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torsdag 21 augusti 2014

Taking out ISIS/IS and getting help from one embarassing and unwanted ally

In a previous blog post I hinted of how the US helped Syrian insurgence with money and armament to oust the regime of Bashar al Assad, primarily to give Russian president Vladimir Putin and his Russia a beating, ridding the Mediteranean from Russia's military presence. What the world got in return from such a both tactically and strategically (long term) blunder was ISIS now IS. Not the first time it happens with the US manipulating the mind of a world of lesser knowing states for it's own geopolitical hunger to control territories and it's resources while telling the rest of the western world that it is in our best interest. The most fatal and lethal blunders most people have in mind is the intervention in Iraq, then Afghanistan as they are recent and ongoing but there are so many more over the past 40 years, all of them today deemed a fail with disastrous outcome, massive loss of life and dire suffering with right-wing dictators at the helm during long periods of time as result of the "tinkering".

What I would like to say today is that what I have foreseen is happening, that is Syria and the regime of Bashar al Assad has suddenly become an ally by now turning focus towards the ISIS/IS, starting to attack and bomb the strongholds of this radical moslem movement. Read the US press today to see for yourself as I am assuming that yesterday you still felt, you still thought that the regime of Bashar al Assad was a foul regime that had to be ousted. Please do not take the eyes off countries like Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrein where we have seen Facebook/Twitter spring movements but where the situation later and in some cases after international intervention to oust a leader the situation has turned against every "good" intention. Don't see ISIS/IS as the problem and the US as the solution, you have to see US tinkering as the part of a greater problem.

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