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lördag 20 februari 2016

Trafficking - will man ever be able overcome his need to control women

I saw the Whistleblower movie the other day. I know what trafficking is since long before and I am more up to date with it today than ever but this one broke my heart, it made me sad, disgusted, angry furious. This happened at the end of the Balkan war, around 1995 and the coming years, was reported by Kathy Balkovac a UN human rights investigator placed in Bosnia around the millennium resulting in her dismissal from the UN force 2001 with no follow-up and no punitive actions by the UN. Kathy found out that her own colleagues at the UN IPTF - International Police Task Force, the NATO SFOR troups, DynCorps, the US State Department's personnel subcontractor for the UN Mission and the local police were using prostitutes at the brothels, engaged in and supporting the trafficking. Every time she took action, going trying to shut down a brothel, arresting the responsible's and freeing the girls, someone of her colleagues knowing about the planned bust alerted the trafficking ring leaders, even showed up before her at the location preventing her from doing her job. This resulted in that girls at the brothels brutally got punished, sometimes killed and thrown to rot.

Almost in the beginning of this movie I made the connection to another UN trafficking scandal revealed in 2015 where Anders Kompass, "whistleblower" and a field operations director at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCR) when he was fired for disclosing details to the press about UN peacekeepers misconduct relating to prostitution and trafficking in the Central Republic of Kongo. This is more than 10 years after Kathy Balkovac was dismissed by the UN. I have in earlier blog posts written about a corrupt and impotent United Nations making it easy for me asking for the dismantling of the entire organization, though I have a better idea, why not moving it's head quarters to Russia, disconnecting it from the sticky fingers of the US and it's State Department. How could it be that the UN continues on the trajectory of corruption?

Thai porostitues waiting for business
Now, let us turn our eyes in another direction, still with the same subject in mind, trafficking, prostitution and abuse of women. Thailand developed a prospering business of trafficking and prostitution beginning in the 60:ties, and it is still with us 56 years later and the whole world knows. How did it start, how could I know that never set a foot on Thai soils? Well, the Vietnam war of course. The US military used Thailand as base for recreation, healing and replenishment of energy for it's warn-out warriors. They were sent to Thailand to recuperate their spirits, to heal their wounds and forget about horrors encountered and atrocities committed. Thailand a paradise, Bangkok a huge developing brothel. A US soldier could get anything here according to his preferences, any age, any gender, If the soldier at the time was bound to wheel-chair, he could arouse himself watching a Thai girl shooting ping-pong balls out off her Vagina while having a beer or a drink, whatever wishes he had would be fulfilled. Am I making up a lie, a story, I don't think so. I have been living in the US and met vet's that went there.

Blackwater contractor criminals
Let us us reflect over more recent times. Since the Vietnam war we have had plenty of wars of significance going on for years, all of them with the US engaged and with massive movements of needy young men to the war zones. We have Afghanistan and Iraq still burning after 15 years. What do you think about that considering the earlier stated in this post? The same thing of course, the only difference is that the girls used and abused are of different nationalities. The UN is there of but perhaps not like before, for peacekeeping efforts, more like in a cleaning-up effort, providing food and shelter for dislocated humans. Are we talking about 100% US federal resources doing the warring and the administration within war zones? Of course not, as the US always tried to outsource certain matters to private corporations like the DynCorp and Blackwater known from the Nisour square massacre leaving 17 innocent civilians dead and many more wounded among others, making it less possible to blame the US for wrong-doings, ruthless corporations and individuals that niche'd themselves into doing the dirty-works for the US State Department, reaping huge profits from US tax payers money, many times connected directly to US senators handing them a deal, a deal for freedom, a deal for the American dream making it instead a world havoc, reflecting about latter coming ISIS and the Syrian disaster.

Here in Sweden we made away with the strip-tease clubs/parlors since way back. In the US they are commonplace. I can't understand such a culture where every bachelors party has to end up in a strip-tease joint with the guys sticking dollar bills into the panties of a woman. I personally see the US culture as more macho and militaristic than Latin cultures. I also see the macho North-american culture as the culprit for why still have women around the world being mistreated, sexually abused, violated and tortured. You don't take women's claims and rights seriously. You make films about atrocities and abuse, but they come late and they are nothing but a confession of the lips. There are US military bases in most countries all over the world with horny, unsatisfied young men in need to be calmed down by pussy.

My prayer: "God, please save us from having either Ted Cruz or Donald Trump becoming the next president of the USA".

Ted or Donald will lead us down the pit of hell. If I was a Republican, I would go for Putin as the candidate line-up looks like right now. Both Ted and Donald are scary propositions not only for the world but for the US too.

And for you reading this, don't let anyone or anybody call you a "whistle-blower" it is a term invented in the US meaning someone that breached confidence, a traitor - no matter the underlying grounds for your claims. Sue anybody and anyone, the press, some federal or municipal authority branding you as a whistle-blower. You that had the courage to report wrong-doings is a human rights activist, nothing else. Don't take that medal for being a "whistle-blower" as it is an insult.

My thoughts goes to two brave individuals, that risked their life's in front of the face of their corrupted employers: Kathy Balkovac and Anders Kompass.

#justice4cindy #humanrights #humantrafficking #arkofhope #goptownhall #sextrafficking #enditmovement

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