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onsdag 15 oktober 2014

don't stand-up Ebola, please take it seriously

Ebola protective gear?
Mel Robbins a brave women from the United States of America is heard talking about something she calls "Fear-Bola" a decease of the mind sparked by news frenzy about Ebola. I would not call this woman brave, I would call her frisky, that is downright stupid. I do not mind sexually frisky woman as I am sexually frisky myself though I am picky about subjects to joke about and Ebola is a no joke. Ebola is as a much a threat to the global world as ISIS (branded ISIL by Barack Obama in disrespect, like war lords do to belittle each other). Why fear anything, as our time on earth is limited, our time will come and for some it will mean suffering, long time suffering, sometimes bed-bound sometimes bound to a wheel-chair and a bed while Ebola or ISIS will offer us a pretty speedy departure from what the Buddhist call Samsara. Just imagine how fast our lights would be turned of by being beheaded in contrast to have our body covered by Napalm (Vietnam) burning to our demise in agony.

Mel Robbins is nothing else than a Twitter queen, I myself is Twitter king, Google+ DJ and your pain in the back, your hemorrhoids on Facebook, and the net is full of those and I did not even know that she existed or that she had got some ridiculous "Twittering award". The difference is what world media picks up to publish and pretty quickly to fade and die in the wink of the mind and in this case CNN (I don't know if this frisky woman's writing was published by other media).

Now, what is my concern. Primarily, Ebola constitutes not only a threat to our minds but also a real threat to spread and kill us, everywhere on planet earth. I don't fear it that much myself, I lived a pretty long interesting life but I do not want this to happen to my kids or anyone else when we could do better than die for a decease like this, with all that knowledge we already have.

I have been writing a few articles about Ebola the past 3 weeks and in one of them I mentioned that I considered volunteering going to Africa as it appeared that it was difficult to find willing people. For me myself it is far from realistic, I am tied down to where I am for family reasons and if I abandoned my self-imposed responsibilities, there would be no one to fill in my space. As I am concerned I am following the developments, the containment and rescue operations by different organizations of the world and of course what we are doing over here in Sweden to contribute. Suddenly all spots that my government is willing to support combating Ebola is filled up, really overfilled, the budget of 30 persons has gotten 35. I am watching a news program about how they are trained, in particular about gear, about how to dress and undress. When I see the gear they are offered, that is the clothing, the masks, how they are instructed to dress and undress, I realize that there is little hope for this world. Many of those health workers will panic just by wearing those and for that simple reason contract Ebola, others will stay calm and for that reason contract Ebola. The gear they are given is a joke and the classes they are given is another joke. I saw this people wearing the full gear (full metal jacket) and I saw the condensed water on their goggles in a Swedish low temperature setting, In Liberia, Gambia or the Gold Coast, they will have no vision at all in temperatures of 30-40 degrees Celsius, stumbling over all sorts of Ebola contagious matter.

The undressing of the protective gear was the most astounding, they were supposed to undress alone, sticking their by body fluids contaminated glows inside their protective clothing to undress. I could not believe what I saw. I am an engineer, seeing problems everywhere but also solutions to most of them. I immediately recognized the need for "dressers/un-dressers", that is, personnel dedicated to dress and undress personnel that will actively work with Ebola victims.

Personnel working with Ebola patients need hermetically sealed gear like space suits. They need breathing apparatus like for space-walkers or divers and they need a single pair of glows proven scientifically not passing the Ebola virus through, not a pair of regular glows over a pair of another regular glows.

I am loosing faith in humanity when I hear and see things like this.

Well folks, that was just my frustration over the light-footed "blogger" world and over societies/governments not taking matters for serious. Ebola is not a laughing matter. People are dying at an accelerated rate. The mental illnesses is it's causes in the western world and only a symptom how dysfunctional we are.

Our participation (Swedish) to combat Ebola is just something for a stand-up, inflicting more pain, doing more harm than standing back and for you "United States of America", shameful.

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