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tisdag 28 januari 2014

Sweden’s failed anti prostitution law

Why the Swedish measure to criminalize men and not women is failure could be explained with a few sentences.  In Sweden since a few years back it illegal to buy sex while it is allowed to sell sex, so to pay a prostitute for “her” services is a crime while prostituting oneself is not.  This has brought a few men to criminal court, amongst them judges, prosecutors, policemen and regular male citizens while it has not brought prostitution to a halt or to diminish, instead it has increased. The feminist movement and the female lobby (an organization) are very pleased as their principal interest is to keep women out of law’s harm but seemingly not interested in curbing prostitution.

So what is the reason that Sweden has more prostitutes on streets than ever before? The prostitute is not a domestic Swedish woman anymore; they are coming in to Sweden from all surrounding countries to make their living knowing that if caught they will not be taken in by the police, prosecuted and later deported. If they want they will be provided shelter, a room, a bed to sleep in and food. Some of them when “caught” with a customer will claim they’ve been forced into prostitution by mafias and would be at risk if deported, thus asking for asylum in Sweden. Part of the prostitution in Sweden is run by Baltic and Russian trafficking mafias that no longer have much trouble convincing prostitutes working for meager money on the streets on the eastern side of the Baltic to join their operation, as it is risk-free with respect to law enforcement and highly paid. Everybody involved in trafficking and single individual prostitution knows about the situation is Sweden, mafias as well individual prostitutes, taking advantage of this strange Swedish law. The black sheep paying for this is the Swedish man.

This law is a standing invitation for prostitutes of the world to safely labor in Sweden, there is only one detail missing to make it perfect, they cannot report income to the IRS to pay taxes.

So instead of curbing trafficking and prostitution the business is prospering and keeping the Swedish police busy with nonsense in a situation where armed gang violence on the streets is going out of hand with several murders involving firearms every week. My compliments to the Swedish feminist lobby, the government and in particular, MJ Beatrice Ask.

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