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söndag 28 december 2014

What is ISIS - ISIS and western propaganda

As Tony Blair and George W Bush did
The surge of Wahhabism movements with origin in the "pure" Saudi Arabia does have roots far back and in particular from those days the Russians moved into Afghanistan and the USA saw another opportunity to beat up the communist state, by taking in fellows like the Pakistani ISI and Osama bin Laden. Every time the USA sticks it's fingers into the business of "poor" ROW nations (ROW = The rest of the world) upheavals and disasters follow. Don't ask me for explaining this as if you are able to read this, you have access to Google, just Google "US wars ”and take your time to update yourself of what came out in the end of US tinkering and manipulation, nothing good at all, in 99% of the cases.

As if Iraq and Afghanistan wasn't enough for the ROW to have patience with, then follows Syria, a state with close relations to the former USSR and today Russia. US CIA Covert supplies of money and arms to contra "Bashar al Assad" movements gave a space to the formation of ISIS. I have not mentioned recent tinkering in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Bahrein and some others, just the obvious, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia. And we have the entirety of Africa and Latin America where China is taking over silently without making opposition or noise, even taking part in or taking over drug trade.

Tracking the USA on wars from the 50ties to current days leaves no room for optimism, believing that unity, peace and understanding would come out and from that nation is a mere illusion. The USA is bringing out their brave men and women soldiers in the press and media all the time, but as the market place rules in that nation, more than in any other nation, they are not brave at all, they are out of funds, money to survive and the way out to prosperity is getting drafted on conditions to get educated to a profession. Many of my North American friends did just that for an education, so many that I am amazed. Today unlike earlier times, they come home disillusioned or with even PTSD. As the USA is ahead speaking of the "ladder of values" - the value chain, many coming home from US wars struggling to become established on the civilian market, forms armed security, interrogation and torture and other military related service businesses to become a US armed forces contractor, you name it and I can only with a lopsided smile on my lips mention - Blackwater, I guess anyone on the globe has read about that company and what it did in Iraq (and other places like the Baghram base in Afghanistan). The people that has done interrogation and torture for the US armed forces and the CIA as contractors later comes home as psychos but much more difficult to follow, detain and control than a direct employee of the armed forces. Take some time reading what happens to people torturing and killing individuals or another drone operator.

 Ugly business, but it is done to keep 350 million North Americans happy, continuing to waste natural resources just to feed them with all sorts of junk-food (Jack-in-the-box), time-killing chest banging Hollywood productions (the Interview) and making them feel constitutional free, a constitution that is far from universal.

So what about the ISIS, the offspring of another US intervention going sour. Please read Juergen Todenhoefer's scope on ISIS. The movement has a clear strategy and means to enforce it, no matter how primitive, how evil they may seem, made up by the press of the world with origin in Mr. peaceful himself  Obama's homeland and jurisdiction. The press have so far abstained from providing a serious and professional outlook what ISIS is and want, only horror stories about atrocities, genocide, beheadings, slavery and rape. There are females believers within the ISIS movements too allowing for this "horror" to happen, even against their own sex - female sex slaves, hm, strange don't you think? Well the international press today makes up their stories based on US and CIA propaganda as they are fearsome to enter the territories of Syria and Iraq for fears for more beheadings. The writing has to be done using binoculars at a clinical distance.

ISIS is far more serious than the horror stories told as it is based on belief of creating a different world. Take ISIS seriously and stop the tabloid reporting made to inflict fear in the rest of us. It may no be as bad as painted but will in power make living on the planet very different from today, for the good of for the bad. The matter is knowledge.

lördag 27 december 2014

"The Interview" North Korean hack - or was it?

A victorious Kim Young Un
I will start with this. The only way forward is to treat North Korea with love. "The interview" is not love, it is a continuous smearing of those on a different path. Perhaps they are wrong but love is the only way to cure that. Stop smearing and insulting the rest of the world with your Hollywood produced propaganda shit, it'll never take us to peace and understanding (like all North American movies - if you eat Mexican food, you'll fart or get diarrhea). North America accuses Russia to take us back to the days of the cold war but in reality USA never stepped back from being the super power of the world, now forcing Russia and China to militarize again. It very sad to see a nation that can’t see the problem and that believes that the market place will solve it all. So sad...

Now "experts" is opposing the implication of "the World Bureau of Investigations" (FBI) allegations that was North Korea that did it. Is this another North American agency covert operation to put the blame on another innocent but opposing nation, foregoing operations of another intervention? Well, that is how it looks like, with a puppet democrat president Obama, that never wanted to change or was incapable of what in reality is governing the USA - it's agencies - fat people in fat positions, that always were there to impede change and democracy. Many, too many of us believe that an election with a new political faction will change it all, forgetting that there is a "non-political" administration to be completely changed if we want real change. Fat people in comfortable positions, with comfortable salaries and families in comfortable homes and schools. The very situation that our planet enjoys with the UN, today a corrupt world agency that has become a family matter, living a good life, travelling all over the world on UN expenses, having luxoury wife and kids in an upspcale schools and then tutoring the off-spring to become part of the UN family for a richer, secure and wealthier life.

A message to the "fat" people of the US opposed to change, even fearing change, that is their national constitutional rights of speech - insulting humans of other nations, at will of course, the right to over-consume getting fat and lazy, driving in over-sized cars, owning a gun after a week of "trial". You do not look like your ancesters, the pilgrims, you look like someone eating at the "Jack in the box" and going over municipality borders to buy liqour and guns. A nation that completely lost morals and values.

You are not the protectors of the world anymore, you are lost and constantly loosing it, surrounded by primarily asians (China) and the Russians that never got defeated and they are so many more souls than you are, time to change posture and thinking. Lay down arms development? Don't be afraid, every single one is going to die no matter how you fight it. Be the ball (the Hamburger movies or was it Buddha, you choose).

Get back to love dear fellow North americans, stop looking down at the ROW and dismantle or dump your tinkering tanks - the NGOs, they are more commercial and less smart than you need to survive, constantly trying to impose their views on the world with a reason to boost sales of North american goods (arms). Do you really think rock stars like Bono and business ego's like Bill Gates will change the world?

Grow up North America, that is how most people of the world would like to see you. We would like to love you and again look upon you as a model for peace and progress.

fredag 19 december 2014

Sony, Cyberterrorism and the ridiculous

The Sony HQ
Read the CNN article with the transcript from Obama's last news conference for 2014. Mr. Obama threatened to retaliate for the cyberattack against Sony directly addressing North Korea. Sony is a Japanese cooperation and one wonder why the USA starts to tote arms when the matter really is outside of its jurisdiction. Well, the movie itself is an all-American product out of Hollywood even though Sony is the owner of the immaterial and probably planned to become the North Korea Block Buster during the up-coming holiday season in the US, which is North-American business. Obama also criticized Sony for withdrawing the movie but recognized that Sony is a private corporation with liabilities to its stockholders, he said that he hoped Sony had talked to him before making the decision. How would the world look if private corporations started to call the President of the USA when a sudden problem arises? We already have an insane lobby, many times against consumer interest and the environment but matters like this one is of completely different nature and I believe the president of the USA knows that it would be too much for him to handle.

I do not agree to make ridicule of nations and state leaders in the "Rest Of the World", no matter how bad we see them as it is like pouring gasoline over a burning fire, making people in those nations even more hateful and making our own children looking down on others. To ridicule something or somebody only serve to grow divide and hate. The USA has history of doing this starting with Chaplin's movie, the Dictator and it has continued through the years of up to the "Interview" of today. If you just started thinking about it you imagine how much damage Hollywood has done to the relations between nations and people with the US government as the cheerleader. Small "innocent" things like implying how undereducated and stupid people are in Latin America or even the "stupid blonde" of Sweden. Just stop banging your chest and insulting the rest of US, you can do better, could you? With all those intelligent people you have in your "think-tanks".

Mr Obama also implied the hackers have a leg up and we all believe so, we, professionals in the business of informatics not being affiliated to a government agency, agree and welcome that situation even when attacks affect ourselves. If that day comes when a government like the one of the USA succeeded in stymieing hacking, freedom of speech and thought would not exist anymore. Government control over individuals of societies would be absolute with a world similar to what is envisioned in the novel 1984. Imagine one single government being able to follow or "hack" into the privacy of any individual on planet earth.

It is said that the hacker of Sony was voicing a general threat to "strike" any defiant movie theater intending to show the movie. It is said in the press that FBI already traced the hack to North Korea. Is it really plausible that North Korean terrorism would reach individual theaters in the USA by bombs or shoot-outs, don't think so as it is so much easier to follow a North Korean wannabe terrorist on the grounds of the "Homeland" and I believe there are few, that there are no North Korean "sleeper" cells in the US that can do any physical damage.

Now, who is allowed to spy on or hack the world - without being retaliated or having consequences of severed business? Do you remember or heard of the "Stuxnet" virus that destroyed around 1000 uranium enrichment centrifuges in Iran's nuclear program to a cost of several billions of dollars and causing a 2 year delay in Iran’s program to produce fuel for their reactors? You may applaud this avant-garde cyber-attack by the US and Israeli government agencies (Siemens, the producer of the equipment as well as a Finnish company was in it too) as Iran is an evil rogue state, but what if it happened to you or your country? Or the wire-tapping of the German chancellor Angela Merkel's cell-phone (and other Germans), the wire-tapping of the Brazilian president Dilma Rouseff cell-phone (and other Brazilians), and you could just imagine who wasn't wire-tapped. Oh, this is just business as usual for the US having the right to punish and retaliate any other nation doing it to the US or US interests.

This is a plea to US politicians and "think-tanks" to start thinking in a less cold-world and world controlling fashion than what you are doing and ever did. Could you consider and intervene to stop using media (press and Hollywood) to ridicule the rest of us on this planet, the "ROW", whatever stupid, undereducated and bad we are? Your conduct has so far been an egoistic idea to provide for the people of the "promised land", yourself.

Don't play hardball with us, I think the rest of us would love you more or listen better during a game of soft-ball. If you want my support, don't spy on me, talk to me. #sonyhack #sony #theinterview #kimjongun #northkorea #nsa #cia #obama #iran #mossad #israel #stuxnet

tisdag 16 december 2014

Sweden a nation in upheaval and political turmoil

It was rather shocking to see the leftist party representative Rossana Dinamarca start speaking in the Swedish parliament without addressing the elected house speaker with "herr talman" (Mr chairman) as is required and customary, seeking conflict, defying democracy. Sweden's parliamentary system and democracy is on the path downwards the tubes of the sewer since the last election with the ultimate show-down between the elected government and the opposition when the budget was to be voted on. The day before the vote was to take place the suspected neo-Nazi party "the Sweden Democrats" the third party in size of my country arranged for a press conference declaring that they would put their vote with the right-wing coalition - the Alliance - to defy and destroy the budget proposed by the government of Sweden. They also declared that they would let down any government not having responded to the party's will to limit immigration. This resulted in the prime minister calling for a re-election in March 2015.

Well this is an unusual dark fall in Sween only 2 months since the election and for every day passed it appears that the government we had, a right-wing coalition called the "Alliance", has caused great damage to the image of Sweden, the parliamentary system, it's people and the ones at the bottom of the food chain. That "Alliance" is a composition of the bigger truly rightist party - the "Moderaterna" and three other marginal parties, the "center", "the People's" and the "Christian democratic" party. The major stake of governing is held by the "Moderaterna", keeping important roles as the "Prime minister", "the minister of foreign affairs", the "minister of treasury", the "minister of naturalization" with ministers of more lightweight controversial matters given to the allied minority parties making them feel important. That is how the Swedish party the "Alliance" look like and it is also a reason why the bigger party the "Moderaterna" is very comfortable in its position for egoistic reasons refusing to bargain with the majority which now is it's opposition, letting a neo-Nazi party create havoc in the parliament.

This writing is as much about the disastrous consequences of a government formed by the wealthiest and the industry ( read in US terms, the "Republicans") as of parliamentary turmoil by a new third agent, a party with a neo-Nazi past that has more than 13% percent of the votes, the third largest party in Sweden.

The legacy of the past government are that welfare, that is including “Medicare”, the educational system, unemployment support, for the people of Sweden has been hampered in favor of giving tax-breaks to those that does not need them, increasing segregation in contrary to what Sweden was known and admired for in earlier years, insulting senior retired people not getting the tax-breaks because they are off the work market place. Anybody  not having an employment in Sweden is punished by this utterly stupid idea. At the same time, those tax-breaks affects the security of Sweden when the Russian nation is rising again creating a situation similar to what we had during the cold war, there is no money for increasing military expenditures. A shot in the own foot but also in the foot of everyone that wants an independent Sweden.

The armed forces in Sweden knows that the nation would have about a week of holding up resistance before surrendering to an attacking nation (read Russia) is asking for funding to beef up the defense. There is not sufficient money in any political blocks budget to change that situation in any considerable manner. Those tax-breaks we had will be gone with any future government taking the Russian threat for serious without having improvements in our educational system, our “Medicare” or improving the situation of un-employment. We would have to suffer again to once again become the highest taxed nation on planet earth, as we were once.

Sweden has lost it's position as a nation were equality in education was our hallmark. The latest OECD report (fall 2014) points out that what we were known for, is since long lost, asking, what the hell happened to you. It is truly very sad. What we know of today is that most schools that were sold out to so called "venture capitalist" are showing losses in their earnings reports, showing big losses and when asked how they are going to make it without putting students on the street, they respond smiling, saying despite losses we are doing great, don't worry. So what is that? Parents to students in those private schools are worried, do they have to be? Well, those companies are utilizing EU sanctioned tax-schemes making them appear like they were losing money by running their business. The truth is that they use the possibility to take fake loans to a very high interest rates from an affiliated company residing in Luxembourg creating a loss in the balance sheet not having to pay taxes, not having to benefit or support the country were they operate. None of our media specialists seem to get it though.

I hope the respect for democracy will rise again in our nation. I hope that the hypocrite role model of the Roman empire and that of the God almighty himself, the US nation, will be deprecated, as it only leads to segregation between those that doesn't have and those that have, those that can and those that are unable to. That is not unity, that is not love. That is greed.

The promised land has become the land of greed, the land of the "feel good flicks" instead of doing good. It affects all of us on the planet earth as we "enjoy" the propaganda machinery of Hollywood and the USA, I do not recognize the descendants of the pilgrims anymore.

I would like to see myself as a libertarian (my ego) but my instinct tells me I am wrong.

lördag 13 december 2014

Letter to Edward Snowden - from Sweden with love

For a democracy to stay sane the secrecy has to be broken over and over and there must exist people like you willing to risk it all. Now there are talks here in Sweden about offering you asylum and the voices heard are mainly from representatives of the green party a minority political movement currently being part of the Swedish government together with the considerable bigger Social-democrat party, where also the key ministers are from and hence the real power. Voices promoting your asylum in Sweden comes from the small green party and the equal small "the left party" - vänsterpartiet but non of the bigger parties have expressed concerns.

Irrespective of the outcome if you decides to come to Sweden to apply for asylum, there are matters to consider. The Swedish industry is in many cases dependent on US military technology as in the case with the high stakes development of the multi-purpose military aircraft JAS. Several Swedish industries involved in development and manufacturing of military equipment were purchased by US military enterprises (contractors) years ago and are today own by those. Considering your status in the USA, that is being seen or suspected as someone that committed a serious crime, Swedish law will not be able to protect you as Sweden does have a treaty with the US about extradition. The two most important conditions in Swedish law talking against your possibility to get asylum are, guarantees that the person will be excluded from capital punishment (the US would warrant that) and if Swedish law would come to the conclusion that the act committed is a crime if it was committed in Sweden. No minister of the Swedish government will be able to protect you if you come here and the same holds true for Julian Assange of Wikileaks, but if a minister tried to intervene the whole Swedish nation would be held hostage until the entire situation was resolved, that is, you being extradited.

It is of course interesting to see what would happen if you came over here. Would the US request your extradition and would Sweden stand up against such a request. When the foreign minister Margot Wallström was interviewed in Swedish state owned television she first made an overture concerning your bravery and how you had initiated an international debate about how far a government would be allowed to go spying on it's citizens but also mentioned that you were sought for a serious crime and then when asked if it was possible to grant you asylum she just replied: of course, Sweden is a nation where justice is held high and yes, we have courts and procedures that will take care of that. Her answer was pretty flawless, no promises, well knowing that even a Swedish foreign minister would not have a saying in this matter. Your asylum matter would be handled by a court, by given laws and treaties with other nations.

If you decide to come over here, with the idea to live and stay in Sweden, asking for asylum you would of course show the world a lot of courage, you would show the world what happens if you object your "Homeland" that is, the USA. You would show how sold-out a country like Sweden is when it comes down to the relation with USA. You would avoid capital punishment as Sweden cannot and will not hand over a person to another state without guarantees that this person would not get executed. You will be treated very bad in the USA, that we know and you would get life in prison after a lengthy period of suffering from being abused by the CIA. After a couple of years you would likely get pardoned, that is when the people in the USA eventually returned to their core values and their constitution.

Whatever you decides, you will remain my hero, Edward. I know that what you did was for me and the world I live in. You seem to be person so easy to love.

tisdag 9 december 2014

On the US senate torture report and Homeland vs rest of the world

I decided to continue watching Homeland and saw the disastrous episode 9 of season 4 while the real world news of the release of the US Senate report on torture is breaking. The commentaries on the report pass like a fizzle, 520 pages disclosed, nothing new, nothing that I did not know, the rest, 5480 pages are still classified. It is difficult not to reflect, not to feel frustration and anger every time I am remembered of what followed 9/11 (without justifying the terrorist acts), that is watching crap like Homeland or that some earlier classified report partly is released smoothing over horrendous atrocities. What do you say about torture by hanging, beating prisoners to death (while hanging in the roof), raping women, and sodomizing detainees with batons and phosphorescent tubes, water-boarding and depriving prisoners of sleep as heard from the report is mere children stories (PG rated). What about the de-humanizing part, sedation, straight-jackets, hoods, force-feeding through the anus? About the ones that committed atrocities during torture, George W Bush said: "These are good people, really good people" talking about the CIA, but the truth is to be found elsewhere, those "fine people" earning this credit were government contractors as CIA had worries about that a leak could have serious consequences primarily for the agency, secondly for the government and the nation itself because of breaking international law and treaties, a contractor in torture would be a good enough scapegoat, therefore buying torture services from private contractors for hundreds of millions of dollars.

We get the confessions and then comes the denials and excuses, trying to white-wash years of lying, rogue clandestine acts of terror and torture. A few examples of non logical, pompous statements:
George Clapper, director of national intelligence: - did not believe that "any other nation would go to the lengths the United States does to bare its soul, admit mistakes when they are made and learn from those mistakes."
Barack Obama president: "Our nation did many things right in those difficult years.  At the same time, some of the actions that were taken were contrary to our values."
Dianne Feinstein senator:  said it showed the "spirit of a just society [that] functions under law, and that when we make mistakes we admit them, we correct them, and we move on.''
Mike Rogers,  republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee: said that "publication was "a terrible idea" and said "foreign leaders have approached the government and said, 'You do this, this will cause violence and deaths."
We can't keep quiet when we embarrassed ourselves do we, we have to say something. George Clapper caught with the pants down has to insult the rest of the world when it is obvious that the whole world knows that the disclosed information from the report is so far away from the truth of what happened to detained "enemy combatants" and others. President Obama is talking about acts contrary to "our values". If we have values, we act according to them and if don't we will be seen as unreliable and not trustworthy. Dianne Feinstein is suggesting to apologize, moving on to do it again. Mike Rogers when talking about foreign leaders certainly talks about allied foreign dictators. "Semper Fidelis" to the commander in chief and the nation, values are just in the way... Summing it up, these are nothing but rhetoric's - verbal smoke-screens.

Ridiculous in this story is that all US stations abroad is on alert because of the report. This information is broadcast-ed just to underline how truthful and complete this piece of report is. The "terrorist community" has not responded with the usual "chatter" because they already know what really happened to their dead or tortured comrades, nothing new for them to risk their life's for.

This world will never get any better holding on to governing benchmarks of hiding, lying and acting over the heads of it's citizens and the rest of the world of course. Most nations obey international law and enforce prosecution when there are wrong-doings by individuals and officials, the US continues to refuse, rejecting international law. Is the US senate report to be seen an excuse, don't think so.

Then we have this Homeland soap appearing as if it was happening in real time, with scenes controlled from the very situation room of the White house. To make it more realistic there are some setbacks for Carrie and Saul but they always come out of the fire giving it back to those bag-clad jihadist's and their supporters. I believe the series is made to strengthen the North-american soul while breaking others, making the rest of the world tremble in fear over that we always are supervised, seen and tracked from above and that there are some murderous CIA agents plus a SWAT team around the corner coming for us, any time, to kill or render us for torture at a black prison site in an undisclosed third world country. This story is not about love, understanding and consolation, it is about inflicting fear during an already dark age, what Hollywood is so good at.