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A tale from times to never revisit again - my mother making it at no odds

This book is about the times at the Second World War end and what happened just before the ending and up to later years with respect to t...

onsdag 10 juni 2015

Sustainable planet, sustainable humanity, don't think so.

So much delusion without end in this world that it at times feels difficult to continue living. When people don't care about or don't know what they do or are consuming I believe that there is nothing more appropriate than that disasters come down on us.

Latest news from my fine country of Sweden. Sweden once a modest country coming to anything, to consuming to spending to laurels from schools and to pretending, has gone from modesty to flamboyance, driving city monsters like the Hummer, Porches, Ferrari's, fine dining, fine drinking, fine vacations at exclusive resorts around the world. Talking about delicatessen that once was for the knowing and the rich only, like fine cheeses from Italy and France, Salamis mainly from Italy, the best coffees of the world, really any pick from the dinner tables of the wealthiest of the world, seem to be what is talked about any day of the week and most important in life to the Swede in general.

Meanwhile "small" scandals are popping up and disappearing as quickly as they were presented, almost every day. When the fumes has scattered, it will be forgotten as if it was dealt with, but not. Every scandal comes bordered with a sunny promise and forecast for the future like some unknown entrepreneur, wonder-child that came up with a patented process, how to make food out of feces. Just shove the dirt and dust under the carpet to continue like nothing happened.

Take this latest concerning the goat cheese known as chevre. With all the fancy cravings came the craving for chevre to Sweden, so much that in later years national production was taken up, but as every non-ignorant person knows, milk does not come without a mammal giving birth, like in this case the goat. Without any culture of eating goat meat in Sweden came the question, what to do with the goat's off-spring? The answers was, exterminate them and send the bodies for incineration, which the producers did. Goat meat is delicious and eaten in many countries of the world but never to be found in a supermarket or at the butcher here in Sweden. I can accept the guilt and eat the meat of an animal if it was treated with dignity and as a sacrifice for my good but inhumane treatment of any living being on the planet I detest.

Second scandal this very same day is concerning human waste - garbage - that today has become a commodity traded between countries. Sweden with it's numerous thermo-electric  plants has since far back started to accept/receive garbage from other nations of the world, for payment of course, a lucrative business. Now this story about about the ashes dumped from one of those plants at a local community dump where environmental inspectors found out the streams and ground water around the dump are polluted way above existent permitted levels for toxicity. How could anything like that happen in Sweden, a country at the forefront early and for years at the forefront when it comes to caring for the environment?

The answer to the "why did we do it" as far as the scandals above mentioned, is, the material world, the money comes before any other concern. The Swede does not act like a Swede anymore, more like our less scrupulous friend North America. There is one important difference though, if something goes wrong in North America there will be a public law-suit costing the offender the shirt, if anything goes wrong in Sweden it will either be "talked" down or come down as a cost on the public, that is taxes.¨

My guess for the next major scandal here in Sweden will be taking the nuclear power plants out of service. Some of the plants once owned and run by the state were sold to private energy companies now endangering their financial health. No one up to today has come out with an estimate of what the closing of a nuclear power-plant will cost to decommission. These companies know that the cost is way above means of survival and talks have started to return the issue to the state, to the nation, that is, taxes.

There are so many other bothering and disturbing things in this world that I almost every day ask myself, why bother. I feel that whatever I write or whatever I would do in helping this world to a sound "modus operandi", it would be pointless.

I like and endorse Kosher and Halal, because before slaughtering the animal, forgiveness is asked for. A thought is given to a dear friend before committing the sacrifice, something that we in the west have forgotten in favor of mass-production, time and money.

Then to the quote of the day: Asking this friend about if he ate pork he answered: I don't eat pork but I love bacon...:)

We could change all this by abandon taboos when teaching or kids in school and by being open to our kids at home, not giving them the "baby-treatment" or seeing them as our keep-sake's. Children are our obligation, we don't own them, they are individuals with all the rights to know.

Let us fight ignorance, because it is the highway to hell. It will invade our since long non-ignorant cultures because of our own lust to increase our own power (European Union).

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