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tisdag 16 september 2014

The Swedish Election, what happened, do we have an immigration issue?

Passed another election in Sweden. The incumbent coalition controlled by the conservatives fell off the throne. Why did this happened despite being such a "responsible" government hailed by the rest of the countries in European union for it's perfomance through years of economical upheaval in the world around this tiny insignificant nation. The answer to the question why this government failed to maintain position governing Sweden for another four year is this: just a few month before the election, the prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt went out proclaiming the government would support an accelerated immigration to Sweden, expressing his concerns about the necessity to accomodate refugees from the planet's hot spots and how beneficial it will be to Sweden to become a true multicultural society. This went on and on drawing closer to the election day something we here had never seen from party leader ever and considering this small nation that already had taken a big load of immigrants from all the corners of the world even bleeding from immigrant gang wars over drug territory with more deaths and executions that we have ever seen through the history of the nation. As a result of this one in every four for the previous mandate period that voted for the conservatives went to a party that most Swedes (87%) considers neo nazis in this election and that gained 13% of all votes making the third largest party in Sweden.

We Swedes don't want more immigrants at least not an accelerated influx for now. We are not prepared to accommodate more. We are unable to cope with or accomodate the Romes coming from other parts of the union that creates their living in parks within the cities of major Swedish cities, I can say a lot about that as I am having colony of romes 200 meters from my house that is at 10 minutes distance from the Stockholm city center. Nobody wants more immigrants but no one can say this in public without being called and labeled racist. We can say it by voting only as our vote remains the sole thing in the Swedish society that is private and close to holy.

Well, back to the conservative party and its leaders, Fredrik Reinfeldt and Anders Borg. Why did they manage to keep good old Sweden afloat. I would say that any government would have had as this country still is living on the surplus of the eras of the great world wars and the years following the great wars of the world. We could deliver products during the wars, iron ore for the Germans before and during world war one and two and after rebuilding Europe with a development and manufacturing machine intact unaffected by the wars. Lately the funds to keep Sweden afloat has come from selling off government industries created in those days of wars, not only within the weapons section but all kinds that we had in abundance over here created mainly by Sweden's Socialistic heritage.

We have had a government in Sweden that has done nothing else then selling off public business, cutting taxes, keeping people out of unemployment benefits, keeping disabled people out of social wellfare and importing cheap labor from around the poor states of Europe, working for nothing.

No grace to Fredrik Reinfeldt, Anders Borg and their over-aged clown, USA leachead foreign minister Carl Bildt. The last thing heard from the "duo" is that they now would get more time for hunting (hunting (killing) animals (for pleasure)).

Would a normal human like having leaders like that running a nation?

And  imagine a nation having a government coming out from the closet a few months before the election claiming their love to a multi cultural society? Well, as I said, this is what made the incumbent government fall.

The outlook for Sweden and it's possibly socialistic government seem bleek, just think about a prime minister that for the first time in Swedish history does not speak English! May God have mercy with us...

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