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måndag 16 mars 2015

Ethnic or religiouis belonging - an obstacle to unity and peace on earth

Childrens in Ghaza cleaning out rubble after....
For me, time to speak out about as the chatter is getting so annoying that it bothers me. Etnicity or religious belonging never was an issue for me, I am not concerned about what sort of ethnic or religious background I came out of, Finnish father, Russian mother from the Finnish Ingermanland region. I don't know of what ethnicity they belonged to, to know I would need to exhume my dead father to try his DNA or to swab my mother at the nursing home then send samples to a lab with the specific question, what are they, what were they of? I myself would mix with any race, ethnic or religious individual I would fall in love with and I would expect my offspring to be fully accepted human beings by anyone on planet earth.

I don't exhibit symbols of my ethnic, racial or religious origin walking around on the streets, I did not send my kids to schools with a particular ethnic or religious teaching, I don't segregate myself from others by living in protected societies within my nation and I do not see a reason to protect ethnic or religious groups isolating themselves from the societies they live in. No God in the universe is worth such a sacrifice.

Hitler did have a vision about the arian race and went for lengths establishing the "Lebensborn" program but already apart and much earlier there were others protecting the lineage of a people in similar ways with their genetical institutes verifying the lineage of their priests, even their citizens, today by DNA testing approving or disapproving their priests and even citizens.

Now, if you live as a subculture within a society or a nation, cant you take responsibility for yourself, to protect yourself instead of asking us that does not favor your clinging to the past to do it for you? Do you understand that you are making yourself a target for hatred by segregating yourself from the society you live in, making your offspring an obvious and easy target by concentrating your children in schools of a particular ethnicity or religion, and yourself congregating in temples exclusively made for you and your beliefs?

You have your people inside all functions of society and yet you call out loud: we don't feel safe with you others, protect us from you, you have to do more for us. This kind of moaning and self-pity creates nothing else than fatigue and hatred in the ones that doesn't honor your attachments.

The solution to your and our problem on the the planet is: disintegrate your sub-culture, assimilate and submit to the society in which you are living, as your God more than once hinted you to do by saying: I am from now on the God of anyone on planet earth, not your exclusive one any more (AD 70).

Long since, your god went global, making him a available to any sincere living being on the planet and you became like the rest of us. Accept that and we will have peace on earth. Drop your sub-culture, ethnicity, symbols, festivities, mix and match with the rest of us that wasn't anointed by your God and we will have peace and survival on earth.

I do not know who to feel sorry for, Muslims or Jews, but these 2 religions accounts for the horrible situation we all have to live, wars, atrocities committed to other religious groups, terrorism, state funded terrorism, assassinations. To prevent our nations from falling into "Nazi" trap, with dictatorships, race breeding programs, racial purification and hence genocide we have to be alert and open not letting unrest corrupt our civil systems, but it is difficult as long people cling to ethnicity and religion segregating themselves from others within our democratic societies in the west.

And to you that believes in God, do not confess (express) fear and doubt, confess trust and faith as the former is a confession to the evil, dividing us and hence defeating a prosperous future for humanity.

You may call me anti-Semitic or anti Muslim if you want but I'll just brush it off as if I got dirt on my shirt. I will give no preference to people segregating themselves from humanity like Muslims or Jews, weather what they bring is for the good or for the bad. Being politically correct has never been my strong side. The more I understand from the bible and especially the New Testament the more I am understanding how the "word" has been used to "twist" the minds of my world.

Don't look for God outside of yourself as you will never find him, God is within the perfect creation, that is within yourself.

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