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This book is about the times at the Second World War end and what happened just before the ending and up to later years with respect to t...

måndag 5 oktober 2015

Internet Social Media fraud and insecurity

New era swindler Bernie Madoff

I have always been open accepting social media invitations from people all over the world. I am Swedish but my first Internet language is English just to make it easier for global audience to understand me and get in touch with me, the local “duck pond” on the other hand, with its small talk, rumors and intrigues does not square with my personality as I already had my share of that from living a fairly long life. The Internet was gay and easy living from when the general public entered around 1996 until about 2012 but lately I have seen a sharp increase in soliciting, begging and criminal intents to get to my money. Internet has become a scary and frightening proposition as many others created by the United States of America. Anything coming out of that nation is like the ever reply to criticism about the lack of gun control: “it is not the arms that kill; it is the person that pulls the trigger”. Did the ones opening up a military communications system to the public think or consider its implications for the world? Did they envision the threat of how the net was going to be used by terrorists and criminals, think not? Are we dealing with a nation with a truly naive view of its powers and the world or is there more sinister, well thought plan behind? I am myself starting to revert to the duck pond after numerous attacks to con me, people trying to get my digital identity, my passwords, access to my bank accounts. In the latest attempt on Facebook I was contacted by someone pretending to be the US four star general, Robert William Cone. When I started perceiving a con attempt I Googled the name and yes this person was all over the place, then I Googled the name together with the attribute “scam”, of course it was listed in various con attempts, style Nigeria letters. That was when I blocked “it”, I say “it” because you’ll never know if the person is a he or a she. I am weary of this and have become so wary that I don’t accept calls for friendship anymore unless I already know the person in flesh and blood, this completely in contrast to being happy over the “melting pot” a completely open world where all of us live together in love, peace and harmony. According to former con-artist turned FBI security consultant and “entrepreneur” Frank Abagnale

“Today you have a lot of young people who have no character, no ethics and they find no problem in defrauding somebody or stealing from somebody or cheating somebody. Until we change that, crime is just going to get easier, faster, more global, harder to detect.”

I guess Frank was right… but changing it, I don't know as it is just started, seemingly instoppable.

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