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This book is about the times at the Second World War end and what happened just before the ending and up to later years with respect to t...

söndag 21 februari 2016

The problem of war zone trafficking and prostitution and an unorthodox solution to it

Soldiers exposure to deadly situations is known to cause a multitude of mental ailments, the one most talked about is the PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Once the soldier is diagnosed he will be brought out of active duty mostly because he constitutes a danger to his comrades. Home again it doesn't mean much in the civil society not even if goes hurting himself or going on a rampage killing people, the poor soul will be deemed mentally fit and judged accordingly even though he initially was diagnosed with PTSD.

Abu Graib prison
Not much talked about is another kind of stress arising from deadly situations and from being crammed into barracks with other young men, sexual frustration. Sexual frustration needs treatment and it is no understatement that soldiers frequent bars and brothels on their spare-time, some will rape and kill women on duty. Imagine ten thousands of young men coming to places that earlier had a normal civil life, no trafficking worth mentioning and with limited prostitution, Suddenly there is a huge demand from soldiers looking for sexual release and as a consequence there is a market booming, a market that grows so fast that it requires girls from other places to satisfy the needs. Girls will be sold to traffickers by their families, others will taken by force, kidnapped on the streets. Everybody involved will give after for corruption, even officers and administrative military personnel from the intervening nation.

It seem that the ones planning and undertaking military ventures never contemplated this as a problem not even the UN sending military personnel for peace keeping missions. In the case of the Pentagon, war is its business so it will shun war-crimes committed by their own forces, it will shun the prostitution problem it created but in the case of UN peace-keeping missions it is much more difficult to comprehend why nothing has been thought and less been done as the UN has a department in charge of monitoring human rights violations and to prosecute crimes against humanity. UN soldiers have the same needs as the ones sent out by the Pentagon but it's soul and mission has a conscience.

Sex Tourism Thailand
Let us take a little time thinking about what happens when a military venture is over and soldiers are being brought home or elsewhere, like the examples of Iraq and Afghanistan. We have trafficking and huge supply of prostitutes and a lot of people that is living out of this now but the local demand is quickly falling. What follows next is twofold, the near zone trafficking will turn global, girls are shipped like cattle to other countries, tourism to the former war zone will start to increase and the first ones to arrive is the sex-tourist, There is no easy solution to this situation created by war and by an unscrupulous, medieval thinking and ruthless military that always looked away from the problem with sex-needy troops. If the country before the war had a culture of corruption, it will now be more corrupt and a have a grave situation concerning trafficking and prostitution to deal with.

The solution

The nation USA, the foremost country in the world when it comes to wage wars in contemporary times is known to have a flourishing sex industry, large scale production of pornographic's, sex fairs, brothels and an immense number of domestic prostitutes. A military intervention does not have to devastate another nation by escalating trafficking and prostitution. Well thought and accepting that this is a problem owned by the intervening nation, the problem is easily solved by doing what Alexander the Great and the Roman emperors did on military field missions, they brought the prostitutes with them as part of the supporting troops, the tail. The US military could do the same, even paying for flying them in and out, paying them wages for their services. Girls in the US sex industry are no innocent poor souls, most of them are shrewd business women, they would not get hurt. Would Pentagon loosing face for engaging in prostitution? We do not need to call it prostitution, let us call it therapy for sexual release as all parties engaged are aware and willing to do it, all paid for in advance. Who knows how things like this would be seen by a macho and religious nation. One thing is for sure, it would keep a lot of innocent young women from falling into the hands of ruthless traffickers, saving their lives. Pentagon, the UN and the world would become less corrupt and hypocritical. Another positive effect of this unorthodox thinking would be that people in the intervened nation could see the US as the liberator and not as the violator by keeping its soldiers from tainting local women with their semen and disdain.

It is only to bite the bullet... or to swallow this hypothetical dildo...:)


lördag 20 februari 2016

Trafficking - will man ever be able overcome his need to control women

I saw the Whistleblower movie the other day. I know what trafficking is since long before and I am more up to date with it today than ever but this one broke my heart, it made me sad, disgusted, angry furious. This happened at the end of the Balkan war, around 1995 and the coming years, was reported by Kathy Balkovac a UN human rights investigator placed in Bosnia around the millennium resulting in her dismissal from the UN force 2001 with no follow-up and no punitive actions by the UN. Kathy found out that her own colleagues at the UN IPTF - International Police Task Force, the NATO SFOR troups, DynCorps, the US State Department's personnel subcontractor for the UN Mission and the local police were using prostitutes at the brothels, engaged in and supporting the trafficking. Every time she took action, going trying to shut down a brothel, arresting the responsible's and freeing the girls, someone of her colleagues knowing about the planned bust alerted the trafficking ring leaders, even showed up before her at the location preventing her from doing her job. This resulted in that girls at the brothels brutally got punished, sometimes killed and thrown to rot.

Almost in the beginning of this movie I made the connection to another UN trafficking scandal revealed in 2015 where Anders Kompass, "whistleblower" and a field operations director at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCR) when he was fired for disclosing details to the press about UN peacekeepers misconduct relating to prostitution and trafficking in the Central Republic of Kongo. This is more than 10 years after Kathy Balkovac was dismissed by the UN. I have in earlier blog posts written about a corrupt and impotent United Nations making it easy for me asking for the dismantling of the entire organization, though I have a better idea, why not moving it's head quarters to Russia, disconnecting it from the sticky fingers of the US and it's State Department. How could it be that the UN continues on the trajectory of corruption?

Thai porostitues waiting for business
Now, let us turn our eyes in another direction, still with the same subject in mind, trafficking, prostitution and abuse of women. Thailand developed a prospering business of trafficking and prostitution beginning in the 60:ties, and it is still with us 56 years later and the whole world knows. How did it start, how could I know that never set a foot on Thai soils? Well, the Vietnam war of course. The US military used Thailand as base for recreation, healing and replenishment of energy for it's warn-out warriors. They were sent to Thailand to recuperate their spirits, to heal their wounds and forget about horrors encountered and atrocities committed. Thailand a paradise, Bangkok a huge developing brothel. A US soldier could get anything here according to his preferences, any age, any gender, If the soldier at the time was bound to wheel-chair, he could arouse himself watching a Thai girl shooting ping-pong balls out off her Vagina while having a beer or a drink, whatever wishes he had would be fulfilled. Am I making up a lie, a story, I don't think so. I have been living in the US and met vet's that went there.

Blackwater contractor criminals
Let us us reflect over more recent times. Since the Vietnam war we have had plenty of wars of significance going on for years, all of them with the US engaged and with massive movements of needy young men to the war zones. We have Afghanistan and Iraq still burning after 15 years. What do you think about that considering the earlier stated in this post? The same thing of course, the only difference is that the girls used and abused are of different nationalities. The UN is there of but perhaps not like before, for peacekeeping efforts, more like in a cleaning-up effort, providing food and shelter for dislocated humans. Are we talking about 100% US federal resources doing the warring and the administration within war zones? Of course not, as the US always tried to outsource certain matters to private corporations like the DynCorp and Blackwater known from the Nisour square massacre leaving 17 innocent civilians dead and many more wounded among others, making it less possible to blame the US for wrong-doings, ruthless corporations and individuals that niche'd themselves into doing the dirty-works for the US State Department, reaping huge profits from US tax payers money, many times connected directly to US senators handing them a deal, a deal for freedom, a deal for the American dream making it instead a world havoc, reflecting about latter coming ISIS and the Syrian disaster.

Here in Sweden we made away with the strip-tease clubs/parlors since way back. In the US they are commonplace. I can't understand such a culture where every bachelors party has to end up in a strip-tease joint with the guys sticking dollar bills into the panties of a woman. I personally see the US culture as more macho and militaristic than Latin cultures. I also see the macho North-american culture as the culprit for why still have women around the world being mistreated, sexually abused, violated and tortured. You don't take women's claims and rights seriously. You make films about atrocities and abuse, but they come late and they are nothing but a confession of the lips. There are US military bases in most countries all over the world with horny, unsatisfied young men in need to be calmed down by pussy.

My prayer: "God, please save us from having either Ted Cruz or Donald Trump becoming the next president of the USA".

Ted or Donald will lead us down the pit of hell. If I was a Republican, I would go for Putin as the candidate line-up looks like right now. Both Ted and Donald are scary propositions not only for the world but for the US too.

And for you reading this, don't let anyone or anybody call you a "whistle-blower" it is a term invented in the US meaning someone that breached confidence, a traitor - no matter the underlying grounds for your claims. Sue anybody and anyone, the press, some federal or municipal authority branding you as a whistle-blower. You that had the courage to report wrong-doings is a human rights activist, nothing else. Don't take that medal for being a "whistle-blower" as it is an insult.

My thoughts goes to two brave individuals, that risked their life's in front of the face of their corrupted employers: Kathy Balkovac and Anders Kompass.

#justice4cindy #humanrights #humantrafficking #arkofhope #goptownhall #sextrafficking #enditmovement

söndag 7 februari 2016

George Soros, the devil or Messiahs - travelling the Silk route...

George Soros - gambler
George Soros, with roots in a world without morals or ethics, Romania, the east bloc of the world, sometimes said to be the inventor of hedge funds is now playing the game of his, this time betting against China as he once was betting against some European countries like Sweden. Recently arrived in Sweden with wife and kids after many years living abroad, I was confronted with the Swedish currency the “Krona” falling, interest rates on my loans going up to 500% because someone was gambling with the currency soon to be discovered being this Romanian bastard now US resident George Soros.

George Soros is of course an unprecedented financial genius to be admired but when the person has this eastern corrupt gene being used by another government with the desire to remain the super-power of the world he becomes nothing but a criminal, as well as those making him prosper for its own evil reasons.

Here you have: Hedge funds, As such, they generally avoid direct regulatory oversight, bypass licensing requirements applicable to investment companies, and operate with greater flexibility than mutual funds and other investment funds. Hedge funds are like betting and subjected to manipulation. In the betting world manipulation of games and athletes is the norm of the game even though illegal. The same applies to hedge funds, manipulation of markets is commonplace and many times with the administration of nations behind, impossible to impeach or incriminate.

Hedge funds are gambling outside of what is regulated by law. Hedge funds is like betting though betting is illegal when it comes to manipulate the outcome of a betting object, like a game of soccer, American football, world tennis and likes. The “hedge fund” business is like looking away from the doping problem in world sports, why? Invented in the USA by the genius Soros, used by a government to manipulate currencies of the ROW (Rest of the world), to its own benefit.

Now, while some nations got hang of what could happen not playing by the North-American Flute, some emerging economies earlier supported by US business, the ones producing most of its labor intense products, whatever moved from home to China and has struggled to become prominent on the world markets, even trying to become a world leader by creating new trade routes – the Silk route, agreements, introducing its currency, the Yen as a world currency similar to the dollar.

If this was not a threat, even though peaceful, how would a threat look like? This is where George Soros comes in , 85 years old, still not giving in to age, he could do it again what he did to European economies in the 90ties. At the Davos meeting he wrote down the economic outlook of China so much that the stock market begun to plummet.

Is George Soros detesting communist China or is there anything else behind the master of hedge funding? China has recently tried to create new trade routes and trade agreements trying to make its currency a parallel to the dollar with the US making notice of its position as an eroding world power. It is in the interest of the US having Chinese ambitions fall through without being found with the fingers in the cookie jar, trying hard to avoid noticeable foul play. This is where old-timer George Soros comes in. For George a successful venture to destabilize China will render his enterprise wealth beyond the imaginable if he was to succeed. But at the same time George is on the brink of the grave, why would he endeavor to do it again?

I would rather see a world without people like George Soros, but it is just a matter of some few years before he is dead and dust, not to be replaced by anyone as evil and any government using his evil genius will also fall from power and grace. He has hurt so many hardworking people.

Give up breath George, don't cause decent people more pain.