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tisdag 4 november 2014

Is the horrendous drug abuse among Hong Kong bankers really an isolated issue?

Rouge banking
The aversion for bankers is nothing new but for me starting yesterday with continuation today my aversion turned into raging anger learning of a real life horror story, a British banker in Hong Kong turning into the "American psycho" by killing as it appears 2 escort women or possibly prostitutes in his luxuary apartment situated in the Wan Chai district of Hong Kong island. Reading about it, it felt bizarre, but those things happen all the time and all over the world so I could leave it with just an uneasy and sad feeling for the victims and their families. It was not until today Nov, 4 when I saw another article written by an anonymous alleged former Hong Kong banker, that "came out" writing about his own HK (Hong Kong) experience after hearing about the Bank of America Merrill Lynch former employee killing the girls that I totally lost hope for banks and bankers, finance and investor "pups" and their likes, with a strong feeling of complete disgust. This man told the story of widespread Cocaine abuse, drinking and use of prostitutes or any combination thereof. He said that 30 out of the 100 westerner friends he had, mostly bankers used Cocaine on a regular basis. He mentioned that he had worked as a banker in other parts of the world like Sidney Australia and London England but that those didn't measure up at all to the situation in HK. His last words in the article were "leaving HK saved my life".

I do not believe that the situation regarding drug abuse in the other big financial cities of the world is very much different as this banker was implying, the culture of New York, London, Sidney, Singapore, Stockholm is just different in a way were there is much more to loose which mean the abuse has gone covert (hidden). This is not an isolated HK problem, it is a global one and suspecting that drug use (especially Cocaine) is widespread among personnel within the banking and financial sector is probably just as the salary levels and benefits are extremely high enabling a living and a mindset towards vice,

Now, what makes me angry is that bankers on drugs are managing the world economy, my economy, despite so many scandals, so much fraud, insider trading, manipulation and overt greed. And like pouring gasoline over an already raging fire my anger grows when I realize that the chief executive officers, the chairmen's and the owners of those banks/institutions are reluctant to the whole situation regarding drug use within their corporations.

I do not want, the people of this World do not want banker drug junkies putting life's, our economies and savings at risk. I therefore petition you the chief executive officers, chairman's and owners of banks, insurance companies, credit institutes and other financial institutions to drug test your employees, from the bottom all the way up to yourself.

Your corporations are in the forefront driving drug- production, -smuggling, -wholesale, -retail, fueling gangwars, keeping drug cartels in the business and murdering innocent people.

If you haven't already implemented the suggested drug screening of your employees, please start the process already tomorrow, this for better world and as an example for others.

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