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A tale from times to never revisit again - my mother making it at no odds

This book is about the times at the Second World War end and what happened just before the ending and up to later years with respect to t...

måndag 6 mars 2017

A retard at the helm of USA, how is the USA taking it and how is the rest of us responding

US Press doing its best or scared as hell being sued, losing their livelihood? This Presidential farce has been going on for too long, the press making circles around the "hot as hell" issues associated to a president grown up with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) since long before developed into a malignant narcissism. Do you want this to continue? Despite criticizing the president of the USA I consider the US press muffled, implicit and even lenient. How could that be? No one single journalist in the US would have to feel threatened to life by opposing the word of his president elect? Never before in history has the world seen such a leader for whatever nation. Isn’t it time to get rid of this corrupt liar bag-a-crap for president? We all know, 7 billions of people around the planet, who Donald Trump is, he’s just another Hugh Hefner or Larry Flynt, hustling innocent and good people just trying to make a decent and honest life for their families and off-spring. There are no signs that it is going to get better for the US and the world. Just go and find a cause for impeaching that son-of-a-bitch. Enough is already enough. It is up to you, while the rest of the world is watching, but not only watching, taking all sorts of measures against your country and your presidents crazy measures and executive orders. Make America Great Again – get rid of Donald Trump, Now, not to become that continent Europe would have to rediscover again after annihilating yourself, Europe loves the new world but not the way you have become. Democrats - you cannot blame the Republicans for this? Republicans, what could I say to you, I really don't know, I do not have a proper word for your absence in this matter, than a bunch of retards caught in the bed with their mistresses, being drunk, smoking weed, doing heavier drugs, I am just baffled loosing the complete sense of what it is to be a responsible person and a decent citizen of a nation. Got it? This thing I just wrote I am going to pursue on all media that is available to me as of now. I had it and I am mad and worried as hell...