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A tale from times to never revisit again - my mother making it at no odds

This book is about the times at the Second World War end and what happened just before the ending and up to later years with respect to t...

onsdag 19 februari 2014

Is the ”sex thing” getting out of hand in the western world and in particular in Sweden?

There is such a focus on sex (crime) in the society today that if I was an alien coming to planet earth I would shortly start believing that “sex” was a serious disease or a heinous crime before getting a deeper understanding of the subject. Enormous resources are put away to staff up the police force for jailing everything from fondlers to pedophiles, including “crimes” that never went further than a perceived verbal insinuation that would be labeled “sexual harassment” in court. With such an importance put on “sex” it also becomes a career path for ambitious persons within the police force and petty crimes like burglary, car theft, gang violence etc. less important leaving that part of the police business understaffed. It could even be hard to get the police to come visiting although a burglary is on-going with the home-owner hiding somewhere inside with the phone in hand calling the 911 number. Situations like the one mentioned happens all the time and recently in Sweden there was this house-owner calling the emergency number where the operator dismissed his call for not being credible. Meanwhile his mother was murdered downstairs and the house put on fire by the burglar. I myself had a situation where somebody threw a large stone through a window from the patio area of the house. I was inside and could not determine if the person outside had used a fire-arm or heavy object to break the window. I called the emergency number in terror, shaking trying to explain what was happening at my house. The operator asked repeatedly: “what do you want me to do”? It took five minutes before I succeeded in convincing him sending a police car and 30 minutes before they arrived, without a dog.  This was not it; the police reported the attempted burglary as vandalism, if they at least had classified it as an assault as there was a live person inside the house.  Why is it like this? The answer is that these types of crimes are of little importance to the society and hence even less to the police force and that is why the police is “hiding” certain crimes so to not they would become “bad statistics” for themselves.

I had to read myself up or remind myself on the rapper Tupac Shakur for an undisclosed reason. I knew that he been shot to death and also that he had been involved in several violent ordeals but I did not remember much detail. Well I figured out that this guy normally carried a licensed registered gun on himself and that he had shot people and also indirectly caused the death of a 5 year old boy and in all cases charges against him had been dismissed. How could that be?  I could not refrain from comparing physical assaults and murder with the so called sex crimes and it appears that it is easier to get away with murder than fondling somebody and if saying that that would be to exaggerate I think we are pretty close to such a situation.

In my own "duck-pond", the petite Kingdom of Sweden it is certainly getting out of hand. The entire world knows about the Julian Assange sex ordeal where not using a condom during consensual sex became a sex crime and where today the ruling principle is that the responsibility of proofing a wrongdoing relies with the accuser now is being violated in that it is for the accused to proof that he is innocent. That is what some feminist law professors and law-makers are trying to achieve over here. While sex is a natural thing exercised frequently by the majority of the adult population and also that the majority of the population are living it without abuse and violations, some are trying to make a potential sex offender out of any man, even male children. Here in Sweden we have come to a situation resembling an Orwellian sexual 1984. If you are a male Swede you should feel ashamed of your gender. Will it come that far that a young male will commit suicide because of shame for the sexuality he was born with?

måndag 17 februari 2014

Swedish rightist/liberal government led by ”moderaterna" abandons its policy of lowering taxes

The last reason to keep a Swedish rightist/liberal oriented government is now gone as it today was announcing that there will be no more lowering of taxes for some years to come, not as G W Bush once did announce: “read my lips, no more taxes”. The explanation for this change of policy by the Swedish PM Fredrik Reinfeldt is that Swedish economy is recovering, a rather strange claim for someone coming from the right-most political party of Sweden; a party easily confused with the Swedish taxpayers association. Some political commentators think that this 180 degree turn is a smart move to counter the socialist opponents of Swedish politics that have been attacking the government claiming it so far has done nothing but down-grading Swedish social welfare. The rightist government has been working hard to sell out the remaining state-owned industries, banks and businesses, privatizing schools, elderly care, medical welfare clinics and the state-operated unemployment agency.

The dire truth behind this move is more like that the funds acquired from the selling out state assets used for several tax-breaks now is running low with a possible state bankruptcy looming unless further tax-cuts are stopped or as PM Fredrik Reinfeldt also stated, that it may be necessary to raise taxes again. And there is not much more to gain from further cutting down the Swedish armed forces that already is cut down to the bare bones and as some military experts claiming possibly would hold off an invasion from the “east” for no more than one week before collapse and surrender.

Surprisingly a move from a party and a government that could be said to stand behind an older tainted German motto: “arbeit macht frei”. Have you heard this before? Does it sound familiar?

So is there a reason for the Swede to hold on to such a government? Well, whoever that comes to the power after the 2014 elections will not have it easy as the “winner” most likely will become the looser - another one-term government that will be blamed for everything that went wrong but truly innocent as the disaster was initiated in the previous terms.