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tisdag 28 januari 2014

Sweden’s failed anti prostitution law

Why the Swedish measure to criminalize men and not women is failure could be explained with a few sentences.  In Sweden since a few years back it illegal to buy sex while it is allowed to sell sex, so to pay a prostitute for “her” services is a crime while prostituting oneself is not.  This has brought a few men to criminal court, amongst them judges, prosecutors, policemen and regular male citizens while it has not brought prostitution to a halt or to diminish, instead it has increased. The feminist movement and the female lobby (an organization) are very pleased as their principal interest is to keep women out of law’s harm but seemingly not interested in curbing prostitution.

So what is the reason that Sweden has more prostitutes on streets than ever before? The prostitute is not a domestic Swedish woman anymore; they are coming in to Sweden from all surrounding countries to make their living knowing that if caught they will not be taken in by the police, prosecuted and later deported. If they want they will be provided shelter, a room, a bed to sleep in and food. Some of them when “caught” with a customer will claim they’ve been forced into prostitution by mafias and would be at risk if deported, thus asking for asylum in Sweden. Part of the prostitution in Sweden is run by Baltic and Russian trafficking mafias that no longer have much trouble convincing prostitutes working for meager money on the streets on the eastern side of the Baltic to join their operation, as it is risk-free with respect to law enforcement and highly paid. Everybody involved in trafficking and single individual prostitution knows about the situation is Sweden, mafias as well individual prostitutes, taking advantage of this strange Swedish law. The black sheep paying for this is the Swedish man.

This law is a standing invitation for prostitutes of the world to safely labor in Sweden, there is only one detail missing to make it perfect, they cannot report income to the IRS to pay taxes.

So instead of curbing trafficking and prostitution the business is prospering and keeping the Swedish police busy with nonsense in a situation where armed gang violence on the streets is going out of hand with several murders involving firearms every week. My compliments to the Swedish feminist lobby, the government and in particular, MJ Beatrice Ask.

söndag 19 januari 2014

Consensual sex in Sweden

Is the Swedish society ensnaring itself in law-making? This weekend a large crowd gathered in the city center of Stockholm with the intent to gain momentum for a change to the Swedish law demanding consent between the 2 parties before having intercourse. What would that be? Always carrying an affidavit to be pulled out at the right time before engaging or a sex “app” to sign off online between the 2 parties, like making a signed banking transaction at the given time. Hm, most lawyers cannot see how this would work or help the situation in court at a dispute the same as what any sane person would believe. But Swedish people is not sane anymore, ask any one on the street if they consider themselves being a feminist and most would answer yes, from fear of being wrong and considered a social misfit. I don’t like lawyers, but here they are right and hopefully they will be able to stall any attempt to further destroy Swedish laws, laws that will make the situation in the courtroom concerning rape and sexual abuse cases even more whimsical than they are today.

Now there are a lot of things going on here in Sweden talking about women’s rights. Another thing heard in media was that someone came up with the idea that women that often report sick at work is doing it because they are being beaten up by their spouses. The proposed solution was that doctors and nurses at clinics and hospitals always should approach a women coming in suggesting that she is having an abusive spouse. Now, to being paid by social security for a sick leave one has to see a doctor, meaning that when a woman comes in doctors must investigate if she is there because of abuse in the home.  Perhaps, that is fine, but just putting procedures of that kind in place will make it so easy to paint whatever spouse in black when needed, no one will dispute such a claim in Sweden as the woman always is looked upon as fragile, weak and innocent being. Lawyers involved in custodial court cases specializing in women would be very happy to have this as the support from doctors would strengthen their cases. The truth is that women in Sweden still take care of the kids even though she is working. When a kid gets sick and need attention she reports sick to her employer. Some women have kids that get sick frequent. This is another dangerous and head-less proposal from Swedish feminists.

The presidential affair

France's president Francois Hollande is having an affair, not an extra-marital one as he's not married but an affair. World press is crying out that times are different today, that France has changed, that the President must change but I wonder how they came to such a conclusion. Is it that they want France to change to become like the rest of the developed world, a world wrapped in a common grey nuance without taste, without smell and without glory? The France I got to know while doing some project stunts during a couple of years in La Gaude just a few miles away from Nice and the Riviera thought me quit a lot about the French nature: about flirting, what is a good wine, about cheeses, arts and about the meaning of having an "affair". This was almost 15 years ago which may seem a long time but my presence on social medias meeting with people from all over the world with the full age specter tells that the French has not changed, the French even the young ones loves the tasteful, the arts, mature music and having a deeper sense for life than what I perceive in other cultures like my own, the British, the Australian or the US. I deduce that France has not changed and must not change. France shall stand fast holding on to its rebel character, to outstanding creativity, individuality, love, romance, the tasteful and the beautiful. From France we got the fine foods, the fine wines, the Champagne, the perfume, the couture, the flirting and the "affair". I do not want the French to be assimilated, I want them as they are and how they always have been, an avant-garde asset to the world, a world heritage and the most romantic place on planet earth. Keep your fingers away from France, don't touch this jewel. Let them keep the "affair". The "affair" is passion and hurt the involved but not the bystanders. And by the way, the "affair" is a private matter of Francois Hollande.

onsdag 8 januari 2014

FRA Sweden gets FASCIA tools from NSA?

It does seem that the Swedish spying agency FRA has got the latest tools from their US partner NSA enabling it to do things earlier not even imagined and now is eager to get going with surveillance of the entire population. What Swedish media does not warn of or possible unaware about, is what today can be done with such a surveillance capability as the system provides for real-time location tracking of individual citizens.

The Swedish minister of Justice is opening up for the regular police force and the secret service to receive FRA surveillance information per request. This is a strong indication that FRA already has these systems up and running and has been lobbying to start using them in real-life situations. What really makes a big difference here is that authorities not only can listen to and read our communications but also follow our movements in real-time. At the end this is worse than the Orwellian society of the book 1984 and much closer to the world of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator movies where computers and machines set out to control and annihilate humanity.

tisdag 7 januari 2014

The latest blunder in Swedish politics - Beatrice Ask

The Swedish minister of Justice Beatrice Ask made a statement about a Huffington Post hoax claiming that 37 persons died from use of legalized Marijuana the first day of sales in Colorado. She took the hoax for real and re-posted it on her personal Facebook page. Not only that but she tried to take personal advantage of the situation claiming that her views always had been that of fighting the use of Marihuana by legal means i.e. keeping it illegal and enforcing it by all means.

This is serious offense by a minister of the Swedish government as her blunder may cause serious repercussions regarding freedom of speech. There is currently an ongoing discussion in Sweden regarding hate on the net. Some groups are taking the issue that far that they demand legislation limiting freedom of speech. Minister Ask’s error caused a righteous storm of criticism against her on the social Medias while these groups are trying to brand it “net hate”. If the minister omits submitting a serious apology thus backing these groups up, we may have legislation coming severely limiting freedom of speech and the Orwellian society of 1984 is at the doorstep with any sitting or coming government.

As a public person you may have many followers on your social media sites. Lies posted by such a person will spread like wild-fire with the possibility to become truth in a large part of the population. A majority of the followers are "members" of the "fan club" and are not likely to verify the information. This is why Government politicians should be forbidden to publish their political views on social media.

The best for all would be if JM Beatrice Ask left her apology and resigned.