seem to come true. My preferred view of a peaceful world comes from a western perspective, a secular world where religious belief is up to each and every one of us and where the role of the church, a religious institution is the road-sign into the mysteries and a social connection between individuals, nothing more. No ones life should be controlled by religion or religious leaders.

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