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onsdag 20 augusti 2014

A mainstream US president and the IS problem

Is the executions and decapitations by IS more horrendous than what the US government has been involved in since 9/11 more recently with their "precision" and "surgical" drone strikes in Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Yemen killing innocents, women and children? IS is probably an army of young angry men seeing their nations and families violated, raped and brutally killed by an oil and power hungry nation in the west. Obama said "People like this ultimately fail" because the future is won by those who build and not destroy" referring to the IS beheading of the US journalist Foley today - 08/20/14 a phrase that sound so hypocritical, hollow and false with hindsight way back to Vietnam, a phrase from a mainstream US president of a nation that never lived up to promises he made in the elections that rendered him the Noble peace prize before doing anything. A president that did not replace the "heads" of the agencies (read CIA, NSA etc.) to enforce his own promised policies to steer the US away from the course the George W Bush and his father had laid. US is today a country controlled by the legacy of its agencies, not by the will of its own people and it's president elect. It is a very dangerous path spiraling downwards towards the gates of hell that the late Saddam Hussein predicted to open if US would attack Iraq.

Now, a nation and a president that wants to make Russia - an ally of Syria to fail and fall like earlier in Afghanistan supporting the Muhajeddin and Osama bin Laden by supporting the so called "opposition", financing the opposition groups (read ISIS-IS) with money and weapons against what Syrian exiles claims is a good man and a guarantee for stability in Syria and its proximity, that is the Syrian president Bashar al Assad. Now with this fresh in memory watching the consequences of  manipulating the situation against Russia in Syria and watching Obama and his government (the agencies) trying to come out a as the savior of the world with missile strikes against the IS and it's rescue operations, doesn't it give you a taste of shit in the mouth? I see disaster as looming and I do not think that IS is bound to be stopped, too many angry young men and women in this world to achieve such a goal.

 Of course the same is happening in Ukraine, the same painting black of Russia and it's president Putin. When there are diplomatic back-doors where most issue could be resolved in contrary to creating chaos out of political ambition.

President Obama is man with an immaculate white shirt, a silk tie, shiny polished booths, a smiley face and a mouth loaded with political rhetoric’s but behind this facade there is a scared little boy that had no idea what his tenure would become. He has done nothing to change this world towards the better. Just look at the political "crown jewel", the Palestine. Nothing. Instead throwing the whole world into turmoil, letting the agencies rule, letting companies like General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and others rule, the war mongers of the nation.

I fear that this lowly writing will cause me problems at my next re-entry of the borders of the United States of America but I hope that you all, border people take it in, all with a good laugh from all the irony in the present situation presented here and let me pass on to my final destination, which will not be the territories of the United States. I will only pass through for the convenience of travel. But what the hell, I am only honest, not hostile at all.

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