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lördag 29 augusti 2015

the USA to pay for immigrant disaster in Europe

Disrespect of a fallen soldier
Hordes of refugees pouring in over the seas and over the borders to Europe. This is no cherry picking of the cream of the crop of humans in the middle or the far east, this is millons of people fleeing the terrors in Afghanistan, Iraq and basically all of the region called the "Levant". The situation has gotten out of hand of the EU administration and every particular country of the Union and is being destabilized by it. Before this the EU was hit by the financial disasters created by US banks, insurance companies and credit institutes in 2008. The US treasury service saved the situation nationally but left Europe struggling with the after-math caused by the failing US economy. US media is criticizing Europe for letting people die on the Mediterranean sea, for not providing for the ones managing to cross into its borders. But what is the cause of all this? It all started with the US manipulating the situation in Afghanistan during the Russian intervention and when the Russians were gone abandoning the whole thing and having the entire region fall into clan wars finally resolved with the Taliban's taking it all over and al Qaeda moving in.

Then Saddam Hussein insulted the great nation in the west having the George Bush administration assaulting Iraq in the first Persian gulf war but without finishing the task, bailing out with Saddam Hussein still in power. Then came the NY World Trade Center twin tower disaster orchestrated by, who knows, at September 9 2001 followed by the US intervening in Afghanistan, October 7 2001, intimated by, who knows, figure head president George W Bush, but as I said, figure-head, more by the war toting agencies of the nation as by its puppet spokes-person. Talking about great leaders and in this case great American presidents, there are non, not one single. A US president is nothing but a spokes-person for its agencies and prominent forces of its administration. A US president can be anything from an actor, a Hollywood action hero or a real estate mogul like Donald Trump. He needs to be well polished, dressing up well in a nice suit, nice tie and well polished shoes and an convincing attitude to inflict fear in the leaders of the ROW, that is it. But at the end he is nothing more than whoever you would meet on a US street and if he would venture outside of the limits of the nations agencies he would end up dead as John F Kennedy.

The story continues with the Iraq intervention, initiated March 19 2003, dubbed "Operation Iraqi Freedom". This in recent memory of most educated people of the world was a complete fail, with secterist violence, insurgence and eventually with the birth of the ultra-Islamist movement ISIS. There is one thing I will never belittle or forget and that is when Saddam Hussein said, attacking Iraq will open the gates of hell, because it did. It is perhaps not that obvious to citizens of the US where there is a big and wide ocean separating them from Iraq, Mid East and North Africa, but to Europeans it is as refugees in millions are pouring in over the borders creating havoc, mistrust among citizens and new-comers ultimately sparking radical Muslim movements romancing the ISIS, the Caliphate.

Came the Arabic spring with Tunisia, Libya, Egypt. Somebody in a western state decided to bomb out Ghadaffi assembling the NATO letting havoc on the loose in Libya, then abandoning the whole thing, a hit and run. The US social media let the "Spring" roll on to Egypt, resulting in the Muslim Brotherhood winning the coming up election having "someone" staging another military coupe safeguarding all those endangered "western" military bases in Egypt. Subsequently we see the same story continue in Qatar, then in Yemen, here Saudi Arabia barges in, in cahoots with its ally doing the dirty work to bring order back.

Meanwhile figure-head Barack Obama is filibustering the Syrian situation. Instead of pressuring Bashar al Assad to democratic elections and the negotiating table, a half-ass Hollywood style Syrian regime smearing campaign is initiated letting insurgence get out of hand completely destabilizing the situation in Syria whereof ISIS rises like the bird of Phoenix.

Is the US seeing the European union getting to strong? Was the idea of the US "tinkering tanks" to let go of a problem just to have Europe being weakened by it? Whatsoever, the disastrous situation the Europeans are living, caring for myriads of immigrants, consequential illegal trafficking and a Islamic radicalization getting worse for every day is caused by the US, with or without intentions, perhaps out of stupidity or radical Christian thinking. Now considering that US law and courts seem to rule outside its borders, it seem natural that European law may extend over and into the contiguous US and its territories. It sounds reasonable that the US is liable to pay for damages made to the countries of the the middle and far east and to what consequently is damaging Europe. If an international war criminal court of law would be impossible or ineffective against the US a massive civil class-action suit could do it.

Did it ever occur to you that the world would have been a much stabler and safer place without past US aggression's and interventions? My belief has always been that change has to come from inside whatever suffering nationals of a country have to endure. I do not believe in quick fixes, in armed solutions and in extra-national manipulation of politics in other states, communistic or dictatorships like historically the US has been engaged in for decades, at the end failing in all counts.

The US is by it's failing tactics and strategy converting my peaceful nation into an Islamic Caliphate. I refuse to accept something like that forced upon me.

The US should take full responsibility for its deeds in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Tunisia, Libya and Yemen admitting anybody fleeing from the war zones asylum.

Let us sue them power hungry geopolitical greedy bastards.