If I was a Jehova's witness I would say that with this last developments of aggression based on delusion and lies and illegal and unlawful intervention this world is coming to its end. Finally the dreaded F22 Raptors (even by pilots refusing to fly them) being the secret weapon of the empire not exported to any country are being used in aggression (combat by the finest military servicemen of the world according to Obama in his latest speech). Well congratulations to this fine piece of flying evil costing about 400 million USD a piece not considered the cost of the bombs you are dropping killing innocent people. Just imagine what the money of a few raptors would do to lessen suffering for people of this world. As long as you let your mind inflicted by fear govern you and your nation you'll always end up making the situation worse for yourself and for all of us, imprisoned on this planet. Surrender to make yourself free, to know the "being", your true peaceful self. And this is for Mr Obama too, free yourself of the demands of you, from your administration, from your agencies and make your dream come true the realization of the promises you made in your election campaign that made you win the Nobel peace prize. Don't be a coward, don't back off, stick to what you said, being mainstream will just bring you down to another mediocre one of the history. Killing Usama bin Laden will not do it in the books for you it'll just bring resentment towards you, all over the the planet.
Every day I
see new means and methods to justify going to war, like intervening and
invading "rouge states", extraordinary rendition invented by the Bush
regime to pick up supposed to be terrorists on sovereign states territories,
calling any militant movements terrorists, no matter of what sort as long as
they are against the incumbent US friendly regimes. Sweden has been a US ally
since after the World War II, helping in spying on the east block even though
under the flag of a neutral state but hiding it well from the world under in
particular the Social Democrat regimes of Sweden. Our secret relations with US
government cracked wide open when one of those grey aircrafts without the common
designation letters on the body descended on Swedish soil in 2002 to pick some
alleged financiers of al Qaeda, approved by the Swedish government and signed
off by secretary of state Anna Lind. They were taken to one of the US
"rendition" places in Egypt to be tortured by contractors keeping
blood away from the hands of US government.
This one is
about how willing the Swedish society is to justify aggression by our ally the
US, by any means and in this case the air attacks by the US and it's brothers
in arms on IS (not Obamas ISIL with is a demeaning rewriting of the organization’s
name that in reality extends far beyond the Levant) on Syrian soil. This by
Swedish media very much used Ove Bring, "Professor Emeritus" in
International law is claiming that the US and its partners are in full rights
to intervene in and over a sovereign state, in this case Syria. And the
explanation is that according to some fuzzy UN toothless laws, intervention by
an "lawful" external agent may be done when the government of that sovereign
state is incapable of protecting it's own people. Now pay special attention to
the word "lawful" in the previous sentence. See, the US comes in from
a standpoint of being a legal, lawful governing body of Iraq protecting the
interests of Iraq while being an unlawful aggressor intervening in Iraq and
taking unlawful control of it based on the lies to protect the world from
Saddam Hussein's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). We all know that there were
none and also know that UN controlling the borders of Iraq prior to the
intervention was forced to leave it's positions weeks before any UN decision
was made on the issue when US troops came in and opened up "holes" in
the border preparing for a non UN sanctioned attack. The UN is toothless
manipulated clown that no living being on earth should hold trust in and makes
more harm to the planet than if it would not exist at all, only smoke screens
of hope for this world. And it cost too much money, money that could be used to
cure Ebola patients in Africa and feed the starving.
When this
"Professor Emeritus" Ove Bring of International law once again utters
his "expert" opinion in favor of stupidity it just shows how
incompetent Swedish media has become. There are no experienced reporters any
more as they are to expensive to keep going. The trend is to go out and "buy"
an "expert" willing to write something to lower cost than what it
would take to keep an experienced professional reporter going for years on a
If you did
not understand what I was saying, I'll rephrase it to just say that the attacks
within Syria today are illegal, unlawful, stupid and inhuman. And apart from that we are spilling
bombs over innocent people creating even more suffering than what IS would ever
Take that,
Carl Bildt (Secretary of State) and Fredrik Reinfeldt (Prime minister) in your last days of governing Sweden. Your ideology
has been making money, having a good life for yourself and being seen by
I hope some people in Russia will read this and figure out that even if you are communists you are not alone in this screwed up world of politics and madness. You Russians should not feel at ease with this, you have a process of dealing with your guilt ahead of you. You killed my grandfather, my uncle and many more in my family that I never got to see or know and it still hurts many years after I got aware of what you did to my future.
I hope some people in Russia will read this and figure out that even if you are communists you are not alone in this screwed up world of politics and madness. You Russians should not feel at ease with this, you have a process of dealing with your guilt ahead of you. You killed my grandfather, my uncle and many more in my family that I never got to see or know and it still hurts many years after I got aware of what you did to my future.
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