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söndag 19 januari 2014

The presidential affair

France's president Francois Hollande is having an affair, not an extra-marital one as he's not married but an affair. World press is crying out that times are different today, that France has changed, that the President must change but I wonder how they came to such a conclusion. Is it that they want France to change to become like the rest of the developed world, a world wrapped in a common grey nuance without taste, without smell and without glory? The France I got to know while doing some project stunts during a couple of years in La Gaude just a few miles away from Nice and the Riviera thought me quit a lot about the French nature: about flirting, what is a good wine, about cheeses, arts and about the meaning of having an "affair". This was almost 15 years ago which may seem a long time but my presence on social medias meeting with people from all over the world with the full age specter tells that the French has not changed, the French even the young ones loves the tasteful, the arts, mature music and having a deeper sense for life than what I perceive in other cultures like my own, the British, the Australian or the US. I deduce that France has not changed and must not change. France shall stand fast holding on to its rebel character, to outstanding creativity, individuality, love, romance, the tasteful and the beautiful. From France we got the fine foods, the fine wines, the Champagne, the perfume, the couture, the flirting and the "affair". I do not want the French to be assimilated, I want them as they are and how they always have been, an avant-garde asset to the world, a world heritage and the most romantic place on planet earth. Keep your fingers away from France, don't touch this jewel. Let them keep the "affair". The "affair" is passion and hurt the involved but not the bystanders. And by the way, the "affair" is a private matter of Francois Hollande.

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