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torsdag 3 september 2015

The middle east refugee disaster

Drowned Syrian Toddler
There are millions of refugees all around the eastern and southern borders of the Mediterranean sea, 1,5 million in camps or on the street in Lebanon. Some are in camps, some families are living and sleeping on the street. Most of the children that fled with their parents or relatives cannot go to school as there are no spaces for them, thus held in limbo with respect to their future. We cannot ask a 4 million nation like Lebanon to provide everything for all flooding over their borders.

We can finance decent living and schools for refugees in Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco if politically feasible just to buy time to provide for these people migrating further into Europe, to suspend disasters like people dying on the streets of the middle east or trying to cross the Mediterranean in vessels not sea worthy. We can provide doctors, nurses and teachers, sent to the countries bordering the war zones in the middle east, we can even provide homes and buildings as this situation will persist for a long time - many believes that tomorrow will be different with peace restored, it will not. Europe needs time to provide for living space and work opportunities for all these millions uprooted by wars, we are not prepared, not ready and just letting them in will only create more unrest.

Why not give up on political objectives such as improving schools nationally, such as pumping in money to raise production, improving business climate, create the lowest unemployment in Europe etc. but instead put our national interests on hold and use the resources to improve and stabilize the situation in the countries around the war zones. This for all countries, especially in the core EU states.

The Swedish socialistic government and in particular its foreign minister Margot Wallström is continuing on the old track of opening up for more immigrants, providing jobs and education for more immigrants an impossible task and contrary to what the Swedish people thinks and wants. Thinking outside of the box would be to suspend national growth and use the resources created from raised taxes to provide for immigrants at where they are right now, in war zones bordering countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco, this of course in consent with the governments in those countries.

Then coming to the question of liability; who did this to us? Not a word from the USA and its figurehead Barack Obama. Not a word of economic support considering  the actions that lead up to the situation we are living in this part of the world. Interventions like "hit and run" in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, then dysfunctional diplomacy with respect to Syria and the regime of Bashar al Assad eventually destabilizing the entire region. The Lebanese people are highly critical to the EU and USA with respect to coming to terms with Syria through diplomacy. Thanks to the "failing" US diplomacy, we now have ISIS and another dozen terrorist factions fighting for control.

Well, I think we can do without economic help from the USA, we just have to suspend national growth and use that money to help the people/refugees where the majority is situated for the moment. If this requires military intervention in Libya, so be it. EU needs resolve of this order, we cannot rely on the USA any more.