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A tale from times to never revisit again - my mother making it at no odds

This book is about the times at the Second World War end and what happened just before the ending and up to later years with respect to t...

måndag 26 oktober 2015


And here we have a television series capitalizing on being at near real life. How easy it must be to be a screen writer jotting down what happened yesterday and adding a pitch to what the world would be the next day and having access to private advisers/contractors, think tanks and their likes making up the strategies for the CIA. To me Homeland is the "Big show of Horrors" reflecting what happened and still is happening in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Libya and of course in the eye of the hurricane, Israel.

I have never been at par with US geopolitical ambitions and watching this show, which I think I must see to get an understanding of the past 14 years it is utterly frustrating and painful as the show mimics what happened and still is happening. Is this show giving us something for forgiveness or is it throwing us into a complete delusional state about the world order. Is it meant to pour gasoline on a fire already out of control or is it intending to deliver the divine reasons for why the US is destabilizing a world already full of religious and ethnically divide? I think Homeland could be a fatal shot in the foot for the US society considering how I feel about watching it and how Arabs and Muslims seem to react to it.

Now getting back to the show itself, to Carrie Mathison the protagonist a sick person, a sociopath diagnosed with the bipolar disorder, a lunatic mass murderer when she doesn't take her medication, a pathetic sobbing child when she is on them again. Then we have Peter Quinn a psychopath serial killer robot that executes anything he is given order to exterminate, a real US patriot ready to kill his own children if they threatened the well being of the nation and finally Saul Berensen, a cold upper middle age CIA official that was Carrie's boss but still is Peter's boss with a burning libido to lay down and fuck his subordinate much younger female agents. Well, this is basically it, the heart of the US soul. I think I met all of those people during the times I was an alien resident of the United States, during 2 distinct periods, one short and the other much longer with my 2 first children born in Texas but also later when I was employed by the US subsidiary of my parent company with headquarters in Boston, I myself stationed in Stockholm Sweden responsible for the operation and development of the companies presence on the Internet. Most of the top people, that is the vice presidents for the various divisions seemed to be on drugs, which I believe they were, anything from Marijuana to Cocaine. Who knows, perhaps they were all bipolar? Since my first encounter with North American culture in 1977, working in Watsonville, CA (between Monterrey and San Jose), I had colleagues constantly on drugs 24 by 7, they even smoked during work hours. Next, 7 years later living and working in the states with Marijuana and Cocaine all around even at the work place. 13 years later with the Boston people on visit in Stockholm picking them up at their hotels for an evening out visiting the bathroom at their suits and seeing all those pills and bottles at the sink, I was amazed. Are we talking about a drug culture here with a paranoid fear for whatever? With people like that in the upper layers of a society, what is the outlook for a world in peace and order, none!

The show continued and in the last episode shown here in Sweden, Carrie figures out that she is the target for someone trying to eliminate her, to kill her, to kidnap her. She perceives that someone is coming for her, assembles and loads her stashed away sniper rifle with hard-point bullets, those that fired from a rifle at a short distance would penetrate any Kevlar armor. She hides in the bushes outside the apartment where she is living in secrecy. After some waiting a car drives up to her apartment and a dark hooded figure descends from the car. It is Peter Quinn of course given directions by Saul to kill or kidnap Carrie. Finally Carrie get's clear sight of the back of the assassin, fires, hits and brings the ghost killer down. She carefully approach the person down but when she is getting close, no body is to be found. She finds herself being trapped from behind by someone with a cord around her trout.

This leads me to the thesis that Homeland is nothing but keeping people at a state of suspense in their sofas, wanting nothing else than watching the next episode. Carrie is a lethal assassin, a marksman that never would pull the trigger unless a sure kill, yet Peter evades without being seriously hurt. Let them screen writers explain this! A long-barrel, a rifle, hard-point bullets in clear sight and at close range, explain that. Things like this easily pierces thick metallic armor at longer distances than in this flick. Now knowing this, don't hesitate on the trigger even if you know that your adversary is wearing a "bullet proof vest, he will surely die if you hit him right, in the chest or in the head with the bullet making a complete fly-through, bullet proof vest, helmet or not, This is the "cop-killer" set-up. Is it real? Yes it is real and meant to be by the military.

With this I cannot see the soap as anything else than making fuzz and money. There is no explanation of why the US ventured to destabilize and ravage the world, no attempt seeking forgiveness. Still we, the Rest of the World (ROW) is paying for an insult sold to us by a nation and people addicted to drugs.

Say no to this garbage, a mental drug for a world that doesn't want less than shelter, food, peace and a safe world for their children.

Oh, by the way, I was forgetting about a remarkable passage in this episode: as the German nation has been betrayed by its ally the USA by spying on its citizens a sacrifice is asked for. The US state department is urged to let someone leave the German territory. the CIA boss Saul Berensen is the appointed executioner and firstly decides to let the head of the agencies office in Berlin leave, then he changes his mind to have the US German Ambassador to leave the country. When Saul delivers the devastating message to the ambassador, the ambassador exclaims: - "you can't do this, the president owes me", Saul replies, not as much as you may believe, and leaves. This is from the horses mouth, that is from people that knows how the mechanics of the US nation works, something I have said so many times before, it is not the president that lead the nation but it's agencies and long-term administration with ten thousands of employees guided by history and threats to it's needs and geopolitical aspirations. The prominent's of the US lives a rich life having anything they would need, basically everything at no cost as they are insured as far as to fatalities. Big houses, big spending's, nice eating's, big cars, expensive cars, several cars per household, expensive vacations to anywhere, gardeners, cleaners, maids...There would be so much too loose to show weakness, to let go of the super power status the nation has enjoyed since WW2. The welfare state has turned into greed like in many commercials - talking to yourself in front of the bath-room mirror - I am proud of myself and I deserve it.

Tomorrow I am going to talk about nations conning other nations all the way to bankruptcy, hang in there folks.

#Homeland #Afghanistan #Iraq #Syria #Libya #Egypt #Yemen #Obama #CIA #NSA #Germangate

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