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onsdag 28 oktober 2015

Syria and the refugee crisis, time to intervene

Not a day without living in the eye of the immigrant catastrophe, not a day without hearing an EU politician saying either "I don't want to make the European union a fortress" or "I don't think the union should close it's borders", not a day without hearing progress but failed attempts from Syria. The politician says one thing but make up deals in the complete different directions, smoothing it all over with propaganda about how many lives the border patrols saves daily. Leaders of the EU Schengen countries have finally come face to face with reality, the gravity of the situation, that is that there is a limit to what EU can take without falling apart, but before that facing a humanitarian disaster.

There seem to be only one solution, with as the first step a global military intervention in Syria, ridding Syria from ISIS, from all sort of militia and also the government of Bashar al Assad. Europe should take the lead as we are the ones that need a resolution, sit down with Russia, the USA, Turkey and Iran to cut a plan, assemble our armed forces for a D-day type operation on Syria. The only way to succeed is a massive ground force operation from all possible neighboring grounds. This should shorten the time for peace in Syria and Iraq, shorten suffering and providing for rebuilding of the war torn countries and families to return to their homes. The problem arisen in the region belongs to the USA a nation that forfeited its rights to lead or demand for a solution. The Syrian talks in Switzerland will probably go nowhere as few or none of the insurgent leaders will participate and definitely not ISIS. There are 2 monstrous problems here, Iran and Hezbollah but if lucky, the US may have pondered over this particular problem having some solutions in the pocket. Anything driven by religious faith will constitute big problems for a shorter term peaceful solution but I still believe we should do it.

An intervention as suggested will cost many young Europeans their life's but considering the option of doing nothing life's will be lost to an even greater extent and for variety of reasons. Refugees are already dying on the sea or on the road, unrest is spreading to peaceful nations like Sweden with riots, arson, stabbings and school-shootings from both sides of the society, residents as well as immigrants. Media's daily messages about fighting hate and racism to promote love and empathy does not work. The immigration authority in Sweden just started to keep the locations of new refugee camps secret and police is starting air surveillance of refugee camp sites for protection. Remember that being a military not is an ordinary job, it's tool is deadly force with the risk of own death. I hope that European young men and women applying for this job are taught that they may end up dead during missions. We have the military for the reason of protection and even if we like to call the military "defense forces" attack could be the only option to defend ourselves.

In the mean time all developed nations of the world must cooperate to divide up the load of refugees. Nations that sets themselves apart should be seen as capitalizing on the situation and punished in one way or another. Let us come together now, or never.

#Homeland #Afghanistan #Iraq #Syria #Libya #Egypt #Yemen #Obama #CIA #NSA #Germangate

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