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måndag 11 januari 2016

Another step towards racial strife in Europe

I hate politics. I think the devil invented politics to create an eternal and smoldering divide between humans. The dark side seems to be on the rise again in Europe. There is for sure a lot of hatred against immigrants and since from far earlier the evolution of a multicultural Europe a process that started hundreds of years ago, long before than most know or would like to acknowledge.

We already have several nationalistic “white” movements in most countries in the union just waiting for opportunity to make their voices heard cleverly, using unfortunate events for their populism. What happened in Cologne, Hamburg and Helsinki and certainly also in Oslo and Stockholm over the New Year’s Eve, even though no problems concerning robbery, rape and sexual molestation's was reported from the latter, there will be repercussions, there is already news about mobs attacking young immigrant men.

In Sweden news about similar events from last
summer is emerging and where the police decided not to make a lot of fuzz about it, instead reporting that the festival in question progressed without disturbances of any kind. Now, even the government is demanding an investigation about why it was all hushed up. Young women come forward telling their stories about how they were fondled and groped, eager hands sneaking up under their skirts while rounded up by groups of young men.

At the same time women with feminist background speaks out about men’s violent behavior against women implying that the problems not relate to ethnicity or culture but to men in general. White young girls claim that the boys molesting them were of non-Swedish origins, colored girls claim that there were young boys of Swedish origin among the molesters.

I do understand the Swedish police looking away from this problem; they don’t want to add fuel to an already infected society resulting in racial riots and mobs killing immigrants on the streets. I do understand Swedish mainstream politicians instructing the police chiefs how pull strings to avoid racial strife in Sweden but as it looks now, the situation has caught us all up giving the immigrant hostile forces credit for their stance.

I have a feeling we are heading for disaster, the Nazis blamed the Jews for all the hard-ships that the German nation had suffered after the First World War and as the economic outlook of present days Europe look less than promising, the Swedish Neo-Nazi movements in disguise are doing the same, blaming immigrants instead and in particular anyone of Muslim faith. In the last election the Swedish Democrats (SD) gained 13% of the votes becoming the third largest party in Sweden. Since then, polls indicate that they are approaching 20% and this before the sexual molestation stories involving young single asylum seeking men from the Middle East and North Africa.

This is politics and about how the devil reads the holy bible to us, for his glory but unfortunately for the demise of man-kind. The devil is not against man, he is against God but willing to lay earth in ashes and ruin just to win and to be seen as the great character he thinks he is.

We must all stand up against that sort of politics, against racism, against nationalism. We need to understand that our good life and living is because not only by our own efforts but because of all the work being done for us by those struggling for a living outside of our own borders. We are all one. It is time to pay back with love. If we perish because of this we will perish knowing it was all for love. Love is the greatest.

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